Your ride today....

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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
When some of our club's fast group were posting messages about not fancying it much today, and backing out, I rather rashly posted something about the Chilled Group being "made of sterner stuff". So I was pretty much compelled to turn up this morning. There were only two rides today, and the chilled one started with only two of us, but ho hum. Went anyway.

Rich and I followed the official route for most of the way before ad libbing to take on some extra hills. Lisa, who had turned up only to hand out more of her delicious flapjacks before driving home to Stroud, had a change of heart, and caught up with the two of us for the section up Horsepools Hill and Painswick Beacon via Pitchcombe before turning for home. Nice to have her along for a while.

We had already climbed up through Eastington (where I managed to keep a conversation going all the way up the climb for the first time), and up to Selsley via Middleyard with my bike steadfastly refusing to drop down onto the little ring. Getting up that in middle gear was another first for me. Also made it up the long drag from Painswick to Birdlip via Buckholt Woods in middle gear, so well chuffed today. There wasn't much rain, and the wind had eased off considerably for the first half of the ride, but we rode through quite a few floods, and there were several torrents running across the roads in places. Once we had dropped down Birdlip Hill and into Gloucester the wind kicked up with a vengeance, and we were riding straight into it.

Some very considerate drivers encountered today, as well as one complete muppet who fancied a road rage incident. :cursing: I probably shouldn't have gestured at him when he shouted about us being two abreast, but all-in-all it made for an amusing argument when he stopped in front of us and came marching angrily towards us, making out it was illegal. His expression changed noticeably when I stood up and took a step towards him, and it became clear that I was at least 10 inches taller than him! I educated him as to the contents of the Highway Code and told him to give it a good read and stop embarrassing himself. He flounced off with a tyre-smoking wheel spin, which seemed to be designed to impress us. The funny thing was that he encountered us riding two abreast on the widest, emptiest stretch of road we had ridden all day. We could have been riding six abreast and he would have had no problem getting past. He turned out to be such a muppet that our encounter didn't even come close to ruining the ride. That's another 40.1 miles done. Got some more fettling to do with my gears before next week's audax, but never mind. Stay safe in that wind, everyone. Cheers, Donger.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I headed out into a harsh wind, got 100 metres from the flat when I rode over something that was big enough to completely bend my rear SKS mudguards which jammed my rear wheel.

Couldn't straighten it properly so took it home to get on the stand to remove rear mudguard / clean bike / try to figure out cantilever type brakes / wonder why wheel no longer seems straight when put back on bike.

And that was my ride today.

Hope yours was better!


Did a 58km loop as part of the half century challenge

Bit blowy out there today, struggled with some of the bits into the wind, which just seemed to get stronger and stronger...Still no punctures today, so am happy with that!

Few photos of the Thames:

That big bright thing... that would be the sun!


The view back to Grays and Tilbury, all pretty industrial but the amount of ships that I saw on the ride was good to see, still some life on the old river..


The QE2 bridge before I passed under it (and some industrial infrastructure!)


Mrs M

My Birthday ride with CC london. Had a great ride with the club 62 miles, was supposed to have been 64 miles one for every year i have been around. ^_^ But we had a youngster with us who started to struggle towards the end of the ride so we took the flattest route back to the pub. We had arranged a little Birthday gathering there with a few friends, but when i got there i had a lovely suprise. cake_2.jpg
Was good to see so many people turn up, Have had a great ride a really nice lunch time drink. Have just ordered a curry for six have got the beers in, Life is great.:okay:
Belated happy birthday, nice looking cake :birthday:

Deleted member 1258

Another cycling adventure today, strong wind, flooded lanes, wet feet and another puncture, and all for charity. I rode the Guy Salmon/Coventry Road Club charity ride for the NSPCC today, rode the long route and with riding to and from the event clocked up 67 miles, my longest ride this year. It had been stormy here yesterday, strong wind and heavy rain, and that had washed the muck and rubbish out the hedges and off the trees, I punctured in Holly Lane Balsall Common on the way out and as I rode round the route I saw a few people with punctures, there was also a lot of surface water about, the lane I was worried about, Preston Lane had almost dried out by the time I got there but a section of Firs Lane, just past the old church was flooded, it was a bit deep and I had wet feet for the rest of the way round, it also was deep in Exhall a bit further on. A well organized and supported ride I had a stream of riders pass me as I pootled round on my fixed and I had company for the last part of the ride, he passed me as I climbed a hill in Lapworth St and I caught up a bit further on and we rode together to the finish. Another hard morning out on the bike but it was fun.


