Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
I've been a fettlin' my road bike and the cleats in my shoes today, when i finished I went out for a test ride, just a a loop up the hill to Chilton, down to Rowstock through Harwell village then back home, loads of cyclists out today one who I crossed paths with about three times, and another that past me in my village so fast I though she was going to break the sound barrier. made me jump so she did.

Anyway I am pleased to report that my fettlin' worked and my cleats are tickity boo.

Miles: 9
S.I.: 0
Weather: feckin' glorious.

Some Go Pro photos.


Its nice out.




This girly was really going for it.


We kept crossing each other path today.
After last night's "off" it was a gentle ebike pedal to local park to loosen the leg up. This is a model of Elan valley from where Birmingham gets its water



Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
A glorious spring evening for a lockdown exercise ride. Did a loop out to Haresfield and Standish, returning via Epney and Elmore for a one hour, 15.8 mile ride in warm, sunny conditions. In normal times, this would have been rush hour near Haresfield:

All the lanes were like that. I think I only saw 3 or 4 cars all ride. This was near Standish church:

Overtook a couple of cyclists near Elmore, giving them a good wide pass, then encountered a few individual cyclists coming the other way. No cars though:

Made one final stop at the riverside in Stonebench for a swig of orange and a gaze at one of my favourite views of the Severn:

What a great ride.
Anyway, stay safe everyone. Cheers, Donger.


Slippery scientist
Around 18 miles of mostly off-road in glorious sunshine, warm, very little wind - felt like summer. I’m also sporting a t-shirt tan. One objective today was to pay my respects at a local memorial - it is somewhat hidden away up on the Ridgeway (although does show up on OS maps); I first stopped and read it just a week or so ago and realised the anniversary of the event it marked was today, so I made sure to stop on my ride today.



Obviously a weather front across the country because it was dull and overcast with a cold easterly requiring a return to leg warmers and a long sleeve jersey. To take advantage of that easterly up the middle Oaker Bank again today in order to head west along Penny Pot for a quicker than normal trip along there. Did the Hampsthwaite-Clapham Green-Menwith-Penny Pot circuit in reverse. It stayed dull and overcast with the cold easterly evident as a headwind but of little benefit as a tailwind. Of course as soon as I got home the sun broke through albeit briefly. 16.23 miles @ 13.1mph avg and 1046ft climbed. No photos – did not realise the GoPro had swopped to camera rather than video mode:blush:
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Around 18 miles of mostly off-road in glorious sunshine, warm, very little wind - felt like summer. I’m also sporting a t-shirt tan. One objective today was to pay my respects at a local memorial - it is somewhat hidden away up on the Ridgeway (although does show up on OS maps); I first stopped and read it just a week or so ago and realised the anniversary of the event it marked was today, so I made sure to stop on my ride today.

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Wow yes I remember coming across that years back. Must google the story

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Lovely and warm from the off. Down to Yealmpton and up through the lanes to Westlake. Down to Ermington and over Penquit.
I took a new bit of lane to Ludbrook, then via Sheepham to Modbury.

The hedgerows were looking great. Bluebell, stitchwort, red campion, violet, ferns and speedwell. But I was looking for something in particular...

From Modbury along the A379 and a turn for Holbeton. I was going fairly quickly when I saw a flash of colour..... a quick about turn!

Early purple orchids.

Home via the coast road. In Newton Ferrers I saw my first ever Devon Red Kite.











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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Another lovely spring morning so I got the Galaxy out today for its first ride of the season. Keeping things simple I repeated the route I did on the Raleigh a couple of days ago: Condover, Longnor, Acton Burnell, Harnage, Cross Houses, Condover & back.

Looking at my notes, due to the poor weather last summer I haven't actually done a proper ride on this bike since last July :ohmy: so it was gratifying that I felt completely at home with the riding position and gear shifters within yards of leaving home.

In a reversal of yesterday, fewer motorists and more cycles and walkers out today. I was quicker than some of the riders and with quiet roads it was no problem giving wide overtakes. I was slightly unimpressed by the one cyclist who cut a corner by going the wrong way down a one way street - the time saving was miniscule so, why?

It was bin day at Longnor so I held back and waited patiently to be allowed past. After Acton Burnell the roads were quieter still and the majority of the people I saw were walking. Today's flag at Cound was a yellow smiley face one. I thought I might have a good tailwind on the way home but it didn't seem to be helping particularly.

Got home feeling absolutely buzzing with energy. I need rides like that.:okay:

23.6 miles today at 15.9 mph average.
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Legendary Member
The Fragrant MrsP and I went for a ride today , we haven’t been out together for about a week. And what a lovely day for it too, stunning weather, Easter weekend is usually shite for weather innit?

Anyway we headed out to a longish loop today to the other side of Wallingford to the village of Warborough where there’s a nice village shop about 10 miles into the journey, TFMP popped in got a couple of coffees and two Eccles cakes and we sat on the bench in the church yard opposite and enjoyed the sunshine and peacefulness.

