Use the cycle path!!

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Well-Known Member
Geeèeez!! It was just a simple question!

1. I agree the pic is not from the OP, but cyclist do prefer the road to that path.

2. I understand now why most cyclist don't use that cycle path mentioned in original OP. The members who have given me good enough reasons. I have liked their post/replies.

Can we stop the witch hunt now :rain:
Geeèeez!! It was just a simple question!

1. I agree the pic is not from the OP, but cyclist do prefer the road to that path.

2. I understand now why most cyclist don't use that cycle path mentioned in original OP. The members who have given me good enough reasons. I have liked their post/replies.

Can we stop the witch hunt now :rain:
But it was the witch hunt that was needed to show how wrong and full of crap you were. It has served its purpose I agree but was totally necessary.
Did you really just ask that?

Ironic really in that there are a number of cars impinging on teh cycle track, none of them have prepared for the road narrowing by pulling into the right hand lane in advance of the obstruction, yet the cyclist is the naughty one.

There are half a dozen examples of poor driving in that video that the poster seems to find OK


Its a pretty decent cycle path. I can understand if it was bumpy and hedges etc etc. Ive seen good quality bikes on these paths along with cyclist who look like they know their onions. And even the casual cyclist. Its a 50/50. Some do, some dont?
Its the same coming out of Windermere towards Kendal. That road is national speed limit with a lot of blind bends. But still, I see cyclist using it instead of the cycle path.
there's no law that says they have to use a cycle lane, it could just simply be that as they are entitled to use the road they cycle on the road, i don't know the cycle lane you speak of, if cycle lanes are safe and free from debris etc then i use them, however round my way there is only one decent cycle lane the rest are crap and i refuse to use them


My personal hierarchy is this : -

My safety
Everyone else's safety
The law
The Highway Code
My convenience
Everyone else's convenience

Depending on how I am feeling / how late I am the last two do occasionally switch.

Based upon that list I very rarely choose to use a cycle lane/path as my safety trumps everything else. And understandably so, I would like to believe.
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Legendary Member
Devon & Die
It's been quite an impressive performance from the OP. Apart from dredging up a tiresomely regular subject, he did so from the view of an impatient motorist, provided irrelevant evidence, and denigrated the posts of people pointing out salient facts. And he'd only been on CC since last Monday...


Norven Mankey
Cyclepaths are great and I use them whenever I can. However, there are a couple of provisos...

1) If there are loads of junctions etc to cross it means I have to stop and give way at each one and that means I am much, much, slower than cycling on the road

2) Cyclepaths often have more puncture hazards than the road unless carefully maintained

I've had a look at the road from Windermere to Ambleside. If you follow it along there are a lot of junctions and driverways that all require a give way. To be honest, that alone would lead me to drive on the road there.

It is a very popular tourist area and I could imagine it being very popular with families though. A nice way to ride between Windermere and Ambleside.

I applaud the presence of cyclepaths. However, unless you are out for a 5mph bimble with the kids then one like this isn't really practical
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