Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
When Dan Blocker invented breeze blocks they were supposed to be called force 8 storm blocks. However the manufacturer misread his instructions and made them to be only 1.4 Lbs. The first wall blew over in a light breeze. The problem was quickly rectified but the name stuck.


Legendary Member
Dan Blocker (for all you whippersnappers) was an American actor best known for playing 'Hoss' in the cowboy series Ponderosa.
When born he weighed 14 Lbs. That is more than twice what I weighed at birth.

I dare say he was twice your weight as an adult too.

a great character actor, and part of my childhood -much missed


Legendary Member
The first needles were made out of an entire elephants thigh bones. It was only the great elephant shortage of 1933 that forced manufacturers to make needles as small as possible to maximise the use of the available material.
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