Weirdest Film

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Legendary Member
This ones worth a look for those of you who like the slightly odd...

I remember seeing that, late at night, BBC2, probably around 1980. It stuck in my mind from then onwards and is possibly the most memorable film, other than Star Wars, that I have ever seen. Imagine my surprise when I was listening to Radio 5Live when Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo started talking about it about 3 years ago. It seems that Mark Kermode, with a PhD in Horror films from Manchester University, had never heard of, or seen, this Masterpiece !!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
My boss gave me a copy of that only last week... it's on my 'to watch' list.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Antichrist is pretty mental too



I'll also add Begotten, Un Chien Andalou and Society.

I've got Begotten to watch at some point. Un Chien Andalou, I had a DVD. I say "had" because my flat was burgled and it was taken, amongst other stuff. I don't buy many films so that ought give you an idea of how I rated it.

And Society, well there's one I'd forgotten! An incredible film; it starts all teen highschool drama, quite mundane and run-of-the-mill, but then just goes bonkers weird. I loved it, even if as a critique of 'society' its metaphor is a little clichéd/obvious... but ever so well done!


Über Member
I really liked Melancholia. It was a nice change after von Trier's previous film, Antichrist (which I also liked), although I heard somewhere that they're meant to be companion pieces.


Melancholia, that's the end of the world one innit? Which thread am I in? Boring films or weird films? Because if Melancholia is the film I'm thinking of, I found it more dull than weird.


And Society, well there's one I'd forgotten! An incredible film; it starts all teen highschool drama, quite mundane and run-of-the-mill, but then just goes bonkers weird. I loved it, even if as a critique of 'society' its metaphor is a little clichéd/obvious... but ever so well done!

"Shunting" - really creeped me out.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Melancholia, that's the end of the world one innit? Which thread am I in? Boring films or weird films? Because if Melancholia is the film I'm thinking of, I found it more dull than weird.
You're in Weird guv. If you want dull, turn right at Transformers.
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