Odd factoids

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Growing old disgracefully
The world's first semiconductor was Leonard Bernstein - working in his spare time


self serving virtue signaller
The word "smut" to describe lewd behaviour comes from the prolific activities of Nat King Coal, whose name was due to his constantly smudged appearance from his day job as a steam loco fireman.

Sadly in later life he became known as "Gnat" King Coal, his member being compared to that of a mosquito as he could only maintain a semi in his old age.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Saving Nat King Coal was King Arthur's main objective. (This is an 80's reference folks)


self serving virtue signaller
Porridge is not Scottish at all, but was invented by Sir Walter Scott, (who also invented tartan), hence "Scott's Porridge Oats".

Prior to Sir Walter, the traditional Scottish breakfast was smashed avocado on toast served with balsamic vinegar dressing. Scottish warriors of old would smear themselves with the greasy green fruit before going into battle, mainly because it's a great midge repellent, and also to strike fear into the English.

Sadly, the cultural hegemony of Scott's Porridge oats took over the zeitgeist, and the great avocado forests of Achnasheen are no more.
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