Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Almost an incident free ride today - wanted something a bit gentle - ran 15Km yesterday so legs a bit sore still. Anyhoo the incident - ran into two birds having a fight below the bridge near Wilmslow station - hit one of them as they flew off ooops - still I carried on to do 85.1Km - Northenden - Styal - Wilmslow - Alderley Ege - Ollerton - Goostrey - Twemlow Green - Sweetenham - Siddington - Lower Withington - Over Peover - Marthall - Alderley Edge - Styal - Northenden. Quite nice but got a bit clouy towards the end and had a nice view of Jodrell Bank radio telescope.....

Mrs M

Beautiful day up here today :sun:
Accompanied by Mr M, who decided it would be a good idea to choose a run I'd usually do on the road bike :eek:
Quite a hilly run but managed ok and only had to get off and push up one hill.
Think I gave the usual "roadies" a surprise, zooming along on the Pash' :bicycle: :laugh:
Stopped to take a couple of pics (and for a rest).


West Wales
Went out on the recumbent trike for my first solo ride. Faffed about at 6.30 am putting the bottle cage back on
(nicked one of the screws yesterday to fix the mudguard back on)
Then had to find the flag (in the car )
At 7.15 shivering just a little I set off.
Went via Paddock Wood to Golden Green taking in a couple of hills.
Going up was really easy if slow coming down is interesting when I apply the brakes.
Not sure why but the right hand brake works way better than the left causing a lurch to the right when braking at any sort of speed
Might be my broken collar bone making me pull a little less hard on the left brake
Steering left tho sorted it out
23 miles inn I pulled into a shallow ditch for a cup of coffee and a wee
My legs were very wobbly. for a minute.. Is that normal ?

Went home for breakfast having done 52km .
Due to aforementioned collar bone I can't wear my normal cycling clothes
Wore a baggy t-shirt and a wax jacket and was astounded when I got home how much I had perspired
Shall be wearing my madison baselayers and gore bike wear jackets again asap
Small price to pay for being out on a bike again tho . I love my new trike


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Easily the most enjoyable ride of the year, so far. Four of us on the "Chilled Group" club ride today including a newcomer (Rachel) and Tony, Rich and me. I had a challenging route planned for today, taking in the monstrous Upton Hilll from Matson up to Painswick Beacon and onwards via Painswick to the lovely Cotswold village of Sheepscombe. Once down by the Butcher's Arms in Sheepscombe came the second big climb back out of the valley. At one point it was so steep that I nearly rode straight into a hedge at the side of the road .... concentrating so hard on keeping going that I nearly forgot to steer!

Once we had got back on top of the Cotswolds, we crossed the Slad Road and went cross country to The Camp, picking up the Bisley road for a while. From there we quickly got back off the main road and onto Stancombe Lane and then Catswood Lane, crossing back again to the Slad Valley on what has to be my current all-time favourite local lane. At one point the narrow little lane drops so steeply into the woods (presumably "Catswood"?) that it requires a couple of tight little hairpin bends. Two of the four of us only just made it round them due to the steepness of the road and the unexpectedness of the hairpins. My brakes were squealing. This led to a route through a lovely little village that I can't even put a name to, but which seemed to contain several houses with artists' studios or huge picture windows with glorious views down the Slad Valley.
28 Catwood.JPG

Eventually regained the main Slad Valley road at The Vatch and freewheeled all the way down past the Woolpack and into Stroud, where we stopped for a welcome hot drink in the Upper Lock Cafe - which was being patronised by quite a few other cyclists today.
29 Upper Lock Cafe.JPG

My official route had planned to loop back round on the flat via Frampton on Severn and Stonehouse. By a unanimous vote, however, we opted to head home by a straighter route, but giving us all one last climbing fix by taking in a two mile climb from Pitchcombe over the back of Horsepools Hill to Edge and then one more thrilling descent down into Brookthorpe. After turning up early this morning and throwing in a lap of the newest parts of the Kingsway Estate, I had done 32.2 miles by the time I got home. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the route, which was pleasing. I know I shall be seeking out that little road in the woods again some time soon ... possibly riding it in the opposite direction. Glorious, though chilly, weather today. Spring is definitely on its way.
Cheers everyone, Donger.

Ed. p.s. Just noticed that has brought up 500 miles for the year so far. A definite PB for the end of Feb.
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Norven Mankey
Proper chilly in the Peak District yesterday, average was 1 degree, and I probably underestimated it and I was cold until the heavy-duty climbing kicked in. Thermal base layer with a short sleeved top was OK. But no gloves was tough for the early descents. After a couple of hours no problem though

First 20 miles into the wind which made it feel even colder, over the Snake (my 98th strava ascent...getting close) and then loads of little lanes through Ewden Village, Bolsterstone and Maynestone. There were two really hard climbs; Kirk Edge (1.7km@10%) and Ewden Village to Bolsterstone (1.1km@13%). No matter how cold it is, you're going to get warmed up on those. I got the "bleep of death" on a 20+% ramp on the Bolsterstone climb....this is when I am going so slowly my garmin assumes I've stopped and bleeps me to tell me it's paused

Back via Dunford Bridge and, finally, a tailwind for the final 10 miles back to Glossop. Held up a lorry down the Woodhead Pass (I was doing about 30 but it's a 50 zone) for a mile or so. When I turned off I gave him a thumbs up and he tooted his horn back to me which was nice.

