What will your main meal be on christmas day??

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Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
I've got a lovely pork leg joint that I picked up on yellow sticker. Going to butterfly it out, then stuff it with sausagemeat, orange, dried cranberries, thyme and garlic, and roll it back up. I'm not keen on crackling, so I will glaze it instead. Plus the usual roasties, braised red cabbage, green beans, apple sauce and cranberry sauce, extra stuffing balls and sausagemeat wrapped in bacon. Umm yes, I got the sausagemeat on YS too... Xmas pud and custard - also YS purchases, for afters.

Christmas Eve is actually the bigger deal here, though I don't do the full-blown Polish Wigilia anymore as it's just mum, me and the cats. But we have the traditional herrings and vegetable salad, and I've made a smoked mackerel pate and my own gravlax. Add plenty of bread and butter, and that'll do nicely. Piernik (Lebkuchen) and min spies for afters.
I‘m beginning to think your avatar should be a yellow sticker.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
We‘re helping out at a dinner for food bank punters, then home for chicken and what vegetables we manage to buy tomorrow.


Just me and mrs Svendo and 2 rugrats so I’ve plumped for a duck over the goose we’ve had the last few years. Smoked salmon on sourdough with caviar (lumpfish roe) for starter. Otherwise it’s the Sunday roast with usual Christmas nobs on.

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
We already started... the family is all here, daughters and son with their families. Yesterday's dinner was roast chicken, today's dinner was pulled pork, tomorrow's dinner will be lamb and on Christmas the traditional turkey.
I don't like roast dinners and if I never had one ever again that would be totally fine by me.
Same here.
Why on earth is it that many folk simply will not accept that there is no actual illness, problem, offence or insult in the simple fact that I don't like roast dinners? A few weeks ago I had someone almost at the stage of sobbing when I politely turned down an invitation to share Christmas dinner with them, citing my vegetarianism and my dislike (well I said 'not keen, no matter how beautifully cooked') of roast dinners as excuses. It was almost as if I jolly well ought to eat at least part of a Christmas dinner - my vegetarianism could be excused, but not my dislike of a roast dinner!
Similar things have happened in previous years, too.


South Wales
Buy it the day before and put it in the fridge....."Oh what about the rice" :ohmy: It will be OK done it loads of times
Absolutely. When we have an Indian take away, my wife usually has Biryani, while I have something else. She never eats more than half of hers, often less, and I will have the rest for lunch, anything up to 2-3 days later. Never done me the slightest harm.


Well-Known Member
I would roast fowl if were up to me. Nothing beats a Christmas Goose!

But this year, from our perch in Vermont at the sister-in-law’s house, me missus has volunteered to slow roast a sirloin tip marinated in buttermilk. Being of Texas origin, she has ancestral beef magic at her command. There will be potatoes and some manner of green things, too. Don’t think we’ll go wanting.

BTW: are folks big on figgy pudding for this holiday? Friends have lovingly offered this at Christmas gatherings but, not being one for sweets, I hope to avoid this in future…
BTW: are folks big on figgy pudding for this holiday? Friends have lovingly offered this at Christmas gatherings but, not being one for sweets, I hope to avoid this in future…

If Christmas pudding WERE to be made out of figs, I'd eat it like a shot. As it is, dried vine fruits are its major constituents. It's not the flavour which is the issue for me, but the texture of the ingredients - a mouthful of marinated dead flies! But I LOVE brandy butter ...


Well-Known Member
If Christmas pudding WERE to be made out of figs, I'd eat it like a shot. As it is, dried vine fruits are its major constituents. It's not the flavour which is the issue for me, but the texture of the ingredients - a mouthful of marinated dead flies! But I LOVE brandy butter ...
I shall have to strenuously avoid thinking of “a mouthful of marinated dead flies” should I ever be faced with this confection again (oh, please Goddess, nooooooo!).
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