What Have You Fettled Today?

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Riding home notice a creak which had been previously masked by the rattle from the rear wheel, not present when riding out of the saddle, so took the seatpost out, greased the seatpost collar and the bolt, and added some grease to the seatpost itself, tightened it all back up, hopefully sorted. Tomorrow will tell.

Also tightened the saddle clamp on Mrs Cs town bike.


Here for rides.
New (s/h) front mech put on. New cables (inners and outers) throughout, new brifters fitted (Record 10 speed since you ask), brakes and indexing dialled in. New bar tape ordered. The Brooks leather wasn't up for retaping.

#failedfettle : fitting dynohub lamp to road bike with caliper brakes. The Supernova bracket(s) don't clear the headset nor the front brake. Hopefully a SON long bracket in ugly pressed stainless will fit and can be adapted to suit the Supernova lamp. Grrrrr.
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Kent Coast
I swapped out the gravel tyres on the mountain bike, and put back the Mountain Kings (just in case I get a chance to play in the mud).

I gave the e-bike a quick clean and pumped the tyres up. A spin round the block revealed that the speedo was not working, so a bit of adjustment to the position of the sensor on the front fork and the wheel magnet resolved that.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I've done a fettle on it today, so I think that counts...
Early May, our brick outbuilding had a bare corrugated roof, no plasterwork inside to speak of, horrible steel-framed windows, a concrete floor and no power.
Couple of months, £6500 and a lot of work later...

The new double glazed windows aren't visible, but they're behind the blinds.
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Legendary Member
Specialist tools...pah.

Veloce BB with Veloce Power torque cranks, I notice a little knock lately as I pedal hard...could be pedals but I suspected the BB. Proper tools are expensive but at the end of the day it's just another puzzle to beat.
Using a 14mm Allen socket, 14mm spanner on the hex, remove the end plug, remove washer that's so easy to miss and refit the end plug till its sitting maybe 5mm proud. Using normal pullers and a bung to prevent the puller spindle going inside the end bung...and a fabricated plate to protect the back of the crank arms...pull the crank off so far, loosen end
bung a bit more...repeat until the crank is off. Took maybe 15 minutes.
Non drive side bearing was dryish and very slightly notch, remove seal, clean and work in new grease, refit seal, reassemble.
Drive side bearing seemed ok.

Chain wear measured..0.75%...time for a new chain, pronto. Chain cleaned and lubed.

It's like being at work...I PPM (planned preventative maintenance) stuff all day

Edited to say...im happy and careful not to over do stuff...for instance using the end bung to press against may (and equally may not..i dont know) result in failure of its shoulder. I'm not suggesting there is no risk and there is no danger of damaging something, but tread carefully and it can be done.
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Legendary Member
A visit to my sons flat in Manchester.Last of his things,so i had to fix the back of his wardrobe with panel pins,glue a back rest on a kitchen chair,glue a table leg and screw a bracket to same table leg.Second wardrobe has had to be reported as dangerous as it leans like the leaning tower of Pisa,when touched with your FINGER END.


A visit to my sons flat in Manchester.Last of his things,so i had to fix the back of his wardrobe with panel pins,glue a back rest on a kitchen chair,glue a table leg and screw a bracket to same table leg.Second wardrobe has had to be reported as dangerous as it leans like the leaning tower of Pisa,when touched with your FINGER END.
Sounds like standard student furniture to me.


Stripped the bottom bracket off the purple pug, the lockring was pretty well seized, with surface rust on the cone and the ring itself. Grease inside had turned to an emulsion, and spread all around the inside of the shell. Removed all the bearings, cleared out the paste and wiped the insides clean, there is still a thick emulsion in the downtube and chainstays, but I can't do much about that, and most if it was there before I got the bike anyway.

Packed the loose bearings with lots of grease on the fixed cup, added a plastic spaced between the cups, and then packed the adjustable cup and refitted. Axle now spins wonderfully. I would get a cartridge BB, but french threads ftl.:cursing:

Also fitted a new kickstand to Mrs Cs town bike.


Back mudguard has been rattling a bit.

The nut and bolt holding the end to the frame was missing.
Couldn't find a suitable sized one as a replacement.

Stuck a rawlplug in instead.
20 odd miles later, no rattling and it's still in place.


Legendary Member
The annual clean :whistle: and service of @gavgav's Cube. New inner gear cables, a section of outer and new rear brake pads on top of checking over, adjusting and regreasing as required.

Gav has mentioned how upright this bike felt now he's got used to the new Forme so I've lowered the handlebar for him to try.
To be fair it did have a good number of cleans over the winter, but has gathered dust since April in the shed.....:laugh::whistle:

Dan B

Disengaged member
New cassette and chain on my Croix de Fer, now realised that the outer chainring also needs replacing and then on the way to the LBS to see if they had one, noticed the BB also on its way out and I don't have the stupid tool for the latest incarnation of Hollowtech II - the BBR60 doesn't even fit the tool for the earlier incarnation of Hollowtech II, and call me Mr Cynical, but I strongly suspect that by the next time I need a new BB they'll have changed the design again

Giving serious consideration to (1) going back to square taper (who makes a moderately nice square taper compact double chainset?) or (2) letting the LBS sort it all out for me
Once I'd climbed back out of my huff, I found a cheap place on the internet with a new outer ring and a BBR60 (the web site said it was a bottom bracket, which is a relief because I wasn't sure if I'd get a Star Wars robot), got Evans to price match them, and fitted them last night. The plastic adaptor thing just about fits in my Campagnolo bottom bracket spanner, so put it all back together last night and rode it to work this morning. Slightly worried whether I got the preload right, but basically I'm happy again

Also, the new outer ring is 105, which is aesthetically-if-for-no-other-reason a nice step up from the "dinner plate" Tiagra chainring it replaced
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