I'd planned a coffee stop after about 35 miles but when I got there it was shut and they were removing catering equipment so seems to be permanently closed. After that there were no other refuelling opportunities so I had to do the full ride on breakfast porridge and a few pieces of flapjack

Home, a hot shower and a milky coffee

55 miles with 5,900ft of climbing. Managed 13.5mph which wasn't bad considering how cold I was at times. Too cold to stop for photos. Total ride time was 4.08 and I was moving for all but 7 minutes of that. Far too cold to be hanging around

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I stole the boys CX bike this morning and snuck off on it whilst he was in bed.
There hasn't been much rain round here for a while, so the bridle ways are firming up nicely, though in pockets it's still swamp like!
Half a mile on road leads to a broad grassy track at the end of the village leading to Caldecote, it even has rustic signage

Though it was chilly in the wind I was getting warm in the shelter of the hedges, and I soon had to stop to remove my buff from my neck. This is when I saw my first green woodpecker.

I had a mile or so down through old Caldecote and along the road to Bourn before jumping off onto another byway where the second green woodpecker flew off. Skirting the bluebell woods I could see a promise of things to come..
I crossed the A1198 at the Red House former pub, I had a chat with a bloke on a fat bike. He's only had it a while, and had not been on a bike in 25 years..... He was dismayed to discover how hard it was. "We've all been there" I laughed.
I followed the old Cambridge-Oxford railway line for a while before taking a sign for another bridle way.

Twas lovely and warm, the buff came off me bonce, and then I crested this hill and it was bloody freezing!

I think this may be a Damien Hirst installation. But is it art?

I was skirting around the back of Haley Wood, which in a few weeks will be full of Oxlip, bluebell and primrose.

I ended up sneaking through the maggot farm farmyard.... At this point I don't think I was on a footpath, luckily I was up wind of the buildings!

I jumped onto the road and caught up with, then went past St Neots CC as I'm a perfectly honed athlete who can overtake these mortals into a headwind, whilst riding a CX tractor. Effortless. Then a bloke shot past me on a TT bike and brought me back to terra firma with a bump!

Into Bourn and more off road. I'd not been down Crow End before, there are loads of old thatched chocolate box cottages. If the cars weren't there it could have been the 17th century.

Just under 20 miles that were really enjoyable. Those of you who read this thread regularly will know I ride the roads round here all the time, but then when you get off road another world with little gems appear. I might have to nick his bike a bit more....
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Got the hack out and myself and Little H hit the local roads for some riding on the roads practice. I'm still teaching him roadcraft and today was learning how to cycle roundabouts. At 6yo he picks bike things up really quickly though is still wary of taking a hand off the bars to indicate. But he has stopping at the white lines and checking for other traffic down to a tee.

He's now very well known in the immediate area so car drivers did very well by being very patient with us both, holding back and overtaking wide and slowly.

Afterwards, we went to the local park to do a bit of racing on the paths and a bit of off roading, only to rest to share a Twirl choccy bar.


Legendary Member
Deceptively milder than the forcast suggested, I set out this morning well wrapped and never really got cold, a nice change for 'winter' riding.
23 miles, Across Ferry Meadows, into Castor, over the A47 toward Upton and Helpston, toward Werrington, Bretton and across town and home.
A bit mizzly round Bretton but otherwise good weather, even warm in the sun.

Several large Red Kite, one Buzzard, a few Long Tailed Tits seen en route.

A good day...


The forecast was for the sun to be shining in the morning, so I decided to leave at around 8.30am. Made my way over to the 'Ice cream farm, Tattenhall' for elevenses. Then back into Chester and onto the Greenway cycle path and home. The weather forecast did hold true, which made for a great 100 km ride.

Ice cream farm.

Shropshire Union Canal at Chester.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
My ride today wasn't the one I had in mind. Doug (my brother) asked whether I'd be interested in a ride and I didn't think he'd appreciate my hilly plans on only his second ride of the year so we headed out for an easyish local loop instead.

I was using the Raleigh for the first time this year so it was also a good shakedown ride for the new stem and handlebar. Setting out it felt quite weird after doing most of my winter miles on the knockabout bike, but good. I'd trialled the riding position at the end of last year by turning the riser handlebar upside down so the new lower straight bar feels about right once I'd got used to it again. I'm looking forward to racking up a few miles with it now.