Mrs M

Another cycling adventure today, strong wind, flooded lanes, wet feet and another puncture, and all for charity. I rode the Guy Salmon/Coventry Road Club charity ride for the NSPCC today, rode the long route and with riding to and from the event clocked up 67 miles, my longest ride this year. It had been stormy here yesterday, strong wind and heavy rain, and that had washed the muck and rubbish out the hedges and off the trees, I punctured in Holly Lane Balsall Common on the way out and as I rode round the route I saw a few people with punctures, there was also a lot of surface water about, the lane I was worried about, Preston Lane had almost dried out by the time I got there but a section of Firs Lane, just past the old church was flooded, it was a bit deep and I had wet feet for the rest of the way round, it also was deep in Exhall a bit further on. A well organized and supported ride I had a stream of riders pass me as I pootled round on my fixed and I had company for the last part of the ride, he passed me as I climbed a hill in Lapworth St and I caught up a bit further on and we rode together to the finish. Another hard morning out on the bike but it was fun.

View attachment 118241
Well done :smile: :bicycle:.

Deleted member 1258

Well done :smile: :bicycle:.

Thank you, there were over 285 riders out.

13 rider

Plan for today was Febs 100 km so route planned and out at 0900 . Set off heading up the Wreake valley Anstey ,Cropston ,Rothley ,Cossington ,Ratcliffe on the Wreake ,Thrussington ,Hoby and Asfordby knew I had a tailwind but surprised to clock 18 miles in the first hour .Bit of climbing now up in Saxelby and into Grimston and another climb out of the village .Out along the top of Old Dalby and into Willoughby on the Wolds ,East Leake ,West Leake and Sutton Bonnington .2 hours in so a quick rest on a bench at the university campus .34 miles done quick snack and back on the bike .Kingston on soar Kegworth and another bout of climbing out of Kegworth to Long Whatton ,Diseworth ,Belton ,Shepshed ,Turned onto Charley rd and into the headwind so a steady grind back to beacon crossroads where A distance check and new route planned as original would have been short . So up Beacon hill the easy way and the nice fast decent into Quorn . There was a running event on and they were crossing the road halfway down Thanks to the Marshall who stopped a runner stepping out as I approached at 40 mph :stop:made me twitch a bit .Into Woodhouse ,then Quorn then took my commute route home . As I stopped at a junction a couple of lads shot off up the path to my right and just heard a crash and they were both on the floor. Quick scoot over and the younger one was crying holding his knee but no blood thankfully untangled the bikes and checked the lad out I think he was just in shock . Thankfully a couple of other people stopped including the lads neighbour so he got a lift home staff at the village hall stored the lads bike. So I rode with the other lad home he was about 13 and when I got there the other lads mum was waiting and confirmed he was ok might have a bruised knee but he didn't even graze his hand . Got thanked for helping out .but what else you supposed to do ?.So after the excitement Its time to get home so Mountsorrel, Rothley ,Cropston quick detour too add another mile then home .62.6 miles done at 15.5 mph 2186 feet of climbing . Got a bit cold today didn't bother with overshoes as its not going to rain . But didn't take into account the amount of rain over night so riding at time on roads that look like rivers is a recipe for wet feet !!. and only put on fingerless glooves another mistake so by the time I got home I had cold feet and hands lovely .Loads of riders out today again mostly heading the other way to me but had a cheeky draft of two females riders riding two abreast as I headed for Asfordby I did repay the favour though .
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13 rider

Another cycling adventure today, strong wind, flooded lanes, wet feet and another puncture, and all for charity. I rode the Guy Salmon/Coventry Road Club charity ride for the NSPCC today, rode the long route and with riding to and from the event clocked up 67 miles, my longest ride this year. It had been stormy here yesterday, strong wind and heavy rain, and that had washed the muck and rubbish out the hedges and off the trees, I punctured in Holly Lane Balsall Common on the way out and as I rode round the route I saw a few people with punctures, there was also a lot of surface water about, the lane I was worried about, Preston Lane had almost dried out by the time I got there but a section of Firs Lane, just past the old church was flooded, it was a bit deep and I had wet feet for the rest of the way round, it also was deep in Exhall a bit further on. A well organized and supported ride I had a stream of riders pass me as I pootled round on my fixed and I had company for the last part of the ride, he passed me as I climbed a hill in Lapworth St and I caught up a bit further on and we rode together to the finish. Another hard morning out on the bike but it was fun.

View attachment 118241
Well done Dave .I was going to come over but didn't fancy driving over if there was some doubt about it going ahead and not knowing the area I didn't fancy getting lost navigating round flooded lanes .Good turn though next year perhaps ?

Old jon

Bit of a ride out today, the wind seemed to strengthen as the day wound on, but it did stay dry, or more accurately it did not rain on me. There must have been some rain, the culvert along Water Lane was fuller than usual, and noisier too. The average trundle to the Boot pub via Oakwood clock, turn right for Red Hall, Skeltons and Thorner lanes, and left for Thorner itself. Church Hill is getting a little easier, but it still looks like a wall. Had a glimpse of another rider as I crested the hill, some distance in front, and as the road unwound I sighted him more often, I was catching him. Anyway, on the drop down to the beck I looked behind me, started moving out and he decided to turn right ! Not the cleverest move, I saw no signal and I was committed. He stopped dead when I shouted and I sort of got past in the middle of the right hand lane. Close.

