The Retirement Thread

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Slightly retro
West Wales
Yes....... we have a cupboard full of them. Wall lights/outside lights.......all with their own $#@*^ fittings.
AND BATTERIES .....We have a draw full of them and still run out of the one we really need.

I have a cupboard full of CFL bulbs - you know, the ones that nobody liked because they were dim and slow and dreary and expensive and terribly environmentally damaging, but the electricity company used to send you lots of to make up their 'green' targets, and which everybody knew would be superseded by the massively better LED bulbs in a couple of years, but which Dutch company Philips had a massive stock of, and who had huge influence with the people who wrote the policies that led to your electricity company ... etc etc.

I used to buy an LED bulb (not cheap) with the weekly shop every so often, and now every bulb in the house is an LED. The house is bright, my electricity bills are much lower, and ... I have a cupboard full of CFL bulbs that I can't get rid of.


Started young, and still going.
Good evening gentle folk.
Blimey, it's cold up here tonight.:cold: Down to 3c at the moment and due to go down to 0c.
Nothing on the telly box that I want to watch at the mo. So I am hanging around here for a while.
I have the Blues show on the BBC sounds page playing last nights show.:becool:


Casper WY USA
Got back from my slooow ride on the 'Dale AKA "The Pig". Sun, rain, sleet, some hail and some snow. Wasn't fast and the B17 Narrow aint narrow enough, but the ride was a lot of fun. Due to the low pressure 1.9 tires and the long wheelbase it was really comfortable, maybe even plush. Toes got a little cold but everything else was perfect. There is something about a pleasant ride in crap weather that is such a rush.


Legendary Member
Good evening gentle folk.
Blimey, it's cold up here tonight.:cold: Down to 3c at the moment and due to go down to 0c.
Nothing on the telly box that I want to watch at the mo. So I am hanging around here for a while.
I have the Blues show on the BBC sounds page playing last nights show.:becool:
I watched The Yorkshire Vet. Got the thing about the Dambusters on and half watching while browsing.


Well folks I may be in deep trouble or at the least not very popular. It's the AGM of an organisation I belong to tomorrow. Everything is online this year, voting, adoption of accounts, the meeting etc. On Monday I read the accounts and spotted a glaring error. Curious I read on in some detail to discover several more errors. Monday was the deadline for voting so I voted against the adoption of the accounts and emailed the Chair to say why. I'm sure I'm the only person who will have read the accounts so they will get adopted!!!

Today I got an email from the Treasurer explaining his reasoning on a number of points and agreeing with my view there is an error. Treasurer provided an explanation of how it would be corrected. So I read this, checked his figures...............................and sent back a spreadsheet showing why his proposed correction is also wrong!!!!!! :wacko: He emailed back to agree.................................

All this because a single digit was incorrect caused by using an Excel spreadsheet to round up and down and not checking the answer! :laugh: The human brain will always be better than any spreadsheet....................


Puzzle game procrastinator!
On this evening's Metro loop, I added a little detour up the A6033 towards Littleborough to see what was happening at the chapel site... The building has already gone!


And now...



Leg End Member
On this evening's Metro loop, I added a little detour up the A6033 towards Littleborough to see what was happening at the chapel site... The building has already gone!

View attachment 561220

And now...
View attachment 561221

Really sad part is the water has been diverted. The building didn't require knocking.

Council are doing way too much of this, this year.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Really sad part is the water has been diverted. The building didn't require knocking.

Council are doing way too much of this, this year.
I thought it was just a temporary diversion? I couldn't see into the culvert because the site is fenced off. I was holding my phone up high over the fence.


Leg End Member
I thought it was just a temporary diversion? I couldn't see into the culvert because the site is fenced off. I was holding my phone up high over the fence.
All part of the new flood defences for the valley. The major part of the work done early this year. Shortly before and after the flooding. Work had already started on diverting the water flow, this time last year.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all fellow retirees.
It's dark and cool out there this morning.
My mug of tea tastes good, and I am contemplating the day.:cuppa:
After the usual dog walk across the fields, I am meeting my son for a burrito lunch :hungry:

Uncle Ernie has come up trumps again, 2x£25^_^

Another busy day in paradise.

Stay safe everyone. ^_^


Good morning all. Still dark but looks to be calm and dry outside. Really poor sleep, woke at 3.00am and though I stayed in bed till 6.00 don't think I slept.

No PB win in this house for December. £50k would have been enough, I'm not greedy.

Aforementioned AGM this morning, usual housework chores and I have to discover why the rear wheel on my bike continues to go round when I pull the lever!! :sad::blink:

Hopefully get a ride this afternoon........


Legendary Member
I have a cupboard full of CFL bulbs - you know, the ones that nobody liked because they were dim and slow and dreary and expensive and terribly environmentally damaging, but the electricity company used to send you lots of to make up their 'green' targets, and which everybody knew would be superseded by the massively better LED bulbs in a couple of years, but which Dutch company Philips had a massive stock of, and who had huge influence with the people who wrote the policies that led to your electricity company ... etc etc.

I used to buy an LED bulb (not cheap) with the weekly shop every so often, and now every bulb in the house is an LED. The house is bright, my electricity bills are much lower, and ... I have a cupboard full of CFL bulbs that I can't get rid of.
A couple/few questions (showing my ignorance).
Can you get LED bulbs with the same bayonet fittings ?
Do LED bulbs produce more heat (some of our shades are very clear about the bulb power we can use.
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