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Legendary Member
Fabulous weather yesterday early evening, 15 miles locally , hedges full of birdsong.

Old jon

Looking like a warm Wednesday outside, let’s go for a ride. I think I was talking to the Spa, mostly ‘cos there were no people around. Anyway, we went.

Down the river and canal side from the Armouries is a quiet start, back on the road after Woodlesford Lock things were not busy through Swillington. Down the hill and ride along the southern side of Garforth and up the cliff. This is the A63, again not much traffic, then I reached the turn for the B1222. Three cars zapped past and turned left, just where I was going. They left me plenty of room, no problems at all. But they were the first vehicles since Peckfield Bar, a couple of miles back. I had become accustomed to the peace.

Sherburn in Elmet, coo! full name and it’s not even Sunday, is next, turn left at the traffic lights. This takes me to the A162, next village is Barkston Ash. There may still be a pub on the outskirts called the Ash Tree, when I rode past there was builders fencing around the front of the place. Too early for it to be opening. Towton is a bit further north, soon reached and ridden through, then less than a mile from Tadcaster is the left turn for Stutton.

Why would a place so small have a railway station? Not now, but before Dr Beeching committed surgery on the network, Stutton had its very own railway station. I might just have to look online . . .

The road trends upwards leaving Stutton. It would be easy to blame having to cross the A64 on a bridge over the cutting that the big road is in. But I cannot remember what this minor road was like in the past. And it is not much of a climb anyway. Toulston is reached, almost on a ‘T’ junction, left turn to go to Bramham. And where then? I had not thought about it, but now have to.

To Thorner, on the road that has been little used by me recently. Down the hill past the site of Wothersome Village, up and along to Thorner. The hedges were high and green, not much to be seen on either side. Into the village down Church Hill and remember to turn right just by the Mexborough Arms, to ride up Carr Lane to the A58.

Which seemed to be a good place to turn for home, which might be eight or so miles away. So a left turn, soon followed by a rather quick descent of Boot Hill. Along to the clock at Oakwood, which I again forgot to have a good look at, and then down again to Crown Point and it’s bridge. Home from there, big grin for forty miles and 1800 feet of up. And a bit too much sun is tingling my forearms.

Garwings? Garsquiggles? hmmmm.




Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
A Day off today so a gentle pootle in the sun. Out on the Tricross before lunch for my regular Naburn Loop. Stopped for a Photo on the Sustrans route over The Ouse and a later photo on the bridge in Tadcaster overlooking The Wharfe. So many large fish under the bridge, possibly Bream?
26.6 miles with an average of 15.2 mph.










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Legendary Member
Not a ride today but Monday I passed two cyclists on a hybrids going fairly slowly just prio to a decent followed by a steepish up hill section Got a bit of a shock as they came flying past me .Caught them up on the. flat and realised I been E biked on the hill Road along side them for a short distance I said perhaps I should get one of those She said we are cheating No your not in my book you are still cyclists They had only just taken up cycling Good luck to them.The more the merrier :cycle::cycle::cycle:


Über Member
Some great photos, guys. Keep 'em coming. Truly inspiring stuff.

After a few longer rides lately, I've had a couple of pub rides. On Friday I did a really slow ride with my old work colleague Simon. Out along the west bank of the Severn to Maisemore, Ashleworth and Lower Lode, where we stopped at the Lower Lode PH for a couple of pints of cider and loads of putting the world to rights. On the way back we detoured to another couple of our regular riverside pub stops, but without imbibing. Finished on 33 miles in exactly the time it took me to ride 71 miles to Severn Beach and back recently!

The second pub ride was with @KingswayRider tonight. A much brisker ride, out to Frocester and Cam, then back via Frampton on Severn and stopping at the Anchor Inn in Epney for a pint. Lovely sunshine on the riverbank, and we bumped into another clubmate. Made it back home on 32 miles at exactly 9.00pm without the need for lights. Summer is finally here.
Brisk? My Garmin rated my workout as useful to base fitness.
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Another lovely, very warm and sunny day for a Kent ride. Luckily I slapped on the factor 50 before I left this morning.
This rides called the 'ok, I got lost on roads I know' ride. You know when you go wrong but you continue going in the wrong direction knowing you should go back. Which I ended up doing.
Its all miles ^_^ anyway
June's imperial century done and dusted with 117 miles on the clock.
Bagging a few Eddingtons on the way.
Imperial Century 10 for the year.
297 over all.
Month 127 in a row.





self serving virtue signaller
I have perhaps never been more tired than after today's ride, an epic (by my standards at least) through the Forest of Bowland and Yorkshire Dales with a mate.

