Organ meats.

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Pigs is stronger & softer. I’ve heard it’s easy to over cook & ruin. Is it ok if it is lightly cooked like steak?


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Very little bothers me. My uncle was a butcher. I will however not eat Tripe...

Two Uncles and paternal Grandfather were all butchers.
I love kidney, liver, and tripe :smile:. My mother used to make tripe like a thick soup, with onions, cream, and boiled potatoes in it. Loved it! She also made something I remember called liver creole. It was a reddish colour, in a casserole dish, with onions and probably tomatoes. Again, it was tasty.
Kidneys - a steak pie isn't the same without them.
The only meat I'm not kean on is tongue.


Not a fan of liver but love kidney.

I can remember when you used to get the heart etc in a bag in the chicken, loved the chicken heart.

Haggis is lovely too, along with black pudding.
I love all offal , just as well with me being a butcher , only thing i dont eat is tripe, nothing to do with what it is or texture , i just find it totally tasteless, no wonder folk used to smother it in salt , pepper, and vinegar , thats the only thing you can taste


Legendary Member
The quality of black pudding varies wildly. Stornoway black pudding is the best.... IMHO.
I like the ones from Sainburys


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
I was brought up on a lot of offal so I really like it. Beef heart, lamb heart, lamb or pork kidneys, lamb and chicken livers, blood sausage / Black puddings of all kinds. I'm not so keen on the texture of brains but my wife likes them, especially middle eastern style, in all the spices.

Chicken livers are a really great cheap meal actually as the celebrity chefs haven't quite started pushing them yet. 3 quids worth gets you enough for 3 people, mix with some olive oil, cumin, garlic, chilli flakes and salt and fry them til done. Make a simple flatbread to go with them and serve with some hot sauce and garlic yoghurt, delicious.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The quality of black pudding varies wildly. Stornoway black pudding is the best.... IMHO.
Used to be the best but I think increased demand has caused dome dilution of quality.
The original maker was a cousin of my late wife and when on Lewis we somehow were able to get better ones than available elsewhere. Marag are something else again but never seen any for a long time now.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I like liver but cannot get it locally and so have to go to Oban for supplies. There is a new butchery business started up but not got round to trying them yet.


South Wales
I've never actually tried tripe, but I love liver, kidneys and hearts. Don't have any of them as often as Id' like. The only one my wife likes is liver (particularly liver & bacon casserole), and that isn't good for her, so we don't even have that often.

Haven't eaten brains since I was a student, when I would occasionally buy a half a pigs head.
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