am i too old to start racing/ trying to be a pro

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Legendary Member
Would a bronze BC race licence be enough to ztart or should i buy silver and purchase a full race licence after ?
@Cuchilo might know?


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I think the thing that makes elite sportspeople stand out is their competitive nature. They don't ask what's possible, they just go out and do it, whatever it takes. How motivated is the OP?

I interviewed Taylor Phinney a few months ago. I was asking him questions about his recovery from injury and particular races he'd won, and soon realised from his answers that we might as well have been speaking different languages. It's almost impossible to relate the experience of the amateur cycling enthusiast to that of the pro. You have to be of a very particular mindset to be a professional sportsman. Plus as has been mentioned, you need the right genetics - and Taylor Phinney has about the best genes possible to be a bike racer.

OK, so you could still be a competent professional cyclist without being anywhere near his level but if you're 22 and need to ask the question... nah, you haven't got a chance.

I occasionally ride with a few guys who have reached Elite level, one even spent a couple of seasons riding in Belgium as a pro, but they gave up before getting very far. They can still make mincemeat of the likes of me, and make it look very easy, but even they don't have what it takes to succeed at that level.


Well-Known Member
Don't let any of this put you off have a go ! You can get to elite with talent and hard work, to get to pro ? Now that's a whole different kettle of fish.
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