Pedal for Scotland - Team

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Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
That's me signed up for the team now too. I've opted for the 9.20am start, and I'm getting the bus through.

Hopefully I'll manage to track down Magnatom (and Dayvo, his houseguest for the event !) and whoever else is starting at that time - the CC jerseys should help us locate each other :biggrin:

Now - I'd better start making sacrifices to the weather gods, just in case Magnatom's Knee (TM) is as accurate as the BBC....
I don't think we'll have any weather worries, the sun always shines in Scotland......

At 30,000ft :biggrin:


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
HLaB said:
I don't think we'll have any weather worries, the sun always shines in Scotland......

At 30,000ft :biggrin:

And as the Proclaimers know, it'll be glorious at the finish in Victoria Park as there's always 'Sunshine On Leith' :angry:


Excellent goo! :biggrin::biggrin:

Maybe a few of us should swap mobile phone numbers to make it easier to congregate. If anyone wants my mobile (and you promise not to pass it onto irrate Glaswegian drivers) PM me and we can exchange details.
What a palaver!

Managed to get registered but only after failing to pay with two of my bank cards (I expect my details are floating around in cyberspace waiting for all and sundry to pillage my accts! :biggrin:)

Anyway, now it's just a question of booking my Ryanair flights and arranging with Tet to meet up and collect his bike for my abuse! :biggrin:

45 miles. eh, I'm looking forward to it. For all you in the know, what's the journey/scenery like? Picturesque or industrial? Assuming the rainclouds don't obscure the view, of course! :smile:


Dayvo said:
What a palaver!

Managed to get registered but only after failing to pay with two of my bank cards (I expect my details are floating around in cyberspace waiting for all and sundry to pillage my accts! :smile:)

Anyway, now it's just a question of booking my Ryanair flights and arranging with Tet to meet up and collect his bike for my abuse! B)

45 miles. eh, I'm looking forward to it. For all you in the know, what's the journey/scenery like? Picturesque or industrial? Assuming the rainclouds don't obscure the view, of course! B)

Journey's quite picturesque once you get out of each of the cities. Nice wee roads, fairly quiet, nothing amazingly scenic but rather pleasant still.


Dayvo said:
What a palaver!

Managed to get registered but only after failing to pay with two of my bank cards (I expect my details are floating around in cyberspace waiting for all and sundry to pillage my accts! ;))

Anyway, now it's just a question of booking my Ryanair flights and arranging with Tet to meet up and collect his bike for my abuse! :smile:

45 miles. eh, I'm looking forward to it. For all you in the know, what's the journey/scenery like? Picturesque or industrial? Assuming the rainclouds don't obscure the view, of course! ;)

Good stuff. I think Tete was going to arrange with me to pick up the bike sometime before the 14th (is that right Tete).

All you need to do is catch your flight and look out for the bloke at the other end holding the card with 'Dayvo' written on it! :biggrin:

Let me know your flight details, when your flights are booked. I assume you will be flying into Prestwick?


Well-Known Member
Aww man - just seen this thread for the first time....i was logging onto register and then saw the date ....14th September...i'm in the Maldives.

I will Def be up for it next year tho - will be enetering more events next year anyway!!!!


New Member
Yeah I'll drop the bike through to Glasgow beforehand (like, days or weeks). I'll arrange a suitable time with you Magna.


Legendary Member
This sounds exactly like the kind of thing im looking to do. However im on holiday during the race.
In the future I would be well up for this.

This event is not a race by any stretch of the imagination, it is a leisurely and sociable pooter for any experienced cyclist, and a mammoth effort for the inexperienced.


snorri said:
This event is not a race by any stretch of the imagination, it is a leisurely and sociable pooter for any experienced cyclist, and a mammoth effort for the inexperienced.
It's not a race....oh.... Oh well I wasted my money on the secret wind tunnel training then....:becool::sad:


Aiyoh ! Only just discovered this thread !
I had been intending to do the ride again (last year 4hrs in the very wet rain - but quite fun, in a wet, cold sort of way) ....but ..... I had a wee op on my right wrist in June and it's taking longer to heal than I had anticipated, so only turbo for me at the moment :ohmy:

Pause for sympathy;)

What ? None ? :ohmy:

Oh well then, here are this year's plans:
Mrs Scoosh and young Master Scoosh (14+) are doing it and will be taking the transport through to Glasgow, which goes from Victoria Park, about 3mins ride from our house in Trinity. I will almost certainly come to wave them off (through a tear-stained handkerchief), retreat chez moi until they get near, then go and do the applauding husband/father bit.

It would be great to meet up with as many of you as possible, so I will cetainly be on the lookout at the (transport) start and Finish.
So what colour carnation should I have in my buttonhole and what paper under the arm ?
Ah ! Decisions, decisions :biggrin:

If anyone has any particular requests with which I could assist, let me know - either PM or here.

The injured team member
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