We set off near Clitheroe and almost immediately into the first climb, Waddington Fell. The descent towards Slaidburn is surely one of the best in the land, safe lines, not too steep and no brakes required on much of it, allowing 56 mph to be reached.

Then to the climb to the Cross of Greet, a classic moorland ascent:


and on to Ingleton, thence Kingsdale, nestling beneath Whernside on the way over to Dent.


Dent featured a sausage and black pudding butty and Bakewell tart, and a lovely fast and scenic road towards Sedburgh.

The next section over to Hawes was intended to be a faster, easier run on the main road. Wrong. So wrong. A howling headwind greeted us and the long slow climb up Garsdale was exquisite torture, our legs blown away by the top.

Hawes up to Ribblehead was a bit easier, and the welcome application of ice cream to bellies and cold stream water to feet brought renewed energy down Ribblesdale to Horton then across to Austwick.

The final big climb up Bowland Knotts was engaged at minimal speed and maximal gurning, but the summit was eventually mastered, and downhill almost all the way back.

97 miles, 3000m climbing. So very tired.


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
I drove to work this morning with my filthy Hewitt in the boot, the plan was to give it a good clean and ride home. The bike was left after a dirty wet ride and was a mess, an hour or so later and finished with Autoglym the Flamboyant Blue paintwork is sparkling and the bike looks like new again👍
I finished work slightly early and headed out on my regular extended ride to Naburn then on to Cawood, rather than take the shortest way back I headed out to Wistow, Biggin,
Little Fenton and Barkston Ash then home to Towton.
34.93 miles with an average of 15.9 mph, great ride.



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On weekends when I'm able to visit the family, the Saturday ritual with Beautiful Daughter is to eat Marmite on toast together and watch a bike video.

This steady stream of Propaganda has resulted in Beautiful Daughter wanting to go on increasingly long bike rides, firstly on my bike, but now on her own as far as possible. She recently completed a 13k ride on her tiny bike, and had expressed a desire to go on a "really long bike ride".

Today was the day.

Firstly, a look at our secret weapon:


An "Xtracycle" Longtail bike. With this I can carry Beautiful Daughter (BD) and tow her bike at the same time, which gives me a lot more confidence taking her out: I know that if we hit a place that is too steep or dangerous, or she gets too tired, I can always get her back.

I chose a route around Stuttgart Airport: it's a bit hilly, but so is every other route, and this would include some interesting sights, some woodland riding which would keep the sun off, a very high viaduct that BD loves to ride over and importantly, an ice cream shop at the most distant point.


Stage one, through the forest, followed by a "towing" section climbing back out through a village, so no pictures as I was concentrating on things like oxygen supply.

Once through the chaos of Stuttgart airport/exhibition centre/perpetual building site we inspected the end of the runway and watched a handful of planes fly in and out:



The railway has been diverted under the airport and the old route repurposed as a cycleway to the next town...

Where there was an ice cream shop to boost BD's energy levels:


"Watermelon and strawberry, because they're both pink".

BD had been flagging a bit but after a massive ice cream she rallied, and we followed the agricultural roads south of the airport. Halfway along we found a hollow tree which immediately became a "hiding place", "camp", and "Motor caravan" for twenty minutes:


More riding brought us to BD's "Favourite bridge"; the Körschtalviadukt, a 55m high viaduct which after some agitation from various groups finally has a cycleway/footpath.


From here we can see our village in the distance, and look down on trees and houses in the valley. And a sewage farm; this gave rise to much questioning about the destiny of poo.

We reached "our" side of the valley, and had some quick street riding lessons on quiet back roads. BD is seen here drifting to the left...


And finally to a local playaground where we had arranged to meet Youngest Son...


Of course BD found fresh energy and wanted Papa to play... Fortunately Youngest Son came and relieved the Old Guard, and after sheltering for a bit from a thunderstorm, BD was persuaded to finish the ride by a promise of Salad and potatoes from Beautiful Wife.