On to Bramhope and a butty stop and then Clifford . . .

To the western end of Boston Spa, the Wetherby roundabout and home along the A 58. Putting the bike away after 31.2 miles I saw a nine or ten mm long cut in the tyre, not happy with that, and it was not there last Friday. Took the wheel out and there was another similar cut about 60 or 70 degrees around. OK scrap the tyre and fit a new one. I do not want too many of them in a year.

Deleted member 1258

Well done Dave .I was going to come over but didn't fancy driving over if there was some doubt about it going ahead and not knowing the area I didn't fancy getting lost navigating round flooded lanes .Good turn though next year perhaps ?

It looked doubtful last night, we had some flooding in Coventry last night, it rained almost all day yesterday, fortunately once it stopped a lot of the flooding subsided quite quickly.
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So three months after breaking my collarbone and ribs, I was back on the bike.
Kingston, Teddington, a circuit of Bushy Park, Hampton Wick, towpath to Hampton Court and back home.
13.8 miles, 12mph average, my knee hurts, cramp in the foot and feel bloody marvellous :bicycle:^_^^_^


Never used Über Member
Woke this morning to find a bright yellow disc in the sky. Was a bit confused by this, until I checked Google and found it's called the sun...;)

Anyway, out just after 9 on the hybrid for a mixed on / off road pootle round locally, with plans to get to the nations largest bike retailer when they opened at 10 to pick up some goodies - more on that later.
Down to Cross Gates, noticing that the sun may indeed be out, but the wind was making it's presence felt too. My wind / water proof gloves still hadn't fully dried out from yesterday (despite a night hung up) so I was wearing my reserve pair from Aldi which definitely aren't wind proof.
Up Austhorpe Lane, then Barrowby Lane and onto NCN R66 through Thorp Park. Added an extra wiggle on one of the access roads, just to add a bit more distance and then back onto R66 and the bridleway off the office park. As I rounded the corner I found two deer stood looking at the chain link fence that's been put up where they are extending the site. The first deer shot off sharpish, but unusually the second one didn't seem so shy and sauntered off at it's own pace.
Up the hill to the bridge over the M1, then down the other side into the woods and the run down to Garforth.
As always on a Sunday there are too many other people about to go blasting through the woods, so I took it steady and stopped about half way on for a drink (I remembered this week!) and a few photos:


Unbelievably I picked up a wi-fi signal here - I can only assume it was from the farm in the top photo, but that was over 100yds away.
Anyhow, back on the bike and on down the hill, splashing through the many puddles before I rejoined the tarmac and the run up to Barwick Road.
Left, under the railway bridge and then right on Nanny Goat Lane for the gentle climb up to the stables.
Onto the bridleway, which needless to say was even muddier than last time, so I splashed my way through and down the hill into the tunnel under the M1. Out the other side and the descent down to the farm, passing an MTB'er and a walker stood chatting in the path.
Through the gate and passed the farm, avoiding the Sunday morning footballers driving to the sports ground and out onto Manston Lane.
Passed another MTB'er and then a lad on a CX, before passing the old tank factory and at the roundabout turning up Pendas Way to cut across the estate through to the Ring Road.
Across the Ring Road and after a quick local road wiggle, joined the Cycle Super Highway (CSH) for the run down to Britains Biggest Bike Retailer.
I've commented on the CSH before and this section is now all but finished. After riding it again my opinion remains unchanged - it's a missed opportunity.
If you're capable of any speed at all (ie regular commuter) then you're going to stay on the dual carriageway risking the wrath of the 'get on the bike path' brigade' and avoid this wandering, narrow and poorly though out cycle way that runs alongside it. And if you're a leisure cyclist, perhaps out with the family, then why would you be cycling alongside a main road when there are much better routes locally? I'll post a full run down of my opinion in the Bradford Cycleway thread...

Into the shop, taking my bike with me (no way was I locking it to one of the forlorn looking bike stands hidden outside), up the steps (why is the bike bit upstairs?) and collected my order: Garmin Edge 810 with out front mount and a silicone case. Sadly the reduced Boardman cycling top I'd reserved was missing - they were trying to locate one at a another branch and will let me know if they can.

Back on the bike and decided to take the CSH on the other side of York Rd back up home.Joining it from Foundry Lane is excellent - they've incorporated a mini-slip road - but sadly the rest of it is much the same as that on the other side. Had to rejoin the dual carriageway just after the fire station as the council construction team were working on a still unfinished section of the CSH (on a Sunday???) which was interesting as I took primary past the cones.
Anyhow, up the hill and on to home, with a final loop around the block for a little push for the final mileage.

12.26 miles in 1 hr 7 mins at an average of 11 mph with just 425 ft climbed. Not bad for a Sunday pootle where it was more about having fun on the bike than breaking any records. And I saw more cyclists in a 12 mile local ride this morning than I saw in 36 miles yesterday. ;)

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