Jumping red lights

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Active Member
Slow cyclists who push their way to the front of the queue at lights really get my goat too. Nearly everybody else has passed them between the last set of lights and these ones, now we're going to have to do it all again.
Ooh, that's one of my pet peeves as well. If you really feel the need to get in front of me while waiting at the red signal at least have the decency of making a quick start before me. It's just bizarre when, given enough space, I can overtake you before exiting the junction.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Ooh, that's one of my pet peeves as well. If you really feel the need to get in front of me while waiting at the red signal at least have the decency of making a quick start before me. It's just bizarre when, given enough space, I can overtake you before exiting the junction.

This one I'm in two minds about. I'd rather that slow cyclists made their way to the ASL and occupied a safe spot in front of the cars than queued up in the left hand gutter alongside cars where they'll be in danger of being left-hooked. On the other hand, if I'm at the front of the box and there's an empty space behind me then really there's no need to push past.

TBH if I was going to complain that they were holding me up, I'd have to recognise that drivers (at least, drivers of performance cars with good reaction times) could say the same about me, and if we admit that as a legitimate complaint then that starts to call into question the whole point of the cycle box.


Tommi, so you're saying stop at red lights because it's right and not because it stops infuriating drivers( I hope that's correct)? Fair enough, i do agree.

The trouble is that is DOES infuriate drivers and the rest of us have to suffer to consequences.
I'm also not enamored with cyclists riding two abreast on busy roads whilst chatting

What about car drivers dragging an empty seat round alongside them (and often another two empty seats behind them much of the time too). Think how much easier it would be to pass them without all that redundant width. At least the cyclists are having a conversation.


Active Member
Tommi, so you're saying stop at red lights because it's right and not because it stops infuriating drivers( I hope that's correct)? Fair enough, i do agree.

The trouble is that is DOES infuriate drivers and the rest of us have to suffer to consequences.
The trouble is that some black people infuriate white people and the rest of black people have to suffer the consequences.

I'm saying if someone gets infuriated when I'm behaving safely and considerately in the situation, it is they who have problems, not me. I'm also not inclined to put much weight on opinions from anyone who wasn't present and personally see me.

rowan 46

Über Member
I'm not a great believer that everytime I get on a cycle I become a representative for the cycling fraternity/sorority. I cycle for my own reasons. If I see a cyclist doing foolish things I don't assume all cyclists are fools the same with drivers. Most drivers let me go about my business some give me a hard time. Just because I've read about black guys who are muggers I don't assume all black guys are muggers. So where does this rlj'ers give all cyclists a bad name come from. It comes from inconsiderate people trying to justify why they are inconsiderate. They don't like cyclists because cyclists are an additional hazard to their dangerous driving and consequently they want rid that's all there is to it. If everybody stopped rlj'ing they would find something else to moan about and if everybody rode legally and perfectly they would still have a problem. Their main problem is they don't like cycles as cyclists are perceived as slower than cars. I don't generally rlj but I don't think that having to modify behaviour just because it annoys a minority of inconsiderate people is an option. The fact is if every cyclist rode perfectly every time these people would still hate cyclists. as to my occasional rlj i have on 3 occasions this year ridden through a ped crossing on red where the pedestrians have already crossed.
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