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Perhaps This One.....
Lovely sunny day here, so ventured a little further afield than I have of late. Through Virginia Water and a brief A30 stint before heading into Englefield Green. Back down Egham Hill (29.7mph), and home. 10.6 miles, nice to do some little hills again, and a change of scenery too.


The Glue that binds us together.
Did a solo ride to Cambridge and back on Wednesday. First Day i had nothing to do for a while. Have not done any reasonable rides for a while, Have entered the London Etape so i thought i would get a few miles in. Legs felt good throughout the ride, the wind was not to bad, Had a jacket potato beans and coleslaw washed down with a can of coke when i got there, Had an uneventful ride back so 95 miles in the bank, but when i got home the other half had made arrangements for an evening ride with our group. So off for another 30 miles, thought i would suffer with that one but the legs were holding up. Ended up in the pub for a well deserved couple of beers.
Was a really good day, Looking forward to next Wednesday.:okay:


52 miles,but i was awful,i was pathetic.i don't think i prepared correctly,i had a pizza for dinner last night.So i had nothing to 'bite' on really.i had my usual brekkie.toast and quick oats.But the legs were not good.We also had a headwind.Stopped in Rufforth for a coffee,but that did not do too much.Stayed in York for about an hour.Sarnie,cake,coffee and a visit to a Roman Bath found under the pub of the same name.Good ride out of York,but when in Wetherby the legs went and so did i.A slow and painful return home speeds between 7 -17 mph.Not good.But at least i got out.Now i can feel cramp coming on.


Legendary Member
Got the grass cut today ^_^, but not before I'd been out and done another hundred :becool:

Pretty much followed yesterdays route with the odd detour thrown in. Weather was cold and misty when I set off just before 07:00, but the sun soon burned the mist away, was a surprisingly strong wind which made it hard work in some places. No photos as I couldn't be arsed to stop and take any. Saw a few cyclists out and about.

I've also decided I could never be a long distance time trialist, not just because I am slow, but I stopped 4 times for a comfort break in the first 60 miles, at least I knew I wasn't dehydrated

107.92 miles in total


Got the grass cut today ^_^, but not before I'd been out and done another hundred :becool:

Pretty much followed yesterdays route with the odd detour thrown in. Weather was cold and misty when I set off just before 07:00, but the sun soon burned the mist away, was a surprisingly strong wind which made it hard work in some places. No photos as I couldn't be arsed to stop and take any. Saw a few cyclists out and about.

I've also decided I could never be a long distance time trialist, not just because I am slow, but I stopped 4 times for a comfort break in the first 60 miles, at least I knew I wasn't dehydrated

107.92 miles in total

I bow to you Sir in 'umble adoration.I was awful.
I am posting a lot today, but my ride this morning was a none ride. Started off for Croglin to catch one of the KOM stages of the tour. Loaded up wth supplies at Wetheral post office, got round to the path down to the viaduct and the rear tyre got a visit from the P fairy. No kit as I was travelling light so had to push back home. It was only 2.5 mile and it was a nice walk. I dread to think what would have happened if I had got to Croglin, which is 11.5mile from home.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Any chance of a translation ? ^_^
Microwave oven I believe.




Nice sunny 27 miles, as a warm up for the London ride on Saturday.


Its okay to be white
Having spotted some rather full blackberry bushes whilst out on Tuesdays ride I thought pop back with some containers & harvest a few today while the weather was still fine. So it was back up to Hampworth for some picking before visiting my usual spot at Bartley, as I know these are quite a sweet tasting berry :hungry:. I did however make the schoolboy error of not looking at what was at shin level when I moved along the bushes & found some rather annoying stinging nettles that are still stinging now, 3 hours later!


Berries aplenty at Hampworth, with the golf course in the background.


The fruits of my labour, ready to be frozen for the winter time blackberry & apple crumbles. :hungry:


Legendary Member
My 50th ride of 2015, at the end of one of the best days of weather we've had this year. Lovely warm sunshine, but a fairly keen easterly breeze.

I set off through Bayston Hill, passing a chap playing a steel drum!! Seemed a bit odd, if he was busking, that he was on the opposite side of the road to where the shops/footfall are?

Continued up Lyth Hill and then dropped down to Exfords Green, before heading up Long Lane, having to stop twice for tractors and today's farm animal in the road was a Chicken. Much rather that than the Cow!!

I then climbed up the hill to Oaks, scaring the life out of a chap who was collecting up comes from some roadworks. I was going quite slowly up the hill and he turned round and jumped out of his skin when he saw me :laugh:.

Lovely sunny view from Oaks

From there I took the descent down to Plealey for the 1st time and then around to Annscroft and followed the main road through Hook-a-Gate, as far as Nobold. I was in 2 minds whether to head straight home or do a loop of the Town, but as it was such a nice evening I took the decision to do the loop, heading through Radbrook, Porthill and into the Quarry, where the American Circus was setting up. It was very busy in The Quarry and I had to have my wits about me to avoid being fetched off by dogs that were running loose all over the place.

From there I followed the River to Castlefields and then took the cycle paths back home.

23.2 miles with 970ft of climbing
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13 rider

Home from work sunshining choice off an hour of Emmerdale or a ride hmm. Out with the bike Anstey ,Cropston ,Swithland ,Woodhouse Eaves hit the climb of Maplewell Rd hard a nasty climb with three false summits then turned back towards Old John and down Sharply hill into Newtown Linford up the last climb and strava segment before home flew up it . Got home to find strava had stopped recording before the climb off maplewell rd so its no pds :sad: 12.54 miles according to bike computer 9.6 on strava at 15.4 mph in lovely sunshine making the most while the light night last


Never used Über Member
Tale of two rides - yesterday and today.

Both just quick local spins after work so nothing too exciting, so no maps or photos - both virtually the same route, distance and average speed.
Down to Manston Lane (horrid headwind both times), back and up through Pendas Fields and looped around Manston Park (on the road) before repeating.

Yesterday: 11.13 miles, 41 mins, average speed 16.2mph
Today: 11.27 miles, 41 mins, average speed 16.4mph (Wahey - look how much faster I went...) :whistle:
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