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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
It might make a trip cheaper or a nice weekend break, but does nothing for commuters struggling with their fares.
No, those commuters have already had some help from flexible season tickets launching and smart card discounts and I expect more will be along soon.

Agree, but most not available at weekends either!

This is just a stunt that distracts from our obscenely overpriced rail fares.
It varies by route. I'm not sure if most are available or not. Certainly the few near me are available weekends.

I doubt the same money spread reducing all fares would get the same headlines and attract people to or back to trains, which might build support for lowering more fares in future.

And let's not mention bike provision/booking process. Any money invested in this ridiculous side show would be much better spent on implementing a network/train company wide booking system that's seamless and easy. Ive seen recently that some companies have reintroduced ability to book a bike space at same time as booking ticket online, but not all.
One of the news items about this sale says a new integrated whole-of-England booking system is coming, but I doubt it will happen fast while DafT is holding the purse strings and the Treasury is denying there's any money. Hopefully they won't choose to launch it without bike reservations like Virgin did their last ticket selling website.


More wheels than sense
I've given them a try , if they don't suit they are cheap enough to pass along for nowt.

The Planet X shoes turned up and it me fine , just got to find the spd cleats I know that are somewhere


Legendary Member
Only for tractors 👅

Says the man who rides mountain bikes!! :tongue:


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Good find...did you check the damaged box contains all the necessary pieces for assembly?

It's this one , so no parts to assemble 1650890536123.png
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