Home improvements - time the house had some TLC!

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Huge Member
Fly Fifer
The aircon is installed downstairs now :okay: He's made a nice job of concealing all the cables and pipework within the studwork so I can board over it in the near future :okay:

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Externally he's tagged it on to the existing installation quite nicely - the refrigerant pipework pops out of the wall about 100mm from the existing pipework so he's tee'd it in to the existing trunking, the new bit of black trunking just needs painting to match the old stuff now :okay:

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Then the pipework extends past the original condenser to the new one, identical but 2 years newer 😊

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Once the drains are in and the fence is built these will be nicely tucked away and out of sight. They're both incredibly quiet so you won't know they're there :okay:

Air con ??!! :-/ not something we need up here lol


I had a few hours spare today so I've done a bit more boarding. Fairly slow progress but progress none the less concentrating on the door and window openings.

I nipped out to my local Wickes and bought some insulated plasterboard which is needed in these area's for building regs. The last bit of insulated board was damaged so I got £20 knocked off it which was a result, knowing I didn't need a full board anyway :laugh:

I've used the PU adhesive foam again as it's done a great job elsewhere, this is what it looks like when applied and waiting for it to go tacky...


As you can probably imagine if you're not careful you can make quite a mess quite quickly with this stuff :laugh:

Once I'd put it up around the door I realised I'd forgotten to run the door sensor cable for the alarm:shy: This made an easy job a little more complex but I managed to mark and drill holes at 90 degrees that lined up then used a bit of gear cable to fish the alarm cable through :laugh: I've poked a decent length of it in to the door frame for now so I can pull it back out again when I'm ready to connect a sensor up :okay:



Here is the door and window with edges boarded...


I did another bit of boarding in the hallway before rain stopped play - I have nowhere to cut the board indoors so can only do these bits when its dry out :sad: I was quite pleased when these holes I'd measured and cut lined up :laugh:



At current guess I'm going to be around 2 boards short so I'll need to jump in the van and collect more before I make much more progress, there's only one complete board left in the garage now. I thought I'd ordered enough to have some left over, its amazing how much you get through :laugh:
Well carpet day tomorrow. Two bedrooms fully painted, carpet removed and furniture stashed around the house. Had to shut the bedroom doors because too much hard surfaces make the house echo badly. It will be good to put everything back tomorrow.

After a few new pieces of furniture it'll be done. Then the rest of the house, the garden and maybe something else. Never ending is the way it feels right now. Is it worth it?


I finished boarding the hall and loo today :okay:



Once that was done I decided to concentrate on the hallway and try and get it ready for plaster so set about taping the joints. It always surprises me how long this job takes :laugh:


With that done the last job was to fix the corner trims around the door opening...


Once that's all gone off I'll think about chucking some plaster up, hopefully I'll continue to improve :laugh:


I finished boarding the hall and loo today :okay:

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Once that was done I decided to concentrate on the hallway and try and get it ready for plaster so set about taping the joints. It always surprises me how long this job takes :laugh:

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With that done the last job was to fix the corner trims around the door opening...

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Once that's all gone off I'll think about chucking some plaster up, hopefully I'll continue to improve :laugh:
Out of curiosity what is it on the tape..board adhesive ? If so why ? Not criticising just asking 😁


Its jointing compound. Please criticise if its going to make my life easier, I still don't really know what I'm doing :laugh:
No not at all ! For board like you've done there I only ever use scrim tape and skim finish.No real need to make extra work for yourself.But either or,still a top job ! I usually go over my taped joints with skim first,just a quick once over.
But carry on as you were....jist being nosey 😁


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
I’ve over boarded and ceiling before, used tape and jointing compound and sanded . Was an on finish. However for walls I’d want a skim coat . As plaster board is easily dented !


I’ve over boarded and ceiling before, used tape and jointing compound and sanded . Was an on finish. However for walls I’d want a skim coat . As plaster board is easily dented !

Oh I'll be skimming it too, exactly as I've done in the living room already :smile: Using the jointing compound and tape first gives me one less step to worry about while I plaster - I'm not quick at getting it out of the bucket and on to the walls so anything I can do before I mix the plaster that saves me a little time is a bonus haha.


I plastered the ceiling and around the front door after work, I'll wait for this to go off before I try and do anymore because a) I'm knackered and b) I'm quite pleased with it and don't want to ruin it :laugh: Only a single skim on the ceiling so far, I'll go over it again at some point.



I'd have carried on but I'd used the mix up, decided it wasn't worth mixing another lot and pushing my luck :shy::laugh:


I plastered the ceiling and around the front door after work, I'll wait for this to go off before I try and do anymore because a) I'm knackered and b) I'm quite pleased with it and don't want to ruin it :laugh: Only a single skim on the ceiling so far, I'll go over it again at some point.

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I'd have carried on but I'd used the mix up, decided it wasn't worth mixing another lot and pushing my luck :shy::laugh:
Looks good ! But I'm going to have to stick my nose in on this.Allways two coats of skim and your making your job a lot harder by leaving time between coats.
First coat just get it on and a quick flatten,doesn't have to be perfect.The second coat will sort it out.Wait for first coat to just about leave a fingerprint in when touched,then over with second coat.Leave to go off then flatten/polish/trowel up or whatever you want to call it.You can have a spray bottle of water to trowel it up.Youll be suprised how much easier it is !
Seeing that youve put a coat on the ceiling allready,if your going over that with a second coat anytime soon.Id give it a good coating of diluted PVA.Thats going to go off as soon as you put it on.
Right tell me to keep my nose out from now on 😁


Haha yeah two coats is what I'm aiming for, trouble is always time at the moment... I'm making this all far harder than it needs to be I know hahaha.

Question on two coats though - why? Is it just to make it easier to get a flat finish or is there structurally something better about having two skims? If (big if!) I were able to take my time and get it 'good enough' with one coat would it suffice? Just interested is all, I'll be whacking another coat on anyway :smile: I did the same with the other ceiling, left it a few days between coats and it did go off quickly so I sprayed loads of water on as I went. Ended up ok but was pretty messy hahaha


The first coat is only a base coat....you need not worry too much about it being "flat" the second coat can be thinner but it's where you'll get your perfect finish !
You'll be suprised how much easier as a DIY er it is 😁
Try whitewashing with pva 1 part PVA to 3 water on that ceiling leaving it tacky.Then plaster it.It will give you more time,and not suck the plaster in straight away.
Alternatively if you ever want to speed up the drying of skim,either dirty water or warm water will do it.But you better be fast !
Either way your doing a good job....I've a spare room needs doing when you e finished.Partner says how come I'm with you a Plasterer and our house is a mess.
Patience dearest 🙄
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