Home improvements - time the house had some TLC!

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As I understood it, frogs up is the correct way and frogs down is the quick way which also saves mortar? The wall I took out was frogs down in places but that seemed a bit silly for a retaining wall that needs to be as strong as possible :laugh: That's what I was told anyway, would be interested to hear if I've been misled :okay:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Frogs up- locks the wall together... some bricklayers [usually working piece work on national housebuilder sites got into the habit of laying facings frogs down with two thin strips of mortar on a bed and two thin strips on the end joints [and hardly any if at all at all on vertical joints on internal blockwork- suppose it left a good key for browning plaster].

The worst case was a Wimpey site some years ago where internal 100 thick masonry walls had blocks laid leaving a half block gap between every block so you had a honeycomb effect with staggered 220 wide holes up the wall so each block had 110 bearing either side with holes below and above... once the plasterboards were up you couldn't tell except there was no sound deadening between rooms!


I cheated a bit 😄 The guys I've hired to drop the kerb helped me out this morning with their mini-digger and dug out the remaining spoil. This will get taken away on Friday leaving me free to continue laying the edge blocks and finish the fence 😊


I've started thinking about the kitchen with the first job being installation of new 22mm mains water pipework. The current pipework is a real mess...


The plan will be to strip this all out then run 22mm from the stopcock around the room, branching off to serve the sink, washing machine and dishwasher, round to the other corner of the room. I'll then run 22mm up to the combi boiler and bathroom upstairs, 15mm to the new downstairs loo and 15mm to the new fridge/freezer for its water chiller and ice dispenser :smile: Unless I change my mind while I'm doing it, or come across any game changers :laugh:


haha thanks both :laugh: I get moaned at for making a mess so it's not really appreciated most of the time. Perhaps if I did one project at a time instead of destroying the whole house it would be looked upon differently :blush::laugh:

I put two more fence panels up this evening after work 😄



I'll tweak the height and level of the barge boards and fence panels before they're fixed in place when I concrete the edge blocks in place :okay:


I spoke to the kitchen company today, bad news again :rolleyes: The HGV driver shortage has screwed up their delivery schedule so the kitchen that was originally due this week then delayed to next week has now been pushed back to the week of 11th October :sad: Mrs Bssll isn't going to be best pleased, another 2 weeks with no kitchen and the house in disarray. On the bright side, it wasn't my fault this time :laugh::becool:


The last load of rubble went today 😊 Earlier I went out to walk the perimeter (doesnt take long) and couldn't believe how big the garden is looking now compared to before. OK, I know it's only little, but a year ago I was measuring up and there seemed barely enough room to park a car down the side yet now there seems to be plenty :laugh: I still had the old measurements from where I'd calculated how many blocks I needed for the drive so figured I'd check - I knew I had made a bit more space with the fence and retaining wall arrangement but was in for a small shock...

Previously I had calculated the driveway at 31.5 square meters - each pack of blocks covers 8.08 so 4 packs would have been enough for 32.3 square meters, barely enough for cuts and cock ups but I had a contingency plan using some spare slate slabs. It now comes out at 35.5 square meters, so I've gained 4 square meters since I last measured, over 10% of extra driveway :wacko::laugh: I've just had to order another pack of blocks to make up the extra :laugh:

Anyway, this is where we are this evening 😊 The end is in sight for the driveway! The dropped kerb is all systems go for Monday/Tuesday next week 😊




My bets are on @Colin Grigson finishing and moving in before @JhnBssll! 😂😂

I don't think there's much doubt there, you wouldn't get very good odds :laugh::laugh:

We chose a kitchen worktop style and bought some floor tiles today :becool: We've gone for a quartz worktop called Flannel - a mottled light grey with a matt finish. The majority of the surfaces were super shiny and we weren't too keen on that. We've gone for a similar finish but dark grey floor tile :okay: I've got Monday off work so will likely try and put them down then - I'll need to pop the cement boards back up and put a bit of tile adhesive under them before I lay the tiles but now they're all cut to size that won't take long :smile:


I spent a few hours this afternoon looking at walls and mulling over pipe routes. Mrs Bssll was very pleased to see the modification I have made to the stairs... The carpet and underlay will be going so I dont need to be too careful, it is one of the last remaining ones that were in the house when we bought it and has definitely seen better days :laugh:


I've made a start, popping a few holes through in to the void under the stairs so I could poke this bit of copper pipe through...


This gives me something to connect up to when I put the water feed in for the new downstairs loo :okay: I'll do the same for the hot water, and will be running the heating flow and return through here too :okay:

This is what it looks like on the other side of the wall - not much progress today, but I'll try and do a bit more tomorrow 😊


The vertical 22mm pipe in the left hand corner will eventually run up the wall, through the ceiling and directly in to the airing cupboard and will be the new mains water feed for everything upstairs, including the combi boiler. Where it reduces from 22 to 15mm on the horizontal run is where it goes through the wall to come out under the stairs. The 15mm continues all to the isolator valve on the right which will be where the fridge freezer plumbs in :okay: I'll be modifiying the area where the cold pipe crosses the two 10mm heating pipes when I drain the heating down - I've made some little fittings to connect the hoses of the plinth heater, you can see one of them a little better in this close up...


Plenty more to do - I'll run 22mm along the back wall of the kitchen next, stopping near the stopcock for connection at a later date. Then I need to pop the floor up in the airing cupboard and work out what the hell I'm going to do up there to connect it all up, and equally important, how I'm going to disconnect the old mains feed and make good :laugh: I'm quite sure the previous owner will have left booby traps, all fun and games... :laugh:
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