HGVs and cyclists

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Legendary Member
She fell in front of a moving truck. It was an accident. What do you mean "
Perhaps they could also make it illegal to use your phone while driving one? https://www.flickr.com/photos/didbygraham/15467058120/sizes/k/

I cannot see what the driver is doing.

But I also see cyclists using phones and even riding without hands. Shouldn't we concentrate putting our own house in order first?

Its really hard to call the kettle black under any circumstances.

Or both

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Legendary Member
Shouldn't we concentrate putting our own house in order first?

How would you propose we start?


Legendary Member
She fell in front of a moving truck. It was an accident. What do you mean "

I cannot see what the driver is doing.

But I also see cyclists using phones and even riding without hands. Shouldn't we concentrate putting our own house in order first?

Its really hard to call the kettle black under any circumstances.

Or both


umm so "we put our own house in order" before we address safety in driving. Number killed by cyclists - zero, number killed by motor vehicles - thousands. But let's fix the zero killed problem first eh!


An Peanut
I agree,make our lorries look like toys.


I remember these little beauties when I cycled in Thailand and some right loonies driving them..

Is that all you have got?

A cyclist using a phone may cause a bruise. The total number of injuries caused by a cyclist using a phone stands at a big fat zero so it's hard to say how dangerous it would be cos it's never been recorded. So, do we concentrate on the vehicles that are doing the actual killing or the safest vehicle least likely to hurt anyone, Mmmm, it's a toughie.
And that is my point exactly. Look after yourselves and don't depend on other people to do it for you.

This is a given, no cyclist looks to come into conflict with other road users. And whilst I don't depend on other people to look out for me, I do expect large vehicles to be driven in a manner befitting of a professional driver. Which means the vehicle being road worthy and mirrors set up correctly, the driver paying attention when out on the road and not blaming the cyclist when a near miss occurs.

I recall watching one of the Lewis's (Sonsofthewinds) videos where he came across a collision which had just occurred, the nearside rear axle of a left turning class II vehicle had gone over a cyclists front wheel. The front wheel as you could imagine was folded in half, and the cyclist was lucky to have no injuries other then a mangled bike. Now I'm sure you are aware (through your extensive HGV experience) that there are no 'blind spots' in the area where the collision occurred. This collision was purely down to driver error in not checking their mirrors when performing a left turn. Now, was the driver contrite? Did he check if the cyclist was ok? Nope, he bleated on about how he had a sticker on the back of his vehicle that said 'Cyclist stay back' so therefore the cyclist was automatically in the wrong.

But, I don't just blame the driver in this video, the manner in which he drove at this particular point in time was a by product of an industry taxed to the hilt which makes it very hard to turn a profit, and a Government to weak to tackle a whole industry because over time (given other external factors) has evolved to make it so the very infrastructure of this country is based on the road network and freight being moved by trucks.

That being said the Tfl/Government could do way more to enforce safer driving in London, presumed liability would be a good start.

Certainly not saying that you should just 'look after yourselves' and give trucks plenty of room, this does not address the issue at all.


What’s the point
Notice that the article specifically talks of 'construction lorries'. They are a separate breed. Mostly paid by the load, it is in their financial interests to get as many loads a shift as possible, regardless of the impact on ANY other road user. Most HGV drivers regard them as a lower order and the sooner our dear Government gets it's common sense brain into gear and outlaws this type of payment system, the better.
I think it should be deemed tipper / muck away rather than construction.

the multi drop courier who delivered a PLC card to me today on site could technically be a construction lorry as it delivered to a construction site . it might be the only construction site he goes to all day . ( it was going to be , I asked out of curiosity , today being cycle to work day.) Guy was really nice and cycles 25 miles to his depot every day , which I would never have found out if the standard hadn't published the "Ban on lorries left turn " headline. he thinks its a damn stupid suggestion .

