Time to close the books.

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Norven Mankey
I've been cycling for 8 years and every year I set myself the target of 100 miles/ week = 5,200 miles and every year I fail. I think the nearest I got was about 4,600 miles

....until this year!!!!!

5,255 miles; a few contributory factors:

LEJOG added about 1,000 miles in less than two weeks. I've never done a bike tour before and probably won't do one as long as that again

I have done lots of foreign business trips in the past which have typically taken at least 6 weeks out of the year. Change of direction means no trips this year

What holidays I did manage I was permitted to take the bike and do a bit (Cornwall and La Gomera)

No target for 2022. LEJOG was what got me to the target this year and I won't be doing that again


Legendary Member
I was banned from any exercise by the Consultant.I have no idea what cycling would do to a hydrocele.


Lower total than I'd have liked this year - last year was great, but this year, I'm close to half of last year's total.

But when I checked the total this afternoon, it was 1990.6 km. Can't leave it there. So out for a wee 10k spin round the town.

This year's total is 2001km.

Longest ride - and highlight - was the 100 mile "Ride to the Sun", overnight at midsummer from Carlisle to Edinburgh.
This year 2923 miles according to Strava - but I missed a few out due to either forgetting to start it or it having no charge etc etc etc

so probably close to 3000 miles

worst month by a long way was December - only 9 hours in total where most months were over 20 hours. Caused by a combination of bad weather and a bad cold annoying the asthma.


2810 miles for me after this afternoon, including a couple of imperial halves and my first metric century. A bit better than last year. Could have been 3000 if January hadn't been an almost total write off, so that, and the metric half challenge, are the targets for 2022.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I managed a total of 576 hours of cycling this year. Which works out at approx 11 hours average biking every week. Biking represents 64% of my recorded exercise, the rest being walking. Walking being shown as 324 hours or an average of 53 minutes walking on every day of the year. Last year I managed 715 hours of cycling.


Legendary Member
4225 miles, split between my Thorn and my Spa. Not bad given that I didn’t do a long tour this summer. The Thorn does the every day jobs like shopping and commuting, the Spa gets the fun rides. Feel privileged to live in such a wonderful part of the country ensuring diversity in rides from the garage door.

13 rider

Just commuted home from work . Finished on 9447 miles couldn't be bother to ride the extra 3 for a nice round figure . Happy with the figure which is lower than the last 4 years but personally 2021 has been a terrible year resulting in lots of days of the bike which I hadn't missed a day on the bike for in 35 months prior to the snow in January
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Legendary Member
I do my totals on a weekly basis, so from Monday 28th December 2020 to Sunday 26th December 2021 my total cycling miles was 9442.41 (I love the accuracy of a Garmin!). Admittedly doing around 25 miles per day commuting helps, plus I'm rather pleased to maintain my run of 100+ miles each week although the week ending 14th Feb was a bit difficult thanks to the snow & ice from the Beast from the East 2.
Screen shot below of how it all added up.


Legendary Member
Just got in…2544 miles (or 4093km if I want to make it look better :whistle:)
That doesn’t include any time spent on gym bike or turbo.
First 5 months of year were very lean following ankle and then knee surgery!!
Had a better than usual December though


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