BD and Younger Son completing the last couple of K's:


Your correspondent being outpaced yet again...

A total of 28k, in about 5h, of which BD rode 23k unassisted. Now she's talking about an "even longer bike tour..."


Legendary Member
Out after work, for a ride to dad’s. Not as warm as recent days, however still shorts and t-shirt weather, but a keen Westerly, South Westerly and for a small section Easterly wind :wacko:

I used the carbon, for the first time since sometime in April, pre monsoons, which was really nice.

Set out through Meole Village and then the main road through Hook-a-Gate, where the 2 sets of traffic lights have thankfully gone, then Annscroft, where the lights remain and are likely to until the next millennium, at this rate.

I turned East, towards Exfords Green, the section that bizarrely seemed to have a headwind, despite the nearby flag blowing from the South West. Was overtaken by 2 cars on the straightest and widest section……1st pass exemplary, second pass from a moron in a Golf, was so close that it sucked me towards the car. Did he not even see what the car in front was doing? Pillock.

The lanes all the way to Stapleton were busy, due to people avoiding the closed main Pulverbatch road. I called at dad’s and had a chat to him for half an hour, before setting back out and finally finding a tailwind, at Gonsal.

I cruised nicely to Condover and along Lyons Lane to Betton Abbots, before turning into the wind for the final section home.

14.97 miles at 13.7mph avg speed


After nearly a month of complaining about it being wet and windy, I can now moan about it being too hot ^_^ Yesterday I revisited one of my loops through Whitchurch. The good weather this week means it is now peak silage season. Everyone is desperate to get their grass cut and into the clamp before the weather changes again.

A nice slightly downhill start to the ride past the fishing lake at Tittenley before a steep uphill pull and then a slight downhill before a short steep pull to Moreton Say. A more undulating ride through Millenheath to Ightfield. Continuing through the two Ash villages before getting to Whitchurch. I cycled up the main street, which had now come back to life with people back in the shops and cafes.

I had cleaned my water bottle out a couple of days ago. Despite leaving it full of cold water overnight there was still a strong taste of antiseptic. I called in at Sainsbury and bought two bottles of apple juice before going back through the town and heading out to Marley Green. After enduring a bone shaking ride over the potholes between Wrenbury and the station I pulled in and sat on the platform to rehydrate. I sat and watched a couple of trains go past before making my way towards home. I stopped to chat with a friend at Rookery Lane who had just finished silaging before cycling the final couple of miles back home for some well deserved mugs of tea and almond slices.

44km with 425 metres of ascent.

Wrenbury Station

Whitchurch High Street


Old jon

Looks like a good day for a ride on the fixed, or any bike really. The fixed has only been ridden five times this year, including today’s ride, and it is a fun thing to ride. Mayhap not to everyone’s taste, but anyway, away we went.

In the direction of Holbeck, the beck itself has to be crossed to reach Office Lock and the towpath. No surprises today, off the towpath at Viaduct Road and ride up to Headingley. Reached Lawnswood and decided to ride through Adel, to stop in the car park opposite the church, the phone had burbled at me. The message was not the one I was waiting for, so on I went. Over the dam, the road rises beside Golden Acre Park, all the way to the top of Kings Road.

Down the hill to Bramhope, wondering, ‘Should I ride down Creskeld Lane?’ After all, it has been climbed a few times this year, could almost be an obsession. Nah, stay on the A660, through Bramhope and enjoy the view across Wharfefdale after cresting the rise by the puritan chapel. Ride to the lights at the Dyneley Arms and twiddle down Pool Bank.

And then to Otley. Not seen the maypole for quite a while, there is still only the tall one there. It is also some time since I rode that two mile drag called Leeds Road, out of Otley. A bite and sup, and off I pedalled. Still a drag, but there is a view now and then, some sort of reward I think. Pass the Dyneley again, and through Bramhope in the opposite direction. Stay on the A660 all the way to Headingley.

Traffic increased a bit there, quite a queue to turn right for Kirkstall and the way on to the towpath again. It is only eleven o’ clock, the canal might just be quiet. And the towpath was, but the water had six boats to float on the three miles or so back to Office Lock. And home. A big grin, thirty one miles along, 1473 feet upwards, a very satisfying ride in so many ways.



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