I think it could work , but is going to be a nightmare to police/enforce/administer.

the glass doors however are agreat idea and I have seen them on several vehicles in London already . NOT tippers though.


Leg End Member
The longer cyclists and lorry drivers keep bickering at each other, the longer the killing will go on.

I've been a cyclist for over 50 years and a lorry driver for over 30 years. I have never met a lorry driver who wants to go out and intentionally kill or hurt people but I have met plenty of cyclists who think it is their god given right to ride on that little bit of road, regardless of the consequences.

There should be a course which allows cyclists to travel in a cab with a lorry driver so they can see what goes on in a cab and what the driver sees. Not that any cyclists would sign up for the course because its not their responsibility, its the drivers.

Well my life is my responsibility and I know what the driver sees. I can't stop trucks coming near me, but I can keep away from them. That's 50% of the battle won.
Tried the opposite approach on here & trucknet.
That was to try and get a HGV driver to cycle with a cyclist, on their daily commute, and see the roads from the cyclists point of view. Not a single volunteer.
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At least we don't have these farking monsters to deal with. This is the one that hit and killed 22-year-old Danish cyclist Rebekka Meyer in September, 2014 as she waited to turn right on a Brisbane street. It has a 7 metre blind spot in front. Seven metres!

View attachment 102454

I really pity Australian cyclists.

So at least be thankful that the vast majority of HGVs in the UK are what is known as 'forward control' where the engine is under the cab and not sticking several metres out in front giving the driver's an even worse forward blind spot.


Charming but somewhat feckless
So at least be thankful that the vast majority of HGVs in the UK are what is known as 'forward control' where the engine is under the cab and not sticking several metres out in front giving the driver's an even worse forward blind spot.

Don't you think that's the point I was making?

the manner in which he drove at this particular point in time was a by product of an industry taxed to the hilt .

Road freight enjoys gigantic subsidies. HGVs are parasites on the roads, they pay virtually nothing toward the damage they cause. You have truckers on twitter boasting about hurting cyclists, you hve rampant anti-cyclist sentiment on trucknet, including "jokes" about killing us and the industry as a whole has the worst criminality rate among road users. The lorry drivers who killed Ms Patel and Mr Neve had between them been banned from driving 25 (twenty five) times. Both got jobs driving 30 ton lorries in the capital. Two cyclists, neither doing anything wrong, killed by men who should never have been allowed behind the wheel. How many more lorry drivers like that are out there? Count how many HGVs overtake you and remember every eighth one is on the road illegally.


Leg End Member
Hasn't Boris jumped the gun in London, trying to steal the thunder?

You're approaching a cross roads, marked lanes, with the intention of turning right. Your required lane is slightly shorter, to allow HGV's to make the turn. Where do you place yourself?

Vehicles in the left hand lane may be using the extra room afforded to them to make a right hand turn. Those in the right hand, likewise, but going left.


Active Member
All my HGV/LGV driving was done in the UK. I drove for Tescos and Sainsburys along with a host of other companies. A quick look through Youtube will show some great examples how cyclists can be total dicks when it comes to riding near lorries or heavy vehicles.

I'm not saying lorry drivers are not to blame but cyclists can do a lot more to keep themselves safe. If there is a 30 ton lorry in front of me, I'm keeping away from it. That's my attitude. But other cyclists have the attitude "Why should I".

Everyone has a responsibility to look out for each other on the road, but cyclists need to look out for themselves first.

Well sort of agree with you on some of your posts, but that is just daft ok stay away from a 40 tonne truck they are dangerous what about a 7.5 tonne truck? or a 3.5 truck? or a 1/2 tonne car? they can be dangerous too so if I stay away from all things dangerous am I ever going to move on my bike ??? why do people who drive over take me with 30 meters to spare then have to brake so fast they end up in the ASL or they pull over so far you can't go up the inside to get to the ASL? police do not enforce crimes against cyclist so yes cyclist get angry and say this is our spot I've a right to be in it which they have.
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