As a cyclist who do you dislike the most?

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Buzzing them teaches them a lesson.
When you were at school, with professional teachers who had spent time learning how to teach, can you say that you learned every lesson that you were taught?

What on earth makes you think you have any God-given right to impose your blinkered viewpoint on anyone else?

I'm afraid , generalising in a way that I despise so much for all of the reasons that we can see in this very thread, I think that "teaches them a lesson' is the sort of crap that we face from moronic drivers, 'buzzing' cyclists for not using cycle paths, 'buzzing' cyclists for holding them up for avoiding potholes, buzzing cyclists for delaying their right to be a cock for 2 seconds. And moronic is certainly the way that you are portraying yourself.


For me it's chavs! They always make a comment when i pass them in my "mamil"gear. I know that they are lacking in brain cells,clothing sense, the ability to speak clearly etc, and therefore i shouldn't get worked up over their moronic comments, but i do tend to let it get to me.
The other night i was on my way home from a 30 mile ride, i was quite pleased with myself because i'd reached 1.5mph more, over my usual average speed for a ride, and i was looking forward to replenishing my lost energy with quite a few pints of real ale in my local.:cheers:
Unfortunately i had to pass through my town centre on my way home due to road work detours. I was confronted by underclass chavs running in the road with bottles of WKD etc,(many had been smashed on the road). One horrible female wearing UGG boots and a hoodie walked out towards me, completely oblivious of me coming towards her, even though i had my usual fluorescent gear on. I unclipped my left foot in case i had to lance the creature, fortunately the moron hesitated as i approached, but she shouted "Move you f..k..g t..t"! I replied "please die as soon as possible so that you don't become too much of a burden on the welfare state"! This seemed to throw the idiot as she stopped to scratch her empty head!:laugh:
Near to home the second incident arose. A male chav was in the middle of the road with what i presume was it's girlfriend. The idiots were drooling over their mobile phones(like most chavs do), i wanted them out of my way so i gave a loud "ahem! The male as i passed said "alright love have you had a nice girly ride"!, followed by a loud drug induced guffaw! I turned around and told the lowlife what i thought of his emloyment status,his inability to cycle more than a few yards, the fact that his mother is a bald toothless heroin addict( i know of the family) and that he'll probably be dead long before he reaches my age, and therefore we should celebrate the fact!:cheers:
Who/what do you dislike the most and do you confront them or try to put them out of your mind?

this post is funny but sad at the same time
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
When you were at school, with professional teachers who had spent time learning how to teach, can you say that you learned every lesson that you were taught?

What on earth makes you think you have any God-given right to impose your blinkered viewpoint on anyone else?

I'm afraid , generalising in a way that I despise so much for all of the reasons that we can see in this very thread, I think that "teaches them a lesson' is the sort of crap that we face from moronic drivers, 'buzzing' cyclists for not using cycle paths, 'buzzing' cyclists for holding them up for avoiding potholes, buzzing cyclists for delaying their right to be a cock for 2 seconds. And moronic is certainly the way that you are portraying yourself.

I have my head down trying to do some laps, whilst also observing the Highway Code. If you want to tinker around on your shopping bike that's fine, but idiots stepping out onto a road can be dangerous for the ones who aren't on shopping bikes!:cheers:
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Jesus Christ another do gooder who thinks chavs are "misunderstood"! Some stupid bitch comes at me effing and blinding and "my attitude is wrong"? Some would've booted the silly cow! You do understand that colliding with obstacles liken drunken chavs can cause serious injuries don't you?
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
1979480 said:
You, not surprisingly, misunderstand. I made no comment about misunderstood chavs. It is whqt you are saying about yourself which is deplorable.

"January 7 - James Darby, 44,was struck by the door of a parked car as it was opened by the driver in Beckenham near London, and he died of his injuries on January 22."

So what's your attitude toward this, I suppose the cyclist was at fault eh? You go around doing your turn the other cheek act, i'll keep my eyes open for idiots!!!


Jesus Christ another do gooder who thinks chavs are "misunderstood"! Some stupid bitch comes at me effing and blinding and "my attitude is wrong"? Some would've booted the silly cow! You do understand that colliding with obstacles liken drunken chavs can cause serious injuries don't you?
I dislike chavs almost as much as I dislike self-absorbed berks who turn to bullying and aggression rather than looking past their blinkers to consider they might not be as perfect as their ego allows.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
1979499 said:
I keep my eyes open for idiots, but I really can't be doing with this pathetic hatred of an underclass. Two very different things you are trying to link together there.
Not just underclass, but anyone who takes liberties with cyclists,putting our lives at risk because they think we're easy targets. If you want to go around waving hello at all the idiots out there then fine, but some aren't quite so apologetic to the ones who'd happily see you come off your bike, then walk away.


Here for rides.
I agree, Cyclopathic, and I'd repeat that many allow their cycling blinkers to obscure the basic fact that pedestrians and animals should be given priority on shared paths.
Y'day on a byway in the Surrey Hills an equestrian said "Thank you, I've forgotten the last time a mountain biker asked if it was ok to pass us, have a good ride"


not all chavs as you would put it are the same, an kids will be kids if you didnt put this post up no one would know an care. its a part of life worse things out there then what you experienced on your bike mate.
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