Ride your bike for at least 30 minutes at least three times a week, every week, for a year

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W20R3 - Bit of exercise on the Dawes this arvo, basically spinning the pedals in the industrial estate my lock ups in because I had to stop in on my way home from work anyway. Views are far from interesting but it is dead flat and I am quite amused by the faces of people seeing me use the area to get some exercise, plus it is a lot safer than dicing with the rush hour traffic (which I hate even in a car). I'm not exactly setting the world alight with my performance (avg moving speed 14.6 mph, max 23.8 mph) - but the bike is of 1980s vintage and I still have a wobble gut. It does mean that on rides under an hour the avg speed figures for the Dawes and the CX are similar. If I did the same route on the electric, I suspect the average would be higher by about 1 mph.
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W20R4 - Decent weather yesterday arvo.
Brierfield, Wheatley Lane, Barrowford, Colne, Foulridge, Colne, Barrowford, Nelson

Mirror clear blue sky, Nelson distant and blurred
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W20R5 - Not do decent weather this morning. A bash into headwinds along the canal to my lockup and swap over for the motorbike. Headwinds no longer an issue.
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W21R2 - Test ride to make sure I had stopped by shoes rubbing on the crank. Squeezed in about 400ft ascent, averaged 150w overall and no squeaking. So that was a success so far, however....
….the K Edge camera mount I bought the other week spat the bolt securing the camera housing to the mount. I was ascending at about 9 mph so I stopped and retrieved the bolt but at that stage, couldn't figure where the bl))dy thing came from. I found out descending at speed. I was able to catch the camera before it tried to go a bouncing too.
Managed a couple of PRs on the gravel afterward - more aero maybe 😉
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W21R3 - Glad I got that in. Thought I was going to fail and I have a clean record so far. Had two cracks at a mixed gravel and tarmac local climb and bagged Local Legend on it (showing how few people use it), and 6th best time. I also got 7th best but that isn't showing in the top 10. Is it only one entry per ride?
Blowing a houlie so overall speed a bit poo, further compromised by a call from the oldest sprog. Took in a few miles on the L&L too.
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W22R2 - Rabley Wood, some Oggies, Chiseldon and Marlborough Railway Path etc
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W22R3 - fast gravel in Savernake, actually managed over a 1000 ft ascent and found the column the fella in the bike shop couldn't find on Google. Total fluke but I found it.

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W23R2 - Out for a quickie on the local gravel - seems I brought a lung infection back from Wiltshire, I've got acid green dew drops, which clash with bikes colour scheme
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W23R3 - L&L, plus a bit of climbing, out to Salterforth and back. Thought I was taking it easy but I set 6 PRs in spite of the refreshing wind. I suspect I may just be getting fitter.
220610 27.JPG
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