I've just read

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Moods of Future Joys by Alastair Humphreys

I picked it up yesterday morning and could'nt put it down, and i finished it before going to bed last night

Thoroughly enjoyable and i started part 2 (Thunder and Sunshine) tonight

The obvious downside to reading these touring books is that you want to pack in normal life and load up the panniers and Bu**er off on the bike

i read both of these books after a clubmate recommended them, they're a great read - from a comfy armchair:biggrin:


Über Member
Great books. I've read them a couple of times and they definitely cause increasing wanderlust!


Active Member
Yep, as with you I have read the first one and currently enjoying the second.

Both excellent reads, highly recommended. I am reading as I am in the fortunate position to be heading off around the world myself this summer, in much the same way as Al did, and will be doing it much the same way (solo, ultra-tight budget etc)

Reading these books has proved highly inspirational to me. Only slight downside - I have emailed Mr Humphreys saying as much, so far without reply


Legendary Member
hubbike said:
I loved the second book but the first one had a little too much navel gazing for me...his blog is fantastic, a treasure trove of inspiration.

I got both for Christmas and am just starting on the second book. I agree that it it seems to take the whole of the first book for him to get his head around the trip. Inspiring stuff, but I don't think I could stick to such a small budget!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
HelenD123 said:
I got both for Christmas and am just starting on the second book. I agree that it it seems to take the whole of the first book for him to get his head around the trip. Inspiring stuff, but I don't think I could stick to such a small budget!

Now I see why you posted the 'change of life' :tongue: thread, Helen!


Legendary Member
rich p said:
Now I see why you posted the 'change of life' :tongue: thread, Helen!

Not prompted by the book. I've been thinking about it for months;).


Active Member
Moods of future joys/Thunder and sunshine are much better reads than Beaumont and more meaningful, but there is better to be found on Crazy Guy on a Bike IMHO.


chris__P said:
I am reading as I am in the fortunate position to be heading off around the world myself this summer, in much the same way as Al did, and will be doing it much the same way (solo, ultra-tight budget etc)

I wish you luck with your tour Chris .. i've got as far as Alastair entering the USA and he's already on his 3rd bike



HelenD123 said:
I got both for Christmas and am just starting on the second book.
I've had both in our GSB (Gift Suggestion Book) since before my October birthday but so far none of the family have taken the hint :evil:.

Maybe they just don't want me to get the wanderlust and go ;).
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