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GrahamG said:
To reiterate Chuffy's warning - it got down to about 2 degrees last year and even with a warm long sleeve base layer with jersey over the top, I ended up wearing my waterproof to keep warm for almost the entire journey.

so exactly what size dynamo will I need to power a small electric heater :biggrin::laugh:
I'm sure it'll be warmer this year!!

Forecast for the next four nights is well above 10 degrees - that'll be nice, just a jersey, base layer and gilet will do the job. That said, I'm doing it on fixed this year so will overheat at the slightest hint of a hill!


GrahamG said:
I'm sure it'll be warmer this year!!

Forecast for the next four nights is well above 10 degrees - that'll be nice, just a jersey, base layer and gilet will do the job. That said, I'm doing it on fixed this year so will overheat at the slightest hint of a hill!
Can we boil the kettle on you at the bottom of Cheddar Gorge? ;):evil:


well fitted some 700x25c ultra gatorskins this evening, and managed to fit the rack on too, so can take a trunk bag. Bike seems to have doubled in weight though :o)


johnnyh said:
ok, so now metcheck and the Beeb are forecasting rain for Saturday into Sunday...

Hot tea at the bottom of Cheddar Gorge and a pasta feast at North Curry. That should keep you going. :smile:

No wussing out!


Well-Known Member
johnnyh said:
ok, so now metcheck and the Beeb are forecasting rain for Saturday into Sunday...

Well there's rain , and then again there's RAIN.

A little wouldn't be a bad thing , quite refreshing even. Bit the sort of rain we had on the 2007 Dun Run would be rather off putting.



Cycling in the sun
Looking at metcheck they have already reduced how much rain they were forecasting - so gone is the torrential stuff they were predicting.

I'm not doing it... but I might try and get to the start to see you off - depends on how tired and wet I am after my ride with friends during the day.


hahaha not at the moment they aren't, sleet predicted for Saturday morning!!! WTF

good grief, think I will trawl the weather sites until I find one with a forecast that I like :biggrin:


New Member
First Timer - 100 Miler

I will be attempting the Exmouth Exodus on Saturday night, but have never done 100 miles in one sitting. I cycle over 100 miles per week as part of my normal working commute & yesterday did 50 miles in 3.15 hours. I've only been out once with numerous riders on a Sunday CTC ride, so any advice would be gratefully appriciated. I guess the best thing is to get on & do it, but advice is never a bad thing! :evil:
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