Froome and Wiggins TUEs

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But nobody needs to do it?

Oh I's all part of the entertainment and the reality very often turns out a damn sight weirder than the ravings. This is the sport that brought you such things as intravenous baby food abuse and experimentation with synthetic dogs blood.

The only thing that's usually crazier than how the rules were broken are some of the reasons they can come up with for the results.


Failed Tech Bro
There’s an ex pro who I occasionally meet while out on rides (somewhere between an acquaintance and Fight Club’s single-serving friend) who rode for some Belgian domestic teams in the late 90s, truly the Wild West of drug abuse. He’s got drug stories that would cause the internet to error out and all of which would end with me in the libel courts if I reproduced them.

I’m not entirely convinced by his crazier anecdotes, but he was accurately calling foul over Sky at a time when the sun was shining out of their marginal arses. If some of his other claims/theories/ravings turn out to be true then buckle up fanboys!

Top viz tip - if you get a paywall page for the Washington post then just flip your browser to ‘private’ mode and it won’t pick up the cookie that limits your page views. Private mode is also a good first step in hiding your porn habit Damian.
There’s an ex pro who I occasionally meet while out on rides (somewhere between an acquaintance and Fight Club’s single-serving friend) who rode for some Belgian domestic teams in the late 90s, truly the Wild West of drug abuse. He’s got drug stories that would cause the internet to error out and all of which would end with me in the libel courts if I reproduced them.

I’m not entirely convinced by his crazier anecdotes, but he was accurately calling foul over Sky at a time when the sun was shining out of their marginal arses. If some of his other claims/theories/ravings turn out to be true then buckle up fanboys!

Top viz tip - if you get a paywall page for the Washington post then just flip your browser to ‘private’ mode and it won’t pick up the cookie that limits your page views. Private mode is also a good first step in hiding your porn habit Damian.

I think I've had that same conversation with the same person, I dismissed and put it down to sour grapes at the time but he's not sounding so daft now.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull


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East Sussex
Has anybody ever won "clean" then?, no drugs medicinal or otherwise?.
I read an interview with Frederico Bahamontes (winner TdF 1959) and he said he was always quite leery of messing around with drugs and didn't use them. He was saying this as an old man in his 80s, looking back, with nothing really to win or lose either way; I believe him.
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