Your ride today....

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Back home, so NCN270/27 it is! Usual run, managed to get up the ramp at Leg O'Mutton with two stops...Otherwise uneventful, but avg stymied a bit by unexpected headwind on the way back. Not too serious, as there's a lot of downhill! Bike going well, but noticing a once-per-crank-revolution ticking under load, worse on the inner ring. Investigations shall ensue...but not today, as actually have to work! Annual PAT at Exmister Garage, a long, sweaty, dirty day aided by Mrs DCB. Then off to Exmouth for fish and chips this evening!
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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Yesterday's ride:

I'd anticipated being unavailable all day but unexpectedly had the afternoon free so got the Raleigh out for a spin. I thought I'd head down to Cardington and loop round to Harnage and Cound before heading back via Condover.

The weather was warm and muggy with quite a brisk wind, which seemed to be against me as I headed through Condover to Longnor. After Longnor the wind was stronger (often the case as it gets funnelled along the Stretton Valley) so this bit could have been quicker, but I got on well up the climb to Folly Bank. The descent was going well until something buzzy got into my crash hat and I had to pull over. It turned out to be a bumble bee so I'm glad not to have got stung.

To Longville, Hughley and Harley the wind was helping and some good cruising speeds were maintained, then doubling back outside Harley for Harnage Grange and Cound I was riding into the wind again showing it was more of a westerley than the south-westerley I'd thought. The European flag was flying at Cound this time.

I used the A458 for a short stretch as I usually do but it was quite busy so I turned off onto the lane to Berrington rather than continue into Cross Houses. The run into Condover was a bit slow against the wind which made me think that the exposed main road route home wouldn't be much fun so I decided to head over Lyth Hill instead, which turned out to be a good move as the A49 was very busy when I came to cross it.

33.8 miles at 14.1 mph average. I was finding the Team Pro saddle particularly hard on the sit bones towards the end of the ride this time, which frustrated me as otherwise I'm pretty happy with how it's set up.

Just a couple of snaps this time from a gateway near Leebotwood:




Puzzle game procrastinator!
Bike going well, but noticing a once-per-crank-revolution ticking under load, worse on the inner ring. Investigations shall ensue...
Good luck with that... I have had the same problem on my singlespeed bike for weeks and so far have been unable to track it down!

(I have replaced the chain, rear wheel bearings, and bottom bracket. I tightened/replaced the chainring bolts, cleaned and tightened the rear mech hanger, checked the pedals, checked the stem & bars, checked the seatpost & saddle, and tightened the cassette lockring. No joy! The only thing I can think of that I haven't done is to replace the bearings in the freehub.)
Good luck with that... I have had the same problem on my singlespeed bike for weeks and so far have been unable to track it down!

(I have replaced the chain, rear wheel bearings, and bottom bracket. I tightened/replaced the chainring bolts, cleaned and tightened the rear mech hanger, checked the pedals, checked the stem & bars, checked the seatpost & saddle, and tightened the cassette lockring. No joy! The only thing I can think of that I haven't done is to replace the bearings in the freehub.)
Freshly greased bearings, chain <100 miles, BB < 1000 miles, new RD and cassette...
Chainrings and FD adjustment will be first port of call. If I can replicate it on the stand. Big if!


bury, lancs
Today’s ride was the next stage of visiting old cricket grounds I used to play at.

Today was the turn of Blackrod Cricket Club.

Headed out of Bury to Bolton, across the A6 past Walkden and Westhoughton. Then up to Blackrod.


This was meant to be the half way point on my ride but I felt fine for a change. So I decided to head back down the A6 towards Manchester.
I went through Swinton then headed through Agecroft to Prestwich. From Prestwich I then headed back to bury and home.

The weather was pretty much bouncing down all the way on the ride, but for some reason I love riding in the rain.

Home for a well earned brew and a bath 😂. Overall the ride was 38.6mph at an average of 13.5mph.

Happy cycling everyone 🚴🏻


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Today's job was to nip back to the homestead and get a few small things done.

Unlike my last ride back I did at least have the option of the car this time - although the bike was chosen for all the usual reasons, plus the fact that I don't really trust the brakes on the car yet.

Tbh I'd probably not have gone out on the bike otherwise today and wasn't particularly looking forward to the ride thanks to aches, tiredness and saddle sores. Despite the overcast skies and thick air I still felt a bit shivery and my legs like lead.. I told myself I'd just gently mosey back and zone out to some nice tunes.

That was pretty much how it went down. Despite feeling chilly to start with by a quarter of the way in I was sweating profusely thanks to the humidty. There were lots of people about and most were pleasant, quite a bit of traffic but few tossers for once - got a bit too close to a car in Yarnton thanks to the crap visibility where it makes the cycle path cross an adjoining road but that wasn't his fault.. The cycle track from Woodstock was quieter than usual and those who were on there were on the ball (and some with excellent dog control too!). A bit futher on I tried to rescue a bee in the road but by the time I'd got back to it it'd been run over :sad:

Made it home OK but felt a bit rinsed. I ate my 20p day-out-of-date Boots ploughmans and some other morsals, attacked the tasks in hand and got back on the bike again. The WSW wind made itself especially known to my aching legs heading West out of the village; this return journey having more of a headwind component overall but at least I had elevation on my side this time.

