Are you a lone rider or group cyclist

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I do both. Solo rides are great if I'm doing a journey that no-one else is going to want to (including most rides from my village), or I'm testing something on the bike, or I wasn't sure I'd have the time, or I know I need to be somewhere at a certain time. Group rides are great for longer daytrips and tours where the group may know more interesting little sights along the way and there's a solidarity in knowing you're not going to be left stranded alone on an exposed landscape.

I don't understand the idea that anyone is too slow group riding. Is it a case of going with the wrong group? There are freewheeling groups where no-one will whinge at you for going slow. In the worst case, the group may split if some need to be back by a set time, but the aim is that no-one gets left behind and the tailender is ready for that. It's preferred that you build up the distance so you don't do yourself a mischief, especially in testing weather, but I admit I stupidly did a 40 miler as my first ride back.

Old jon

Happy to ride in company though it does not happen often. I can and do ride in most folks working hours, which does limit any choice of riding company.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Club rides or audaxes on weekends, solo rides around the local lanes midweek. Starting to prefer riding with company... preferably just a small group of us, but just love cycling, whether on my own or in a group.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Done a few in my time, I enjoy them for the atmosphere of it all. Don`t do them now, I refuse to pay to ride on roads that I can use whenever I like - for FREE!!
There are some free mass participation rides - London FreeCycle and Cambridge Reach Ride being two that I've done in the last year. About 70k in London and 1000 in Cambridge IIRC.

I am a loner. No group could ride slowly enough to keep up with me.
The group I rode with last Tuesday evening did about 6 miles in I think 90 minutes. Slow enough for you?

I ride solo most of the time, as a recumbent trike doesn't easily allow you to fit in with a group of uprights due to width, height difference, and generally slower pace.
I've ridden in groups with recumbents, both bike and trikes. Surely there's not much of a problem if it's not a group that rides in tight formations? They go like stink downhill too! Not that there's many hills around here:

Another loner here. I've never been interested in speed so I'd just slow everyone down each time I stop to look at a bird or tree or some such.
That's OK as long as you're willing to explain what the bird or tree is to us thickies ;)


On my own or with my husband. Occasionally with a friend but as she has small children, it can get difficult to organise.
If I get the opportunity, I do like riding with new people but worry a bit that I am going to hold them up.
There is a club near me but it doesn't appeal because they set off too early in the morning and I like a lie in at weekends and the first rule on their website is "no helmet, no ride" and I am an obstinate so and so that doesn't like being told what to do!


I have always mostly ridden alone, with the odd outing in the company of a couple of good friends. I did a few Sportives but got turned off them by the agressive and rude riding of others - too much willy waving going on and not enough camaraderie.

In the last few weeks things have changed, the local pub started a Sunday morning cycling group so I went along to their second ride. By the time we finished the jaunt and got back for beers I had somehow become the joint leader of the club, and now organise and front half the outings. Jolly good fun it is too.


Both - I ride with my club at the weekend, mountain bike with my son and solo road rides during the week.


I'm mostly solo but only because it's mostly commute rides I'm on. I do like riding with others, as I really enjoy being challenged and other than the odd hare and hound scenario developing on the commute, small groups can offer a great incentive to any ride. I also enjoy going out with Mrs Slick who will eat more calories than she burns, but the picnics she puts together are just too delish to ignore. We go out with grandiose plans to do this that and the other, but usually end up taking a break after a few miles and eating the lot before heading home for a snooze. Magic.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
[QUOTE 4849092, member: 43827"]I know there are many groups that have a no drop policy but my stupid pride would not like it if I was the one slowing everyone else down.[/QUOTE]
:sad: I quite like it when I get some company at the back of the group and anyone can always blame me for going slow - I suspect a lot of tail-enders would feel the same - but you're 2/3mph average faster than the group I most often ride with, so I doubt that would be the case anyway.
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