Zwift Chat

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usually riding on Zwift...
Cracking rides all round last night - well done fellas!

Daniel's recovered from Covid (he was fine all last week, and had -ve tests on Saturday and Sunday, days 5 & 6). Unfortunately, his school has been decimated by Covid and they've closed the Nursery and Reception classes, so Jo and I have been enjoying a second week of 'working' at home with him in attendance, furhter complicated by having to homeschool him as well. Work for me is ridiculously busy at the moment, so evenings are being spent doing calculations and writing reports; Zwifting's gone onto the backburner for me for a while...


Sorry to hear that @Legs - I've got two young children (pre-school) and as hard as things have been for us during the lockdowns, my wife doesn't work and we didn't have to do home schooling so we had it easy compared with most. I saw colleagues trying to juggle work and homeschooling and I don't envy you at all!

I've got a bug and spent the day fighting off classic cold symptoms with a mixture of paracetamol and tissues, so no TdZ stage for me tonight!

That means I will probably need to do this stage during the catch up days, rather than having another crack at the Alpe stage. Just got fingers crossed I recover for the next stage on Friday at this point.


Big Dosser
Invite sent!

As @mjd1988 also has full Clubs access, it means we've now got multiple people able to send out invites (and hopefully soon even more), so it'll be easier to find someone who can add members as time goes on.

I noticed last night that I have full access now too! Cheers for the Mod access too Steve 👍
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