After the break we set off towards Stadhampton along the hilly road where TFMP passed a person on a bike who was struggling up the hill. This person was wearing jeans, a hoodie, a hi-vis vest and heavy looking shoes, he/she was grind gears, wavering in the road and pedalling with the insteps of his/her feet. As soon as TFMP got level the rider wasn’t having it and tried to take TFMP down, didn’t stand a chance, when I past the rider he/she just gave up. Why do some bike riders make life difficult for themselves?

Eventually we got back towards Didcot and decided to round the mileage up.

Miles: 30.06
S.I.: 0 ( although there were loads of cyclists out today on some very exotic machines) .
Weather: Feckin Glorious.





13 rider

Working tomorrow so another early start doing the food shop before the queues start got me back home and ready to ride at 1030 . Full summer kit :sun:time . Plan was for an hour up through Newtown Linford which is still deserted but where the one parked car decided to set off and do a 3 point turn in front of me :angry:. On to the quiet lanes and up Polly Botts was going for another quick time but blew up halfway up and had to just spin up the last bit ended up only 30 seconds slower than last week so still not too shabby . Around the back of Markfield into Thornton . Dropped down and then climbed out past the reservoir . Heading back to Markfield took the right turn to Markfield to Ratby to extend my normal loop .Into Groby and over the empty A50 back into Anstey and up the hill to home . Over estimated the distance as I was out for 1 hr and 1 min ^_^ in which time I'd covered 16.2 miles with 1100ft of upness . After a :cuppa: it was time for some gardening another of my favourite activities not but I like a neat garden so I force myself
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I woke up another year older, this morning and with the glorious warm sunshine I got out for a Birthday ride, to stave off the depression of not being able to celebrate with family and friends, today.

With the roads now being much drier, I brought the Carbon racer out of hibernation and set off for a 20 miler, which is a bit longer than I’ve been doing during lockdown, but not too far.

First observation was how busy the supermarket, across the road was, and wondering to myself why anyone would be risking those places this weekend.....There were quite a few people out walking, through Meole estate, so I was glad to get out onto the quiet roads through Hook-aGate and Annscroft. It was such a pleasure to be out on this bike, again, much lighter and more pleasurable to ride.

Turned through Exfords Green and Stapleton, crossing the eerily quiet A49 with not even a sound of traffic nearby, before joining the lanes to Ryton and Longnor. These were quite busy, with cyclists, runners and walkers, so care had to be taken to keep a good gap, but all was fine, as I arrived in Longnor.

I then turned North and that’s where this bike really comes into its own, with some long fast generally downhill roads, through Frodesley, Acton Burnell and Pitchford, on which I didn’t see a single car and that’s unheard of down there. Loads of cyclists though 🙂

There is a bit of climbing to Cantlop and then up the double dip, but the bike was gliding and keeping up a decent speed, for me at least.

Busiest section of the ride, for traffic, was along the last half mile road to home, where I was passed by a tractor and trailer, but then every time it came to the monstrous speed bumps, I was too fast for it and so had to slow to avoid undertaking it. It then turned into the field just before the supermarket.

The most enjoyable ride I’ve had, for a long while, 20.6 miles at 13.8mph avg speed
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13 rider

I woke up another year older, this morning and with the glorious warm sunshine I got out for a Birthday ride, to stave off the depression of not being able to celebrate with family and friends, today.

With the roads now being much drier, I brought the Carbon racer out of hibernation and set off for a 20 miler, which is a bit longer than I’ve been doing during lockdown, but not too far.

First observation was how busy the supermarket, across the road was, and wondering to myself why anyone would be risking those places this weekend.....There were quite a few people out walking, through Meole estate, so I was glad to get out onto the quiet roads through Hook-aGate and Annscroft. It was such a pleasure to be out on this bike, again, much lighter and more pleasurable to ride.

Turned through Exfords Green and Stapleton, crossing the eerily quiet A49 with not even a sound of traffic nearby, before joining the lanes to Ryton and Longnor. These were quite busy, with cyclists, runners and walkers, so care had to be taken to keep a good gap, but all was fine, as I arrived in Longnor.

I then turned North and that’s where this bike really comes into its own, with some long fast generally downhill roads, through Frodesley, Acton Burnell and Pitchford, on which I didn’t see a single car and that’s unheard of down there. Loads of cyclists though 🙂

There is a bit of climbing to Cantlop and then up the double dip, but the bike was gliding and keeping up a decent speed, for me at least.

Busiest section of the ride, for traffic, was along the last half mile road to home, where I was passed by a tractor and trailer, but then every time it came to the monstrous speed bumps, I was too fast for it and so had to slow to avoid undertaking it. It then turned into the field just before the supermarket.

