The 2015 Half Century (50 KM or 50 Mile) A Month Challenge - Chatzone

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13 rider

Got my 50km ride for the month in today so i'm done too. Hopefully have chance to get out for a couple more before the end of the year but the pressure is off. Going to try and up my game next year and go for an imperial 50 each month next year. Well done everyone who manages to complete, 50km a month isn't massively challenging but it gives you an incentive to get out and go doesn't it?
Without the challenge I would probably just nipped out for a quick 10 miler Dam you @ColinJ . it's certainly gets you out In January a 50km was still a bit of a challenge and a 50 m was a big challenge now I can do them without thinking thanks to the challenge I going to try the metric century challenge next year


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Without the challenge I would probably just nipped out for a quick 10 miler Dam you @ColinJ . it's certainly gets you out In January a 50km was still a bit of a challenge and a 50 m was a big challenge now I can do them without thinking thanks to the challenge I going to try the metric century challenge next year
That's the spirit! :bravo:

Consider doing what I did this year which was the metric century challenge with the 50 km challenge in tandem with it to 'fill in the gaps' between the longer rides. I did lots of 50 km rides this year which would have only been 30-40 kms in length if I hadn't had this challenge to motivate me to extend them.

13 rider

That's the spirit! :bravo:

Consider doing what I did this year which was the metric century challenge with the 50 km challenge in tandem with it to 'fill in the gaps' between the longer rides. I did lots of 50 km rides this year which would have only been 30-40 kms in length if I hadn't had this challenge to motivate me to extend them.

You need to do one of the century challenges next year :okay:
That's the plan @ColinJ I stating here publicly I'm entering the metric century challenge next year . There I be gone and said it


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I just have one more 50 km ride to do for this challenge in 2015 and one more 100 km ride for the parallel metric century challenge that I am doing. That will be my distance target for the year smashed, and if the rain relents I might even get a few other rides in before stopping for my Christmas/NY break.)
The best laid schemes, and all that ... :whistle:

I have completed my 2015 mileage and 100 km ride targets and I was supposed to have got my final '50' of the year in yesterday but I have caught a cold and feel rather rough so I caught the train to visit my friends instead of cycling to meet them!

It is wet and windy and my Christmas break is a-loomin' ... I should be able to squeeze that final ride in one way or another, but not until I feel better and we get an ok day.


Done it!!! :hyper:^_^
I'll post the ride later.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
@ianrauk what do we get? A half a star? Or a different star to the century ones?

I don't know.. how about a nice Silver star?
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