Its hot !

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The North
I'm here for this and its
Loch side.
I hope you get sunstroke and alcohol poisoning.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
If the temperature is 30 Deg. C or below it's not so bad anything above that can get a bit sticky. Anyway enjoy the experience and I hope the rain stays away.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Under 30C. That's not hot. I spent 2 months in Turkey a few years ago building a new landfill site of compacted white clay in 42C every day. Even the locals thought that was hot. Lots of water was drunk. Then 10 months working in in St Vincent at over 30 to 35C every day along with 95% humidity! Those were 3 to 4 shirt days.

And getting out of a 'plane from the UK into a Middle East July at midday was hot too. Anything over 40C is hot, and over 45C becomes unworkable!

30C is merely pleasantly warm!


We have days of over 40 each summer, when it's too hot to ride. 35 to 40 it's fine for riding but I overheat when I stop.

Thinking of investing in lights this year so I can do some summer night rides.


Legendary Member
A pal of mine got the contract to build the hydroponic nursery for a glasshouse garden for the Sultan of Oman. When it was in the 40s in the desert they couldn't be inside the polytunnel for more than a couple of minutes and if they happened to leave a tool inside they couldn't pick it up. He got paid well though.
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