The 2023 Half Century (50km or 50m) Challenge Chatzone

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I’m wondering whether there are jinxed stretches of road, I’ve had very few punctures or mechanicals in the 12 years I’ve been cycling but 2 were on the same section of road In Normandy on holidays 3 years apart.
Now, on the lane near Wilmslow where I broke a spoke last week I had a catastrophic puncture on Tuesday. A large splinter entered through the tread and exited through the sidewall ripping it in the process.
While standing disconsolately at the side of the road a Good Samaritan in a white van stopped to offer me and the bike a lift home. So a happy ending.
A tough ride into the strong headwind today, my elderly legs are still protesting. I had a short rest to photograph an attractive polling station in Rostherne.
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Used to cycle down from Manchester when I was at Uni, to go birding at the Mere. The ride used scare the crap out of me - literally blown off the road by a passing truck once and always loads of wash wobbles

Noodle Legs

Winging it
May done- thankfully!

After a pretty frantic month moving house, working full time and generally just beginning a new chapter in life I finally managed to get out for a sunny spin. Nothing remarkable in terms of route choice, just familiar lanes and sheer gratitude I was able to get over the line for May and in very favourable weather. Hoping to get some sort of regularity back…..

34 in 1:57.
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13 rider

13 rider

May done- thankfully!

After a pretty frantic month moving house, working full time and just beginning a new chapter in life I finally managed to get out for a sunny spin. Nothing remarkable in terms of route choice, just familiar lanes and sheer gratitude I was able to get over the line for May and in very favourable weather. Hoping to get some sort of regularity back…..

34 in 1:57.
Well done on staying in , I guessed you had a lot going on with Strava comments. Good luck with everything .You have missed the nudge list by 24 hrs

Noodle Legs

Winging it
Well done on staying in , I guessed you had a lot going on with Strava comments. Good luck with everything .You have missed the nudge list by 24 hrs

Yeah, mixed emotions for sure! I’m lodging next door while the house I’m buying completes (which should be in next 2-3 weeks). Now I can try to crack on with a bit more riding! 🤞


As part of my feeble attempts to get fit for my up and coming French trip, ie London-Paris-London I rode home from the caravan in Grange.
The next part should be interesting as I'm riding back tomorrow. :eek:
Watch this space.
13 rider

13 rider

Only joined cyclechat recently. Is it ok to join this challenge late? Have done at least one 50k ride each month this year so far. Can post in the main thread once I have a moment to collate them
Your more than welcome were a friendly bunch in here, if you done 50km ride once a month since January than just post them into the challenge thread , No proof needed the thread runs on trust as your just challenging yourself
Good luck for the rest of the year


Making my way slowly uphill
Forgot to add @UphillSlowly watch out for the thread moderater he's a cruel taskmaster who likes cracking the whip 😁 . To keep in his good book don't ride 49km and stop ☹️

Unfortunately I have done that a few times before I knew about the challenge. Tend to ride by metrics other than distance while training for an event (Load/time/power zone). Wasn't going to post my shorter rides or turbo sessions ^_^:bicycle:
13 rider

13 rider

Unfortunately I have done that a few times before I knew about the challenge. Tend to ride by metrics other than distance while training for an event (Load/time/power zone). Wasn't going to post my shorter rides or turbo sessions ^_^:bicycle:
In imperial your target is 31.07 miles . Turbo rides are only counted in exceptional circumstances mainly recovery from injury or god forbid any lockdowns
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