Your birth town.

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Being constantly on the move ,or staying put, neither option is definitely right or wrong.

Whether it's good or bad is down to the individual, some people are happy moving around constantly, others like staying in one place.

Horses for courses and all that shoot.

I think it depends on time of life as well. I wanted to stay home until college, then I went to uni 250+ miles south, came back to no jobs, so I hit the road trucking, and then went to graduate school but 40 miles from home. Met an undergraduate there and got married and settled down. No wish to move now, unless Mrs GA wants to return to Duluth.


Legendary Member
here's me trying to be positive about your parts, which are semi mine. Surely there are no hipsters in Bolton? Please no.

One more try at promoting Bolton - Bank Top Brewery - had one of their rather nice 6 per cent creations yesterday with a breakfast (in case folks get the wrong idea about me it was almost lunchtime).
Bank Top is a fine brewery, I had something called Flat Cap (I think it was anyway) a few weeks ago, top class.
Bank Top is a fine brewery, I had something called Flat Cap (I think it was anyway) a few weeks ago, top class.
Done a google to help my dodgy beer addled mind. I had a pint and a half of their leprechaun stout. Didn't taste like 6 per cent. Clever tricky folk, those bolton folk.

Edit, just checked them out, based apparently in a listed tennis pavilion! They deserve an award just for that. I will be in bolton soon so will do more research.
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Born in the front bedroom of my parents house in a small town in West Yorkshire, I now live about 3 mile away in a slightly bigger town in West Yorkshire.

The pride is being born a Yorkshire man, and if any Yorkshire man tells you he is not proud of being born in the county, view him with suspicion.
Rather shy about mentioning these two yorkshire places you are so proud of? The love that dare not speak its name/s?


Born & raised (until I was 5) in Slough. Both sets of grand parents lived there, so school holidays often involved visits down that way. I still have a strong sense of connection with the area.

Also born and raised in Slough, even lived there having bought our first flat and house there. It certainly coloured my world view.

Slough is or was the most multi-culti town in the UK (as featured on Panorama only a week or so ago) and is run by what can only be described as a marxist council. Being the victim of low level criminality several times on the street, being burgled and having my car broken into several times and still we stayed.

What broke the straw was watching part of the multi-culti (Sikh) on multi-culti (Muslim) riots out of my kitchen window back 1997, although it had been bubbling for a few years previously with smaller outbreaks of voiolence.

It was not a place we wanted our children to grow up in so we moved away in 1998, as have most other family members since.

I still think of it as home though.
Slough has a marxist council? We deserve to know more.

Used to go to the cinema there after work sometimes. Other than that my memories are of a bus station, quiet after hours shopping precinct, distant views of a somewhat tatty looking "marital aids" (remember that curious brit phrase?) shop , press visits to the industrial estate.
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