Odd factoids

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Timmy Mallet is the cousin of Timmy Mullet, who has a club haircut.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Monarchs do not have to follow in sequence, they can choose their favourite number. It's therefore a 11471734279 chance that they have run sequentially thus far.

Charles intends to be King Charles the 4.2, however, so this may change shortly.


Legendary Member
King Charles spaniels are not named after king Charles. Just the opposite. The first king with that name was due to be king Mamaduke the 12th, but he was such a fan of the dogs he took the name King Charles.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Spaniels are descended from Spaniards who fought for the cavaliers during the English civil war. They were the original dogs of war.
You've omitted the important fact that they were in fact ridden into war by Brigades of Marmoset monkeys, their role being to tickle the War Horses' feet, thereby unseating their knights, whose visors would bury deep in the ground with their legs in the air, thereby leaving them defenceless against the teams of ladies of doubtful virtue, who travelled the field with attendant scribes to record their indiscretions on vellum and extract substantial bribes later.
It got to the point that knights could no longer afford to fight, and thereby battles were actually won. Historians and Archaeologists have conspired to keep the truth from you until now, but I felt I could contain it no longer.


Legendary Member
Knights did not wear armour. They were in fact a warrior class of kitchen implement salesman, and would tote their wares from town to town by attaching them to their bodies. When called to war they would keep the saucepans attached to their bodies for safe keeping, and it was discovered in about AD 1100 that this made the knitgts almost invulnerable to machine gun fire.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
I note that our esteemed colleague uses the original spelling of Knights - splendid form. Mind you it was the original spelling of their Laddies that caused much consternation and ultimately resulted in their dying out as a class.
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