Pebble Watch

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Legendary Member
Great idea! Like it.


Internet Marketing bod
I backed this a year ago...

Should get mine soon, mid March I'm hoping.

Whilst it will be months before it works with cyclometer and runkeeper I think it will be a great cycling accessory. When I feel my back vibrate I end up stopping to read a text but with this, just a glance at your wrist will tell you who sent you the text. Same if a call comes in.

Have you got this yet? I just had a look at the Sony Smartwatch and it looks huge compared to the Pebble, and I think I also prefer the non-touch e-ink screen of the Pebble.


Faster on HFLC
Yeah I have had it a few weeks. It's early days, no runkeeper app yet but as I have been avoiding the bike it's ok.

When I do get on the bike it will be cool to control music without getting my phone out and to be able to see texts and emails without stopping.

Of course, you are still free to ignore them if you want peace!


Internet Marketing bod
Yeah I have had it a few weeks. It's early days, no runkeeper app yet but as I have been avoiding the bike it's ok.

When I do get on the bike it will be cool to control music without getting my phone out and to be able to see texts and emails without stopping.

Of course, you are still free to ignore them if you want peace!

Can you switch off the vibrate? Are you Android or iOS?


Faster on HFLC
I'm on iOS and no, you can't turn off the vibrate.

If you want one, this site has 15 left, my father in law got one and it took two days to arrive:

You have to consider that it is a kickstarter product which hasn't been released to the public yet, there are still a few kinks to iron out and all the apps you see in the video are more to show what is possible, not what is ready right now.

Apparently it works better on android due to the open nature of it, Apple seem to lock down the control over Bluetooth.

I have jail broken and added BTNotifier and I get alerts for everything, having said that there has been a recent firmware update and my father in law gets texts, emails, facebook, twitter they may have Sussed that one as he isn't jailbroken.

I did just get an alert on the watch that you had replied to this thread.

Regarding the vibrate, there is a jailbreak app which turns your bluetooth off between certain hours on iOS so it doesn't vibrate in the night and wake you up.
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Faster on HFLC
Sorry, no pictures of the beautiful Kate but this is a pic of how the watch told me you had replied.

You scroll down to see the full message.



Internet Marketing bod
Looking at the official pebble app has put me off a bit

___Samsung devices with Talkback issues___
Some Samsung users on Android 4.0+ may find that their device starts speaking after enabling the Pebble accessibility service. This is caused by a bug in Samsung's OS affecting all third-party accessibility services. We're currently waiting on Samsung for a fix. You can follow the bug-report made to Samsung here:

I have a Samsung Galaxy SII with Android 4.0.4


Faster on HFLC
That's unfortunate but maybe an excuse to upgrade your phone?

I try not to get involved in the apple/android flame wars but its a shame all android devices don't get updated with the latest software in the way Apple do.

Except the 3GS doesn't work with Pebble either so I guess they are both as bad!
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