Odd factoids

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
Gluteus Maximus was a Roman general under Julius Caesar. Gluteus later fell out of favour and ended his day as a Bum.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Fact: Dr Who on the BBC, is absolutely the biggest pile of story telling s h i t e the world has ever seen.

This is undenieable.

Climate change, the virgin birth, alien abductions can all be debated and argued. The above fact can not.
But not the pre-1990s Dr Who before it went all high tech.


Leg End Member
The first escalator on the London Underground system went into operation at Earl’s Court in 1911. On its first day of operation, passengers who had never seen such a thing before were naturally apprehensive. To calm their fears, a one-legged Underground employee, William ‘Bumper’ Harris, rode up and down to demonstrate its safety – although there are suspicions that this story may be a myth.

Harris was later clerk of works on the project to install escalators at Charing Cross when the remains of an ancient oak tree were discovered during the excavations. This was used to make furniture for the admiralty, but also an ornamental walking stick for Harris, which was presented to him in 1913. The stick and Harris’s pocket watch are now housed in the London Transport Museum.


Leg End Member
Stealth Technology was invented by Matt Black
The "K" being added to his name because he felt he was special.
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