The most enjoyable ride I’ve had, for a long while, 20.6 miles at 13.8mph avg soeed
Happy Birthday :birthday:hope you have a good day


Legendary Member
Working tomorrow so another early start doing the food shop before the queues start got me back home and ready to ride at 1030 . Full summer kit :sun:time . Plan was for an hour up through Newtown Linford which is still deserted but where the one parked car decided to set off and do a 3 point turn in front of me :angry:. On to the quiet lanes and up Polly Botts was going for another quick time but blew up halfway up and had to just spin up the last bit ended up only 30 seconds slower than last week so still not too shabby . Around the back of Markfield into Thornton . Dropped down and then climbed out past the reservoir . Heading back to Markfield took the right turn to Markfield to Ratby to extend my normal loop .Into Groby and over the empty A50 back into Anstey and up the hill to home . Over estimated the distance as I was out for 1 hr and 1 min ^_^ in which time I'd covered 16.2 miles with 1100ft of upness . After a :cuppa: it was time for some gardening another of my favourite activities not but I like a neat garden so I rode myself

Polly Boots Lane.Not been up there for yonks.I blew just thinking about it.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I woke up another year older, this morning and with the glorious warm sunshine I got out for a Birthday ride, to stave off the depression of not being able to celebrate with family and friends, today.

With the roads now being much drier, I brought the Carbon racer out of hibernation and set off for a 20 miler, which is a bit longer than I’ve been doing during lockdown, but not too far.

First observation was how busy the supermarket, across the road was, and wondering to myself why anyone would be risking those places this weekend.....There were quite a few people out walking, through Meole estate, so I was glad to get out onto the quiet roads through Hook-aGate and Annscroft. It was such a pleasure to be out on this bike, again, much lighter and more pleasurable to ride.

Turned through Exfords Green and Stapleton, crossing the eerily quiet A49 with not even a sound of traffic nearby, before joining the lanes to Ryton and Longnor. These were quite busy, with cyclists, runners and walkers, so care had to be taken to keep a good gap, but all was fine, as I arrived in Longnor.

I then turned North and that’s where this bike really comes into its own, with some long fast generally downhill roads, through Frodesley, Acton Burnell and Pitchford, on which I didn’t see a single car and that’s unheard of down there. Loads of cyclists though 🙂

There is a bit of climbing to Cantlop and then up the double dip, but the bike was gliding and keeping up a decent speed, for me at least.

Busiest section of the ride, for traffic, was along the last half mile road to home, where I was passed by a tractor and trailer, but then every time it came to the monstrous speed bumps, I was too fast for it and so had to slow to avoid undertaking it. It then turned into the field just before the supermarket.

The most enjoyable ride I’ve had, for a long while, 20.6 miles at 13.8mph avg speed
Happy Birthday.:cheers:

Old jon

A bit cloudy out there this morning. And a distinct lack of pressure in the back tyre. One of the joys, off with the wheel and tyre, valve half detached from inner tube. Fit and inflate a spare tube and ride away.

The new usual approach to the bottom of Cardigan Road, not half as scenic as the towpath, but almost certainly quieter. Just a thought, the towpath is likely older than anything along Kirkstall Road. The old tannery has 1896 above its front door, and the viaduct was built in 1849 ( for the Leeds and Thirsk Railway Company ). This end of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal was opened in 1777. Dunno when the abbey was built, but it is on Abbey Road, I suppose predictably.

Anyway, up Cardigan Road, through Headingley on the A660 and once across the Ring Road turn right to pedal through Adel. Take the left turn after passing the dam and ride up the eastern side of Golden Acre Park. Another left onto Kings Road provides a welcome descent to Bramhope and a misty view of the hill beyond the village. Not willing to miss the whizzzz down Pool Bank, so I turned right at the Dyneley Arms and left onto the Otley Road once the end of the village was reached.

Yes, the idea of a stop at the maypole again. Just as it came into sight the back wheel started to feel odd. Stopped, looked, flat!! Difficult to believe, but there it is. Decided to walk around the corner to Chevin Cycles, just in case I needed something I was not carrying. They were open when I reached the place and the car park mostly empty. Found a convenient stretch of wall and started. Wheel off, start to remove lock nut and cap, what’s this? A fresh cut, about seven millimetres long, about ten times that from the valve. This was not there earlier, I had looked closely, had another cuppa, and looked again before I left home this morning. Stick a patch inside the tyre to hopefully stop the cut spreading (it worked!), fit a spare tube and go. Again.

Up Leeds Road. The earlier mist was clearing but the northern side of the Wharfe valley was still a bit obscured, always worth a squint at though. Took my mind off being twitchy about that back wheel, anyway. There is a short drop into Bramhope, and at the bottom I decided to turn right for the steep little climb into the village centre. You know, the bit where the pub is. Out of there, the road rises gently in the direction of Cookridge. There are some less gentle bits too.

But then it is down all the way, really. Back to the A660 to Headingley again, more height loss to Kirkstall and then the bike tracks to the town centre. Passing Woodrups, I wondered why the shutters were down, reached home, the lass next door is outside, bit of a natter and I was told it’s a Bank Holiday. It must be an age thing. Whatever it is, thirty miles deserves the grin I was wearing, even with the tyre troubles.

No video, somehow forgot to press the button.

Etch a Sketch with bicycle instead.

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