Cyclist wins case against Taxi driver

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Leg End Member
Never understood cameras on bikes. Seems to attract trouble. If you wear one on the bike, then why not wear 24/7 if that scared of a non fault incident in your life?
Carry one, but most shops don't like it being used.


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
Cameras in cars does not get you cheaper insurance, black box recorders do. I have a camera mounted on my bike, it does not make me bullet proof nor does it make me do stupid things like following drivers of cars who may or may not have pissed me off and giving them verbal abuse. My camera is in place in an effort to give me some back up should I ever be involved in an RTA , what can't speak can't lie.Cyclists who use their cameras to back up their willy waving and hand bag throwing have no right to expect any respect from the decent cycling community.
Cameras in cars does not get you cheaper insurance, black box recorders do. I have a camera mounted on my bike, it does not make me bullet proof nor does it make me do stupid things like following drivers of cars who may or may not have pissed me off and giving them verbal abuse. My camera is in place in an effort to give me some back up should I ever be involved in an RTA , what can't speak can't lie.Cyclists who use their cameras to back up their willy waving and hand bag throwing have no right to expect any respect from the decent cycling community.

Out of interest, who among those who criticise the cyclist has cycled on roads with tramlines like that? Do you think the rider's positioning was incorrect?


Leg End Member
Cameras in cars does not get you cheaper insurance, black box recorders do. I have a camera mounted on my bike, it does not make me bullet proof nor does it make me do stupid things like following drivers of cars who may or may not have pissed me off and giving them verbal abuse. My camera is in place in an effort to give me some back up should I ever be involved in an RTA , what can't speak can't lie.Cyclists who use their cameras to back up their willy waving and hand bag throwing have no right to expect any respect from the decent cycling community.
10% with one company if fitted, 12.5% at another, if you get the camera through them.


Über Member
Interesting point of view. If someone threatened you you would remain quiet, is that what you're saying?
depends on the situation. keeping on topic the driver did not threaten the cyclist, he passed very close to which the cyclist took umbrage. said cyclist then tells the driver what he thought of it, driver drives away, cyclist catches up with him and starts again.. cyclist is hardly being bullied
keeping on topic the driver did not threaten the cyclist

On ignore you go.
Those 9 points will stay with that man for longer than he's got to live by the looks of things. If he is so angry that he goes around trying to kill people then lays in ambush what the blinking flip does he do when something REALLY upsets him? An angry, unfit Scotch with a short temper, he's about two aspirin away from his heart exploding.
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