Ok, now we've had some replies I'll put some substance behind the question.Cycling back from Bath via the canal path ( something I do pretty often), and as per usual I give priority to pedestrians and slow up near dogs. Personally I love dogs, wouldn't hurt one if I could help it.Anyhow, as per usual the dog walkers are fifty percent letting their dogs off the lead, so I am stop start pretty much the whole 10 miles.I come across a couple with one dog by them on the left verge, and a lovely little yorkie on the right next to the canal. I slow to about 10 mph and go between them and you can guess, the yorkie makes a beeline to the other side. I had no chance to avoid and so kept straight and saw the little fella go right under the front wheel. Big yelp and hobbling dog scurries off fast.I brake and stop within 3 meters and call to the owners, " is he alright?", a snotty " yes thanks" is the reply, to which I retort " keep him on a bloody lead" and ride off.I feel sorry for the dog, obviously hurt, but can't feel at all sorry for the owners.Doubtless they will moan about the yob on a bike who ran over fluffykins, but with at least 20 dogs off the lead every day, it was gonna happen sometime.Love dogs, detest stupid owners!