Your birth town.

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Off the top of my head (I stand to be corrected), some of the famous names I remember as associated with Birmingham - James Watt and Matthew Boulton, Joseph Chamberlain, JRR Tolkien, Tony Hancock, Enoch Powell, Red Robbo, Lenny Henry, Jasper Carrot, TISWAS, ELO, Ozzy Osbourne, Trevor Francis. My knowledge peters out after the 70's !
You missed this one, from the 70's!:smile:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Just a wild guess, it's a new stadium near York?

Here's the answer.:okay:
Rotherham United have named their new £20m home the New York Stadium, in homage to the history of the part of town where it is based. Thestadium is built on the site of a foundry that madeNew York's distinctive fire hydrants and New York is the historic name for the area.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Exactly. No one ... no one ... thinks of Zeeland* when they talk about New Zealand, or Wales when they talk about New South Wales.
Depends on context. Certainly talking about New South Wales would quite often trigger thoughts of the Principality for me, because in this country I've rarely got reason to think of Australian States in any context other than where the names come from. And any discussion of colonialism will talk about name origins.

Anyway, I was born in Newcastle. The original one in the North East of England, not the antipodean one named after it in the Australian state named after Wales. I retain a soft spot for the city, more because my grandparents lived near it when I was growing up than because of any intrinsic merits it might have.
Certainly talking about New South Wales would quite often trigger thoughts of the Principality for me,
Well there's a challenge for you, actually. It was originally named by Cook as New Wales, and he later modified it to New South Wales. No one knows if it was named for South Wales or because it was the new Wales of the south. So you don't know if you should be thinking of the whole of Wales, or just part of it :smile:

Anyway, I was born in Newcastle. The original one in the North East of England, not the antipodean one named after it in the Australian state named after Wales.
Fair enough - but it does amuse me when Geordie's call their mini-me Sydney Harbour Bridge "world famous"

I wonder how many people know that New Orleans was named after Orleans, my birth town?
Not wikipedia. They say it was named for the Duke of Orleans, and not for the city itself.

Similarly Melbourne (Australia) was named for Lord Melbourne, not the Derbyshire town that he took his title from. He was apparently Queen Victoria's favourite PM and the Australian colonies fell over each other naming things in her honour, Victoria, Queensland, Victoria Streets everywhere, ditto Queen Streets, at least 2 major army bases named Victoria Barracks, Queen Vic Market, Queen Vic Hospital etc etc. It's always been a disappointment that they chose that name for Melbourne. The town was founded by John Batman. I could have grown up in Batman or Batmanville or something.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Pride is something I reserve for my own accomplishments and that of my loved ones, not the population or location I was random born into.

I'm with you on that. It's always intrigued me how "proud" people can be of something that they had nothing to do with. Americans are quite big on it, you often hear them say how proud they are to be American. Odd word for the situation really, since it was pure luck / chance that their parents were there. It's not something they've achieved.
Liverpool, the very centre before they knocked it all down and moved everyone to Kirby and canny farm and Runcorn. Shocking 70's planning which ripped the heart out of Liverpool. I was recently watching some old films online which brought home to me just what an effin disaster it was to demolish so much and move so many. My family moved out to old canny farm.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I was technically born in one town and one village.

Seeing as no on has asked i'll tell you.:rolleyes: I started to pop out in Bramley Meade maternity hospital in Whalley,but they were having trouble in getting me out,so they transferred mother to Accrington Victoria Hospital where they successfully completed the mission. I often asked my parents and grandparents about this but was usually met with a "children don't ask about those sort of things,now go outside and play" reply.

Were any of you born at home? I know quite a few of my age who were.


The Glue that binds us together.
Born in London, Not bothered about it at all, The only thing holding us here is my wife's job. Although i now live in Enfield Middlesex, right on the edge of London.
London ain't what it used to be.:okay:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I remember when junior was born. i was out up in the hills walking the whippets when i got a phone call (a very early Motorola) from my dad. You'd better get to the hospital asap,she's gone into labour, he said in a panicky voice . Er in my home time, i'll get there when i can, i replied. I got there just when junior had popped out so i missed all the gruesome stuff!
Excellent timing i thought!:thumbsup:
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