Central Scotland May Ride

Route preference

  • Falkirk 1 (36.6km)

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Falkrik 2 (42km and a bit more challenging)

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Trossachs (60km no big climbs)

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
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I'm glad to report that i still have all my toes :laugh: i think the train conductor must have recognised Magnatom and decided to punish him with false info about said trains, but anyway a fantastic day with great weather and scenery.


HLaB said:
This is the GPS record of our ride today :rofl:

Thanks to Scoosh my ride home was pretty uneventful, he let me off at the Forth Bridge (and no I didn't jump :smile:) saving me 10 miles or so, so I only faced a 6.7mile ride to Dunfermline. The back road to Dunfermline is hardish but in that heat it was very hard. I did't come home til about 8:30 and fortunately it was a lot cooler then and the 15.7miles (17.8mph) seemed a lot easier even into the eastardly.

15.1mph avg. Good job I didn't make it, I'd never have kept up...


Legendary Member
HLaB said:
You would of been fine, maggers and me shot ahead a few times but there was plenty of stops to let people catch up and the other groups won't have averaged that, it was have been a more sedate pace.

Try telling my poor legs that :smile:

Great day,

Satans Budgie to be known for ever more as the "Lanterne Rouge
HLaB said:
This is the GPS record of our ride today :rofl:

Thanks to Scoosh my ride home was pretty uneventful, he let me off at the Forth Bridge (and no I didn't jump :smile:) saving me 10 miles or so, so I only faced a 6.7mile ride to Dunfermline. The back road to Dunfermline is hardish but in that heat it was very hard. I did't come home til about 8:30 and fortunately it was a lot cooler then and the 15.7miles (17.8mph) seemed a lot easier even into the eastardly.

So would you care to explain the little 'excursion' on the south side of the loch?:rofl:


Senior Member
scook94 said:
15.1mph avg. Good job I didn't make it, I'd never have kept up...

You'd have been fine mate, the three tail end charlies (Me, LazyFatGit and Satans Budgie) were flagging at the end at it was just so hot.

Annoyingly my cycle computer decided to reset itself twice during the ride so i lost the total distance and any other accurate data. However, back at the Tesco car park it said Avg Speed was 14.4 but i think over all it would have been closer to 13mph.

Apart from GPS man taking us up a hill we didn't need to go up :biggrin:, the ride was pretty flat and just undulated up and down, to be honest it was a great first long ride for me as that was the furthest i'd been in one day after getting back into cycling in February.

There were several good quotes from the day:

After the guys convinced me that the Tesco car park was free i pulled in and got out:

HLab (seeing no cycle rack): Did you bring your bike?
Me: Sh!t, I knew I'd forgotten something!

Cycling with Cannondale Boy down the hill into Callendar (approx 27-28mph:

Me: Owwww!
CB: What was that? I just heard a smack.
Me: A bee just hit me in the head lol

We all passed Cannondale Boy who was stopped at the side of the road with his shirt up. We all stopped further up and he caught up:

Me: Are you OK mate? How come you stopped?
CB: I realised I didn't have a pulse any more!

You can guess where this was:

HJ: I don't remember cycling up this hill the last time I came this way? :biggrin:


Senior Member
colcazal said:
How many of you guys were there this time out? Did you go up the Carron Valley?


There was nine of us out this time mate:

Hairy Jock
Satans Budgie
Cannondale Boy

This is HLab's GPS track of the route here

Your more than welcome to come along next time :biggrin:


Legendary Member
scook94 said:
So where and when is the next one?

Oh don't please.........

Can we do more of the off road stuff please? Is that the sound of a collective and resounding 'No' I hear, shame it was my best bit ( :biggrin: ).

I suppose the next one will be a quick circuit of the north face of some highland mountain face...... question is which one and will I need a smaller granny ring or a better set of legs?
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