Dogs on shared paths...

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on the road

Über Member
Do I make the rules? No the owner of the field does, did you ask them if it was OK to let poochikins run where it wanted to, or do you just make a presumption?

As for the idea that turd dispensers are allowed to be off the lead in parks, I suggest you try reading what some of the park owners think:-

OK I'll ask the local council if dogs are allowed off the lead in the local park, which the answer will be yes. And for your information, the parks round here belong to the people of the city but is managed by the council, there is a bylaw which allows dogs under control to be off the lead in our parks.

By the way, I don't live anywhere near London or Cardiff so what you've put is totally irrelevant. Just because one law applies to where you live, it doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country. Different cities have different bylaws. You should do your research a bit better :laugh:


A Velocipedian
OK I'll ask the local council if dogs are allowed off the lead in the local park, which the answer will be yes. And for your information, the parks round here belong to the people of the city but is managed by the council, there is a bylaw which allows dogs under control to be off the lead in our parks.

By the way, I don't live anywhere near London or Cardiff so what you've put is totally irrelevant. Just because one law applies to where you live, it doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country. Different cities have different bylaws. You should do your research a bit better :laugh:



oooooooh I do believe my innocent post has ended in



your werent fishing were you
any dog post kicks off as does RLJ'ing, drafting etc etc....I have never seen such girly bitchin as on cycling forums, bikeradar being the worst -in fact the commuting forums of most cycling forums waver in and out of mass hysteria at times- its like world war 3 out there- people need to take a chill pill.


Über Member
IMHO dogs should be banned from shared paths until they can learn to share. The same goes for motorists on the road and cyclists most places as well.
My dog seems less inquisitive when she's not on a lead. If she can't have a sniff she wants to but if she's free to go whereever she likes then she really isn't interested.

Mad at urage

New Member
Ok, now we've had some replies I'll put some substance behind the question.Cycling back from Bath via the canal path ( something I do pretty often), and as per usual I give priority to pedestrians and slow up near dogs. Personally I love dogs, wouldn't hurt one if I could help it.Anyhow, as per usual the dog walkers are fifty percent letting their dogs off the lead, so I am stop start pretty much the whole 10 miles.I come across a couple with one dog by them on the left verge, and a lovely little yorkie on the right next to the canal. I slow to about 10 mph and go between them and you can guess, the yorkie makes a beeline to the other side. I had no chance to avoid and so kept straight and saw the little fella go right under the front wheel. Big yelp and hobbling dog scurries off fast.I brake and stop within 3 meters and call to the owners, " is he alright?", a snotty " yes thanks" is the reply, to which I retort " keep him on a bloody lead" and ride off.I feel sorry for the dog, obviously hurt, but can't feel at all sorry for the owners.Doubtless they will moan about the yob on a bike who ran over fluffykins, but with at least 20 dogs off the lead every day, it was gonna happen sometime.Love dogs, detest stupid owners!
Then you didn't slow down enough to have the bike under sufficient control, i.e. you could not stop in the space you could reasonably expect to remain clear*. Dog wasn't under sufficient control either: Blame 50/50.

*Given a dog whoich you knew was off the lead, you could reasonably expect it might dash in front of you and should be prepared to stop in case it does.

on the road

Über Member
Then you didn't slow down enough to have the bike under sufficient control, i.e. you could not stop in the space you could reasonably expect to remain clear*. Dog wasn't under sufficient control either: Blame 50/50.

*Given a dog whoich you knew was off the lead, you could reasonably expect it might dash in front of you and should be prepared to stop in case it does.
I too frequently cycle the Bath to Bradford on Avon canal towpath route. It's a beautiful scenic ride, but very narrow and bouncy in places. Inconsiderate dog owners can be an obstacle. Sad that the OP hit one, - I have been known to come to a complete halt in the face of an aimlessly wandering pooch, which usually elicits earnest apologies from the owner when they finally turn round to see why that man on the bike is sitting stock still in the middle of the path . . .

It has to be accepted that this is a shared - use route, and not only dogs, but walkers, boat-dwelling children and unsteady holiday cyclists from the local bike hire companies have also to be cared for. Why this is a particular issue on this route however, is revealed by the answer to those who say 'if you don't like it, use the roads' The road route alternatives are only for the very fast, the very strong (very steep hills) and the very brave. Even the motorists die regularly on those routes, yet still resist calls for speed restrictions on sections of road I would be afraid to cycle on at much over 25mph (blind bends, trees, soft verges etc etc). The main A36 must once have been a beautiful cycling road, but has long been turned into a wilderness of homicidal accellerator-abusers.

Meanwhile, we must be grateful for one of the most beautiful cycle routes in the whole world (not kidding) and exercise a duty of care to all around us. Except of course, those cyclists who buzz along it as if they were on the A36, terrifying all and sundry . . . except for one doughty 70 year old a few years ago, who having been 'buzzed' by one inconsiderate bike rider on the way out, saw the same offender coming back the other way still riding with total lack of consideration for all around him. He stuck his walking stick deftly through the guy's front wheel as he passed, and watched with satisfaction the smooth trajectory he described into the canal . . . Even as a cyclist, I have warm feelings towards that old guy, and I'm betting it was well worth the probable loss of a good stick

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
I still believe our place is on the road, I do occasionally use paths, but when I do so I treat the pedestrian or for that matter the dog with the same care and respect that I wish vehicles to show me when I am on the road.

You are clearly so anti dog, your views on the subject are worthless.

An "interesting" point of view.

If I was anti debt, would that mean that my opinion that 10-12=-2 would be worthless?

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
OK I'll ask the local council if dogs are allowed off the lead in the local park, which the answer will be yes. And for your information, the parks round here belong to the people of the city but is managed by the council, there is a bylaw which allows dogs under control to be off the lead in our parks.

By the way, I don't live anywhere near London or Cardiff so what you've put is totally irrelevant. Just because one law applies to where you live, it doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country. Different cities have different bylaws. You should do your research a bit better :laugh:

If you cannot bring your dog to heel with a command, then it's not "under control" and so should be on a lead. I know you will find that irksome and so you will huff and puff about how your poochikins has a "right" and it's never hurt anyone, but wriggle as you like the byelaw for whichever park you want to name will say on a lead or under control.


A Velocipedian
If you cannot bring your dog to heel with a command, then it's not "under control" and so should be on a lead. I know you will find that irksome and so you will huff and puff about how your poochikins has a "right" and it's never hurt anyone, but wriggle as you like the byelaw for whichever park you want to name will say on a lead or under control.
Not true. Many parks are dog friendly places with no requirement to keep a dog to heal. Dogs are encouraged to run free and play. The only requirement in such places is that the dog obeys commands. Bye-laws vary from town to town so I wouldn't be quite so sweeping with your statements.
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