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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Rich B suggested an outing. So we met up and headed off with a good strong tail wind out down the Hams. We took the climb to Woolridge where the clear air gave us excellent views from the Cotswolds to the Black Mountains. Soon we were enjoying refreshments at the Trioscape.

Black clouds were ahead as we headed into a tough head wind. Gusts were very strong. Then on came the snow. Well soft hail really. It soon stopped so we could admire the bluebells at Brand Green. Then on came more soft hail. That lasted a bit longer but after is blew over we had a fairly pleasant run through the lanes. More black appeared and the cold wind gusts got up again. We didn't have far to go now so with a "thanks for the outing" we scooted to our respective homes. Thankfully the "storm" didn't hit us. We'd had a pleasant outing and had avoided the worst of things too. 47 smiles


Legendary Member
At last, a day off work. Desk painted, yep. Car brakes fixed, nope (parts needed). Out on the bike later than usual at about 1045, just as the rain started:rain:Not to worry, waterproof on and off I go. Todays plan was the metric 50 for the month, plus an extra few to gain another Eddington number. All going swimmingly until Lightwater where the legs started to tighten up a bit. Took it easy and figured it would go, but by South Ascot it was clear that wasn't happening, so paused for a leg pill. Unfortunately it hasn't worked well, and the last few miles home were agony:sad:.
1 positive, I got to 32.8 miles, so keeping the challenge alive.
Sitting here with the dogs looking at me wondering when they're getting walked. When I can, they will....
Well done for making the 50k despite the pain
At last, a day off work. Desk painted, yep. Car brakes fixed, nope (parts needed). Out on the bike later than usual at about 1045, just as the rain started:rain:Not to worry, waterproof on and off I go. Todays plan was the metric 50 for the month, plus an extra few to gain another Eddington number. All going swimmingly until Lightwater where the legs started to tighten up a bit. Took it easy and figured it would go, but by South Ascot it was clear that wasn't happening, so paused for a leg pill. Unfortunately it hasn't worked well, and the last few miles home were agony:sad:.
1 positive, I got to 32.8 miles, so keeping the challenge alive.
Sitting here with the dogs looking at me wondering when they're getting walked. When I can, they will....
It seems dogs have their own clocks and know when it is time for a walk
Also this is reiforced by seeing coats and shoes going on.


Perhaps This One.....
Training plan calls for a recovery week, and only a zone 1 ride today - I really don't like zone 1, may go to the gym instead
It is coldish out and that slow pace will not keep me warm
You chose a good day for the gym, horrible day today, like going back into Winter:cold:

Utility ride into both High Streets today. I'm off on my annual hike Monday, and my 20 year old rucksack has finally given up, so I had to grab a new one. An enjoyable ride for being on the towpath, but not for the weather, which was cold and windy. Add a brief hailstorm into the mix just after Runneymede Pleasure Grounds just to make me really feel glad I went out on the bike.
A measly 7.5 miles today, but apparently the loft needed boarding:rolleyes: Still, brownie points bagged:smile:


Über Member
Got up at 6 this morning in a vain effort to beat the rush hour, nice and crisp I though, an hour later and freezing fingers and toes I returned home.:sad:


So second attempt at 13.30 today, a glimpse of sun,^_^ as I ascended up toward the Yorkshire Sculpture Park the heavens opened with sleet and snow.:angry: Ah well over the top and a descent to the left turn up to High Hoyland, a climb that would warm anyone up. Left at the top to descend at the back of the YSP across under the M1 up Haigh Lane and right towards Barnsley rd. Left onto the A61 and straight through Wakefield and home.

You chose a good day for the gym, horrible day today, like going back into Winter:cold:

Utility ride into both High Streets today. I'm off on my annual hike Monday, and my 20 year old rucksack has finally given up, so I had to grab a new one. An enjoyable ride for being on the towpath, but not for the weather, which was cold and windy. Add a brief hailstorm into the mix just after Runneymede Pleasure Grounds just to make me really feel glad I went out on the bike.
A measly 7.5 miles today, but apparently the loft needed boarding:rolleyes: Still, brownie points bagged:smile:
Yes, did some strength work and half and hour on the wattbike, then came out to alternating sun, rian and hail. Made the right choice for once

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
8.1 miles this day, bagged 2 benchmarks, one laid in 1954, one( a reference mark) in 1970.I generally know where the triangulation station is, but I'd need a parang to get to it . Nice weather, but just I and another friendly cyclist as the weather was going downhill in a hurry. The Dawes did a fine job of getting me there and returning, I was just getting some sprinkles as I rolled up my driveway.
Winds SW24, G 29
Relative humidity 61%
Barometer 29.51, 1001.7mb
Nice day for a day off.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Chilly 12 miles before work this morning .

Needed to get out and try a few miles to wake me up, plus I think it will be a day of commuting by car .



Legendary Member
It's cold, overcast and windy with a threat of rain today but I decided to go for bimble on the MTB this afternoon. I saw a bridle way the other week that I had never been down before so I thought I'd investigate, not great surprise it wasn't very interesting but it did lead me to another byway that I'd never been down, this took me towards Compton, and then back a long the Ridgeway, and a nice downhill ride home . Just under 14 miles in all, and very enjoyable it was too.


Over towards Compton.


Bike against an old Railway Bridge wall.


It's yellow innit?


It looks like rain coming.


The Route.


Perhaps This One.....
Felt like Winter again today, and after cold toes Tuesday I opted for thermal socks and winter jersey with 3/4's. Only had a small amount of time, and the legs didn't want to go today. Out to Chobham and pleased I was on my own as I struggled to muster up 15 mph for the first 8 miles or so. Gave myself a talking to and tried harder. Garmin said 17.2 miles in 1hr 1 minute @ 16.9mph average, I'll settle for that.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Mrs 26 and I rode over to Upton where Ralph R, Rick A, Pete M and June P began to gather. Ralph lead us after much chat by Strensham and Defford to Drakes Broughton and the rather low level ford at Pinvin. The chat flowed continuously as we swapped riding partners so that we rode towards the Lenches with little difficulty. The lumpy bit is at the Lenches so we upped to Ab Lench and again to Church Lench. That was enough for Ralph so we cut out a couple of Lenches for Sherriffs Lench and the drop to the tea rooms and Craycombe Farm.

After more chat and plenty of refreshments we crossed the Avon over Jubillee Bridge to head for Bricklehampton and the Combertons. Mrs 26 called the off road Nafford Locks Avon crossing. With such dry weather over the last many weeks it was quite a clean ride. We then looped around the Birlingham lanes before Ralph took the lead again. So we rode Besford bank again (twice in one day is a world record for me and June) to head over by Croome and a goodbye to Rick as he headed homeward. Back at Upton June headed home while Mrs 26 begged a lift from Pete. So Ralph and I were the remaining riders who took the Hanley Swan run back for home. Rain tried to get going a couple of times but only succeeded in deluge status as I rolled the last few hundred yards. Lovely social outing today. The cold wind and bit of rain couldn't dampen that. 60 smiles today
Plan calls for an easy ride, I can never make it so easy, tried to keep mostly zone 2 apart from hills, it was a bit of a rolling course with no steep hills,

Went out on a similar route to last week, Windlesham and Lightwater.
Remembered that a bridge was closed, but forgot about the roadworks on another road

27.63 miles at 16.2 mph - not bad and shows what I could do all out. However I am really getting ready for 100 miles in June, so the efforts will ramp up now

650 feet climbed
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