Your day's wildlife

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
I’ve finally got round to having my dslr camera fixed.

The Cambridge Peregrine Falcons are ready to lay eggs. The nest is 10’ below this ledge



I’ve finally got round to having my dslr camera fixed.

The Cambridge Peregrine Falcons are ready to lay eggs. The nest is 10’ below this ledge

View attachment 457428 View attachment 457429
Great picture thanks for sharing


Legendary Member
No pictures, but I was at a warehouse doing a cargo inspection this morning when they had their regular visit from a pigeon clearing expert - Henry the Harris Hawk! Absolutely gorgeous bird.


Legendary Member
Commuting by ebike today, early start and saw a roe deer, prominent white rump, grazing at the quiet roadside, looked up, saw me now 20 metres away...and bounded off.
On the way home, over local disused brick pits.....was that a cuckoo ?...perched on a low fence post flew off low as I approached.
Did t see it too long, flying low and away from me it was difficult to pick out detail, but those seconds I saw it perched...,it just didnt shout hawk or similar, just different.


Chiffchaff out on Invinghoe Beacon



Norven Mankey
Popped outside this morning and heard a song I hadn't heard for quite a while....Siskin

A couple in a tree in the garden. The only time of the year I see them in the garden is early Spring. I guess they are passing through and spend the winter somewhere milder. The Lesser Redpolls are different. They start to appear in the garden late Winter. They're very hardy and must spend the winter nearby but run out of natural food around February and that forces them into the gardens.

Both the Siskins and the Lesser Redpolls will be gone in a few weeks and won't return until next year


We're having goldfinch fights over our niger seed feeder, even when it has free perches. It gets a bit frantic when eight goldfinches are there but even two can be a problem.

Today's sequence:

1. Two interlopers appear.

2. One makes his move:

3. Furious fight:


4. Eff off in goldfinchian
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