My first major 'off'. Hit and run. Doncaster.

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Great news that they're taking it seriously. Hope they catch the toerag before someone else gets injured.


Oh and how are you bearing up, injury-wise?


Leg End Member
I've had a text off the PC who attended, saying they were in a pursuit of a Silver Focus on Thursday, and 2 males were arrested for various offences. Car wasn't insured and can't prove who was driving as it's driven by several people. They're waiting on the footage from dash cams.

I'm gonna try and find out more on Monday when the RTC team is open.
Go after the registered keeper/owner. They've a legal obligation to name the driver at the time.

Took me a while to get the drivers details confirmed. Until then, everything was targeted at the registered keeper/owner.

As Alicat asks, hope you're doing okay yourself.


West Yorks
That'll likely be a "pool car". Unregistered and used by sheet bags for the commission of crime until it becomes too hot, then they'll discard it and get another 50 quid snotter, buy it with fake details and fail to register it.
What Drago said, it’s rife with such scumbags round Bradford, awful place to drive round, it’s not if you get hit, it’s when


Well, it was a good run. 10 years of cycling 25-30 miles most days, and only a couple of spills, both when the tyres gave way, and both relatively minor......until yesterday.

Carl mate, this is sh|te news - hope you're back on two wheels sooner rather than later. Left for dead in the road? What an absolutely walloper. Happened to a cyclist across the river from (Fife) two weeks ago; hit and run, chap received massive head injuries and died in hospital.

You are lucky and you should very rightly take the arsew|pe to the cleaners.


East Sussex
Glad you're feeling better.

As to the scum that left you on the road, if the car wasn't stolen and the owner isn't naming the driver the plod should do as I suggested, say that's fine you aren't helping in a hit and run, so the fine and points are doubled for you, I'm sure that will loosen his tongue.


Legendary Member
Sorry to read about the accident and glad you seem to be recovering but reading this thread makes me think that the good folk on here have no idea how bad the situation has actually become on the roads.

For the average low-life scumbag insurance is not worth bothering about. The car (as somebody writes upthread) will be a pool car driven by anybody who needs transport. The idea that they might go to a Ford dealer and buy a new mirror is laughable, at best they'll get a mirror from a scrappie. The Police will never get a name for the driver, who will be un-licenced anyway. Most worryingly the Police are so few now that they only have the time to concentrate on the most prominent crimes. Traffic Police have a couple of cars in action each shift and the best they can do is drive up and down motorways letting ANPR do their work then tweeting about successes to create an impression of a good hit rate. There really is a different kind of road user out there, way outside the understanding of ordinary law-abiding citizens. If you commute by car you'll see them every day and woe betide you if you get in their way or have a dispute with one of them.

As a footnote I stopped recently to chat with a farmer who was repairing a car-sized hole in a dry stone wall. She told me that her walls get hit by crashing cars three or four times a year and that the drivers usually run away abandoning the wrecked car.

It's far, far worse than people realise. The Police say 10% of drivers are uninsured and I have no trouble believing that figure.
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