Your ride today....

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Re member eR
An early am ride out for me today. Not far but I've been lethargic all this week and I felt I needed something to shake it off.
So it was up and out for 6am, which given that for ages I hummed and hawed about getting out of bed wasn't too bad.

Out and down to Oakwood Clock, a left towards town and down to the lights at the Fforde Grene (as was) to pick up Easterly Road.
Up to Oakwood Lane and then on up to the ring road via Wellington Hill, north on the A58 and turned up towards Shadwell.
Straight through Slaid Hill to Moortown and back to Oakwood Clock. Another loop down and up Easterly Road and that was it.

12 miles and 700 ft of up. Fixed.

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An early am ride out for me today. Not far but I've been lethargic all this week and I felt I needed something to shake it off.
So it was up and out for 6am, which given that for ages I hummed and hawed about getting out of bed wasn't too bad.

Out and down to Oakwood Clock, a left towards town and down to the lights at the Fforde Grene (as was) to pick up Easterly Road.
Up to Oakwood Lane and then on up to the ring road via Wellington Hill, north on the A58 and turned up towards Shadwell.
Straight through Slaid Hill to Moortown and back to Oakwood Clock. Another loop down and up Easterly Road and that was it.

12 miles and 700 ft of up.

Fair play for finding the motivation to get out at that ungodly hour! :notworthy:

13 rider

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts healing slow going . Day off work early in the month so time for an imperial century ride . Out the door at 0730 heading to the Vale of Belvior . Anstey ,Cossington ,Saxibly and a quick descent into the vale at Long Clawson . A quick tour of the vale grabbing a few veloviewer squares just a couple of dead end farm tracks today :wacko:. Crossed the A1 at Long Bennington then onto to the tea rooms at Fulbeck for a lovely fry up :mrpig:. I got to the cafe at 60 miles at 17.5 mph . While sitting eating watching the trees outside I realised this was down to a tailwind so I had the prospect of 50 miles of headwind home :banghead:. Had thoughts of carrying on to Lincoln to catch the train home but was struggling to get the required miles in. So original plan it is . Back on the bike to Foston to cross the A1 .Allington Woolsthorpe and a steady climb up to Belvior castle then a quick descent left turn on to a 4 mile dead straight road into the headwind at 1 point I was doing 11 mph on the flat :surrender:. Ground my way along it turned right for Stathern for rest from the wind but faced with Stathern hill to climb out of the vale . The 1 problem with cycling to and from the vale is the climb out they are all awful . Made heavy work of getting up the hill today the right turn halfway up put me into the headwind again . That's all the major climbing done so just ground my way home . Eastwell along the ridge to Seagrave ,Sileby ,Cossington and home . 112 miles at 15.6mph so slower coming home but another month chalked off some veloviewer squares grabbed and got home safe without any mishaps ^_^:laugh: a good day if a bit of hard work . Stay safe everyone


Lighthouse Up close
View of the Lighthouse across the Beech
The entrance for Boats into the Port
The building of the New Lifeboat Station

Ride out through the lanes to Bury Port.


Legendary Member
Finally getting round to writing up Sundays ride which had a bit of an incident :B) in it . Set off early for a planned 70 miler from Leicester to Derby subburds around the Toyota plant to grab some velo viewer squares . Took my normal route . Anstey ,Newtown Linford ,Shepherd ,Breedon ,Melbourne and Walton from here is a nice descent on the causeway to Swarkstone bridge a quite narrow raised section of road . I was cruising along about 25mph keeping up with the traffic . At this point I think I glanced to my left when I looked forward the car in fronts brake lights were on :eek: only slowing I thought , oh s*** he's stopping at a pinch point ,anchors on full and wheels lock up just as I feel the rear wheel leaving the ground the front wheel makes contact with the cars bumper and I face plant into the rear window of the SUV and I'm on the floor .I'm fine myself surrounded by people talking about calling an ambulance but apart from a bloody nose I seem ok so I turn down the offer . People help me clean myself up with tissues and water and I stop the nose bleeding and I feel ok . After checking the car then my bike for damage thankfully no damage to either . I swap details with the driver just incase he discovers any damage I am insured through British cycling . I must say the driver took it incredibly well and wasn't angry . He asked me to let him now when I got home safe which was a nice touch . Refused an offer of a lift home and let everyone go as we were causing gridlock .Sat there for 15 mins letting the traffic ease and taking everything in . So what to do head home ,call for a lift or carry on ? . I decided to carry on for a few miles to see how I was .Well I amazingly felt fine and just carried .After about an hour I could see out the corner of my eye a swelling . Anyway stopped after 2 hrs and texted the driver to say I was fine and he texted back wishing me well . Completed the ride got my velo viewer squares and increased my max square . Walked in home to be greeted by what the **** have you done , looked in the mirror and I have a massive black eye :B) and fat lip . My sister who is quite medically pratical having worked in the NHS for years so summoned . She cleaned my wounds and checked me over . I spent Sunday with an ice pack on my eye and the swelling did go down . Other than cuts and bruises I am absolutely fine which considering everything is amazing got away with it really . Thanks to everyone who stopped and helped and the driver who didn't get angry and has texted again to check I was ok on Monday . Stay safe out there I know how quick it can go wrong . I expect to be ribbed quite a lot on Sundays ride .
Glad you weren’t more seriously injured! Hope the injuries are healing nicely.


I planned a bit of exploring.
Going out of Glasgow on the canal to Kirkintilloch, then joining the old Kelvin valley railway path.
I've rode it before to Milton of Campsie and Lennoxtown.
Today I planned to go in the opposite direction .
Not so easy .
The path soon vanished. Poor and confused signs so I ended up taking a route along some back roads heading in what I reckoned was roughly the right direction.
Very hilly with hedges so it was wing and a prayer.
Eventually saw the M80 but not much else.
First time ever I stopped and used my phone for directions back to a main road I would know.
Eventually got back on to A80 heading to Stepps and back into Glasgow.
I enjoyed the farm roads . Must have been on them for half an hour with no cars.

Couple of local trips either side of that and I clocked up 50 miles.


Only having a short time available, I rode to the Imperial War Museum (North), to see the poppies 'Wave'.
Even though, it's much smaller instalation than the original, it was still an impressive sight. I thought it was lovely


It was early evening so I mostly went on the canal and loop line, using the cycle paths to keep away from the traffic .
Only 14 miles but nice to get out.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts healing slow going . Day off work early in the month so time for an imperial century ride .

Sorry to hear about your 'incident' but well done & getting back out & doing a century so soon after :okay: I noticed you did an extra 0.1 mile than me today on the CC strava leaderboard :angry: Was a tough ride today for me with the headwind at points, kept thinking about cutting my ride short, but got to Malton, then headed down to Strensal & then it was too late to cut it short, didn't have my train pass, so had to ride home 112.3 miles ^_^


A fish out of water
Gorllewin Cymru

Yes we are spoilt. I'm normally there 2 or 3 times a week with the dog, when the tide is out.

There's also a new bike path just outside of Burry Port. If you need any info on local routes just ask.

13 rider

Sorry to hear about your 'incident' but well done & getting back out & doing a century so soon after :okay: I noticed you did an extra 0.1 mile than me today on the CC strava leaderboard :angry: Was a tough ride today for me with the headwind at points, kept thinking about cutting my ride short, but got to Malton, then headed down to Strensal & then it was too late to cut it short, didn't have my train pass, so had to ride home 112.3 miles ^_^
Only 112.3 :laugh:. Yes tough ride home
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