The ride went well. Doug was feeling the lack of riding over the winter months so we weren't quick but he did alright and seemed to enjoy himself. He was even talking about wanting to do a Long Mynd ride before we take the bikes to the Lakes later in the Spring.

There were a few other cyclists out enjoying the late winter sunshine. It's still cold out but spring doesn't feel too far away at the moment.^_^

17.25 miles at 11.5 mph average.


Doug looks fairly happy considering this is only his second ride since the autumn.:okay:

Deleted member 1258

I enjoyed that, Barby the destination 56 miles the journey, I did the scenic route out to the cafe, out of Coventry though Bell Green and Wood End to Shilton. When I got the other side of Churchover they were working on the roundabout on the A426 and diverting all traffic left, I managed to walk round the outside of it and get my right turn in.My route took me through Shawell, Swinford and past Stanford Hall then on to Yelvertoft and Crick a short section of A5 left at the roundabout and on to Barby. The Coventry Rd Clubs Newcomers Group were in the Cafe and I joined them, shortly afterwards an old friend joined us and we rode home together, the route took us down the hill across the A45 and across Grandborough fields, then through Leamington Hastings, Birdingbury, then right through Frankton, Stretton On Dunsmore, across the A45 and onto Wolston, when we got to the outskirts of Coventry we split up and I followed my usual route home past the Speedway, though Binley Woods, across the A46, then down the Binley Rd and right up Hipswell Highway, Sewall Highway and home. A good morning on the bike, It was nice to have company on the way back, I hadn't done a group ride for a while and I enjoyed that.



Legendary Member
What a glorious day for a bike ride. Went for a fairly challenging one, with my longest ride of the winter so far.

Took the cycle lanes up to Harlescott and then the old canal path to Uffington and joined the road to Upton Magna. From there I went through Upton Forge and out to Norton and Wroxeter, taking the loop around the NCN Route and then climbing up towards Spout Lane. The hedge butcherer had been out and left hawthorn strewn across the road, but managed to avoid a puncture before the hard climb up to Little Wenlock.

I was getting rather warm in the almost Spring like sunshine, but kept the layers on for the nice long descent to Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge. That road gets worse every time I ride it though, strewn with potholes and craters. There were loads of people out enjoying the sunshine in Ironbridge and I paused for a shot of the bridge (complete with my fingers in shot :rolleyes:)

I rode down to my favourite lunch spot at Dale End and sat in the park enjoying the sunshine and munching on my sandwiches. The peace was only spoilt by 2 horrid little Westie dogs who seemed intent on snarling and attacking anything in the near vicinity. A couple of dog owners had words with the owner of the Westies about their conduct!

I headed back out onto the road to Buildwas and joined the busy road to Leighton, but all traffic was well behaved. I paused at the top of Buildwas bank to take a shot of the meandering River Severn.

The cloud started to roll in as I neared Cressage and the breeze also picked up a bit which made it tough going for the remainder of the ride.

I climbed up from Cressage to Harnage and Cound, then following the road to Berrington and Betton, where there were loads of people in the fields using what looked like metal detectors on an organised dig. There must have been about 50 people digging for something!

I finished the ride with the only close pass of the day about 100 yds from home :banghead:

A lovely, but hard 37 miles with 1500 ft of climbing.

I passed the 4000 mile mark for this bike today and took my February mileage to 115. Means I'm at double my mileage for this time last year, which I'm happy with.:okay:

13 rider

A ride of two halves today had arrange to meet mate at 13.00 but wanting to get 50 miles in so Out at 10.30 for a few miles before lunch .Up through Newtown Linford turned left up Ulverscoft lane past Polly Botts lane didn't fancy it today but that meant the priory lane climb which is shorter but steeper :eek:
2016-02-28 10.23.26.jpg

A picture from the bottom (minus fingers ). photo Dosn't do justice of its steepness
After grinding my way up its round the back of Markfield on to Thornton ,Bagworth ,Desford, Kirby Muxloe ,Ratby ,Groby and Anstey .Stopped at my favourite food stop I knew the Chef its called Mums .After a bacon sandwich and cake it off for part two .As I set off mate texted and wimped out he'd been standing watching his lad play football and was frozen :cold:. So solo it is . Cropston ,Cossington and up humble lane stopped at the top as there was 3 cyclist looking over a bike. The rider had apparently come off going under the A46 on a pothole it looked like bike and rider was fine .Up the Wreake valley through Ratcliffe on the Wreake ,Thrussington ,Hoby and Frisby across the A607 were the terrain becomes a lot more rolling up to Gaddesby then back to Rearsby and back to Thrussington retracing my route home .51.9 miles in the bank . Proper chilly this morning but managed to shed overshoes and extra glooves at dinner time and finished the ride in glorious winter sunshine :sun:and was a bit sweaty as I put my winter jacket on home now for :cuppa: and more importantly cake :hungry:
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