Warning! Beware of Planet X's returns, refunds tactics!

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Legendary Member
I put it in your other thread
Maybe tweet your displeasure?
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I put it in your other thread
Maybe tweet your displeasure?
Again, what's the point? I might e mail yon CEO but i'm supposed to not let these incidents get me down according to my doctor. It's so frustrating when they don't reply, or do reply but treat you like sh.t! I'lll have to just put it down to another lesson in the school of life, as they say. Anyway, that 20% i got off that Belgium jersey on Monday will go some way to making me feel that it's not all lose and without any gains. Let's also remember that by me posting on here how bad they've treated me will alert other potential buyers of their stuff how bad they are,which means that ok they robbed me of £30-40, but they'll have lost a lot more by people thinking twice about buying off them in future. In fact, i'm going to put that to them in an e mail soon.

How much did you lose with that car incident by the way? A friend of mine years ago put down a cash deposit for a car. When he went to collect the car and pay the rest of the money they said "What deposit? We haven't had any 500 quid off you"! Robbing gets! Anyway, they went bust soon after, so they always come a cropper in the end!
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Legendary Member
Probably at least £500

I got the money back on the car, but not the additional warranty I paid for, nor the £150 odd for the failed small claims attempt

Why didn't your friend get a receipt for the deposit?!
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Probably at least £500

I got the money back on the car, but not the additional warranty I paid for, nor the £150 odd for the failed small claims attempt

Why didn't your friend get a receipt for the deposit?!

He kind of knew them and thought asking for a receipt would offend them, What!,You want a receipt?!, but we're old mates...thoughts went through his mind. So he just shook hands on a gentleman's agreement and went back the following day with the rest of the money(i think it was £3000) expecting the paper work to be ready to be signed. Then they denied they'd received the deposit off him. He thought they were having him on at first, but no they were serious! I suppose he could count himself lucky they didn't take the £3000 off him then deny any knowledge of that as well!
Let's also remember that by me posting on here how bad they've treated me will alert other potential buyers of their stuff how bad they are,which means that ok they robbed me of £30-40, but they'll have lost a lot more by people thinking twice about buying off them in future.
I don't know about anyone else, but all this thread has taught me about planet X is to get refunds put back on my card, which I would do anyway. Planet X's prices already tell me all I need to know about their customer service.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I don't know about anyone else, but all this thread has taught me about planet X is to get refunds put back on my card, which I would do anyway. Planet X's prices already tell me all I need to know about their customer service.
Yes, if there was going to be an "in future", i would definitely get the money put back into my bank account(and even then,who's to say they will do that?), but that's it. No more PX purchases for me.


My Armchair
He kind of knew them and thought asking for a receipt would offend them, What!,You want a receipt?!, but we're old mates...thoughts went through his mind. So he just shook hands on a gentleman's agreement and went back the following day with the rest of the money(i think it was £3000) expecting the paper work to be ready to be signed. Then they denied they'd received the deposit off him. He thought they were having him on at first, but no they were serious! I suppose he could count himself lucky they didn't take the £3000 off him then deny any knowledge of that as well!
Did this really happen or have you been watching repeats of Minder on UK Gold? :tongue:

Deleted member 26715

Sorry but money doesn't just disappear from an account, the only way to do that would be for a fairly skilled developer to go into the database directly & remove it, it either was never there in the first place (bad memory) or there is an audit trail of it getting there & being removed.
Sorry but money doesn't just disappear from an account, the only way to do that would be for a fairly skilled developer to go into the database directly & remove it, it either was never there in the first place (bad memory) or there is an audit trail of it getting there & being removed.

Money also doesn't just sit in unencrypted databases. I'd be very surprised if anybody can make it go away without a trace.
Hanlon's razor "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

I don't believe for a second that Planet X has a policy of stiffing it's customers by failing to process returns. That would screw their reputation so fast it wouldn't be worth it. They make better money by being honest.

Or that someone in their company is stealing credit from customer accounts. That would be a terrible way of embezzling. 1) Customers would raise hell, the company would notice 2) it is still just credit at Planet X, you need another step or more to turn it into cash, which would all leave a trail.

Or that someone in the company is deliberately not processing returns. Again, you have a queue of angry customers and your reward is a pile of lightly worn discount bicycle shorts?

So Occam and Hanlon lead us to error rather than theft. Either Accy has misremembered, someone made a mistake on the returns, or the credit was accidentally (human or software) applied to another customers purchase, or the credit was applied to accy's purchase rather than from his Lloyd's account.


An Peanut
In my experience Planet X customer service has been pretty poor. Certainly not good enough to even consider have money on account. I have brought a number of items from them and very rarely does it all go smoothly. The prices can often make it worthwhile though.
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