The sun came out and on quiet stretch I found another bee; picked it up to move it to a safer location but it seemed to prefer being on me to anything I offered it; perhaps because of the warmth. I let it wonder around on me for maybe 5 minutes (tbh I was glad of the rest) then it fell off onto some grass so I left it to it.

Potatophone he don't do close-focus:


I got to the Woodstock cycle path feeling a bit more enthusiastic and as is often the case got gradually faster along the track until I was going pretty hard.. unfortunately it looks like this segment has been removed from Strava since I last attacked it; perhaps over safety concerns due to increased traffic..?

From this point on I was largely on it; my legs finally having woken up after 30-odd miles (and maybe due to my carb-heavy lunch). I caned it through Yarnton; this time using the dual carriageway in parts due to the crappyness of the cycle paths and my lack of desire to slow right down to use pedestrian-centric crossings or wait for people to get out of the way. I smashed it across the Peartree roundabout and super-manned into town down the Woodstock road and then home.

53 miles and 1650ft at 13.9mph and 127bpm for 2100kcal burned. This puts me on 122 miles for the week so far (possibly I might do a recovery ride tomorrow); a bit slack but far preferable to last week's pitiful 33 miles.

Tiring but a decent outing and the last quarter was the most fun I've had on the bike for a while, so it at least feels like I've got my mojo back a bit :smile:
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A long loop out to the NE from here. Rolling countryside, nothing too demanding and my first visit to a number of places between here and Rennes.

96.7km in a shade under 5 hours – and another qualifying ride in the 2020 Loony Challenge.

A small fishing lake/picnic area outside Gaël


The old railway station at Médréac



Über Member
Northern NJ
So, after a two week hiatus from riding (first week I felt my body needed the rest, second week I was a lazy bum), I've ridden three days so far. 10 miles last Sunday, 20 miles on Wednesday and broke the 12 mph mark, and today rode another 20 miles. It was hot today. About 90 degrees and humid. Good thing I had the full zip jersey on to help cool myself on some of the downhill sections. I am going to try and do another short 10 mile ride tomorrow as well. I swear the two weeks off has caused my gut to expand. I need it to go away.
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Another ride in the rain this morning on some wet and muddy lanes. Didn’t have time to go too far as we were finally able to restart training classes this afternoon with our young collie. Started off to Northwood, over Dobsons Bridge, Fenns Wood, Fenns Bank, Alkington, Tilstock, Coton, Abbeygreen, Waterloo, Edstaston, Ryebank, Horton, onto the Ellesmere road to find temporary traffic lights which kindly turned to green as I got closer, carried on to Northwood where I turn back for home. Not many other people out in the rain just one group of cyclists and 2 runners. 24.7 miles @15.8mph. Bike needs cleaning now although I’m not sure you should get muddy in the middle of summer.

13 rider

With time running out this month I still needed a metric century and imperial century for the monthly challenges . But I'm currently having a mechanical nightmare my TCR is in the Lbs awaiting a part for its hydraulic brakes I snapped a spoke on my Defys rear wheel on Friday so I fitted my spare rear wheel and on yesterday's ride the freehub gave up on that. So this morning my hybrid was taken off commuting duties and rolled out for an attempt at 100km which would be my second metric century ever on it . My hybrid has front suspension and a rear rack fitted so it's definitely not a lightweight . Out the door at 0600 ,no rain and just beginning to warm up . Through Newtown Linford and up the days big climb of Sharpley hill to get the big climb out of the way early . Up Charley rd to Shepherd ,Belton ,Diesworth ,Long Wharton ,Sutton Bonnington . Roads I used the cycle a lot but haven't been this way for some time so it was nice to see the roads again.Gotham (still no sign of Batman) ,East leake ,Wysall ,Asfordby heading back up the Wreake valley doing maths as I realise I'm a bit short so at Cossington I go left to Sileby for the missing mileage . Joined my commuting route home . 62.4 miles done so 1 challenge down . Surprised myself by averaging 14.2 mph over that distance on my hybrid but I did keep the elevation down as much as I could (2100ft) as the hills really slow me on it . Here's hoping I get a working road bike for next weekend imperial ton attempt
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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Took another beasting on the club ride today. Only 35 miles but, (to mix my metric and imperial measurements once again), 565m of climbing, much of it steep. We headed off through Stroud and along the Bath Road towards Nailsworth, turning up Culver Hill to take the high road along the valley edge through Amberley and Theescombe. I was the one at the back for most of the climbing, so I wasn't able to stop and take any photos of the fantastic scenery, but it was all very enjoyable.

After descending into Nailsworth, the next bit was up, up, then up again through Shortwood and Horsley to Nympsfield .... and most of it just about on my gradient limit. I got off and pushed a couple of times, but it was all worth it for the views. Another great route created by @KingswayRider . The reward for all the climbing was a swooshing 1.5 mile descent down Frocester Hill, with great views of the Severn down below in the distance, and a great little social stop in Jim and Lisa's garden in Frocester. Tea and cakes were wolfed down before our flattish return via Frampton and Elmore. Another great club ride.

Cheers, Donger.
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