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Another and last ride while in Cumbria
Planned on Strava, I am not so familiar with this area but lots of climbing per mile
from Cark to Grannge over Sands up a road called Back of the Fell Road, up a hill toughwer than I expected and with aa loop out to the west before back to Cark

Only 25 miles but over 2000 feet of Climbing

Exact stats

25.03 miles 2500 feet climbing
Ave speed 13.5 mph
Much tougher riding than at home


Here for rides.
The windy wind was windier wind but the rain, for now, has gone. It will be back tomorrow but I am taking the day off so no commute, and probably no cycling for me. Got tlh for company this weekend.


Perhaps This One.....
My ride today was rubbish.
Needed to get my metric/imperial half in for July, so planned a 50 miler out to Velolife last night, even managed to get it onto the Garmin as a route. This morning I set out, minor tweak to the route to avoid school run, but after 5 miles the legs decided not to play ball, so I reduced my plans to a metric half. Not content with this, legs continued to argue and I had to have a magic pill to try and make them behave. After 40 mins or so they settled so I continued on. Nowhere exciting, the same old roads, and by the time I got home after 35 miles I'd had enough:sad:
Still, on the plus side, I've now managed a metric half for 7 months on the trot, who knows, I may make the year yet as I really want the bronze star:smile:


Legendary Member
After yesterdays ride and a night on the beer I wasn't feeling up to a big ride today so decided once the rain had died down to get the Sirrus out and have a pootle along the cycle paths and tow paths through town. A very leisurely pace and 33 miles done. Very windy again, but very warm.

Took a couple of snaps:

This is one of six murals going up around the city celebrating Leicester winning the premier league:


and a picture of the cygnets getting quite big in Abbey Park:


Old jon

Promises of descending dampness today, promises that were only just kept. I thought Otley as a turning point and added a few bits that are not on the direct route.

As ever, pedal around Holbeck to persuade the legs to move, turn off for Office Lock and the ride along the towpath to Viaduct Road. All the way up to Headingley, followed by up to Lawnswood. A lad zoomed past me, really moving well, and a hundred yards later the hill pushed him behind me. Almost felt sorry for him. Anyway, pedal on to Bramhope and turn right onto Creskeld Lane. There was quite a lot of hedge and verge cutting debris on the road which slowed me down, nope, which I slowed down for. I do not think that rubber grips on grass very well. Turn left at the bottom, ride through what’s left of Arthington and along to Pool.

Turn right in Pool and cross the River Wharfe, then the next left for Leathley. Turn left again to cross the River Washburn ( would you name a guitar after a small Yorkshire river? ) at Leathley Bridge. It is a fair old climb to Farnley from here, but there is the exhilarating swoop into Otley to make up for it.

Ah well, Leeds Road here we come. I will happily drop into river valleys, and aye, climb up out of them, the only way to go anywhere really. The north side of the valley was shrouded in rain, before I reached the top so was I and by the time I turned right into old Bramhope village, the drizzle had stopped. It is a steep little climb at the side of the church, thankfully a short one, followed by niggling ups and the odd drop all the way to Cookridge. Then it really is downhill all the way, Headingley, Kirkstall and home via the towpath again. Thirty and nine tenths miles today and according to Garmin a little over 1500 feet climbed. Brilliant!

If you ride around in ever decreasing circles
it ain't on this map



This morning i had a corn drilled out of my little toe and the hole filled with silver nitrate,stingy and uncomfortable..
so i thought ill go to Wakerley and Fineshade and MTB the pain off.
i tried an off piste that i Thought i knew...wrong..ended up in 4feet tall grass stingers and brambles, in one of the most populated Adder Snake areas in the country folowing a Deer trail :laugh::banghead:

my legs are shredded as i had trainer socks on " i know" :rolleyes: but that stopped my little toe hurting.
fantastic millionaires cake and a latte at the Cafe and a quick knee to ankle rub down with antiseptic cream and jobs a good un^_^
very warm today and i was hoping for a shower but no rain at all. and my Runkeeper was in pause lol ahh well about 10 mile of cycling and a few where the hell am i ? Moments

Deleted member 1258

50 miles the journey, Hatton Locks the destination. That wasn't a nice morning for cycling. I got up and the sun was shining, by the time I'd had my morning p and put the bins out the rain had set in. By 10 it had stopped so I got the bike out and headed for Hatton Locks by a direct route, before I'd even finished crossing the city the first of the showers had started and I had intermittent showers all the way to the cafe, all accompanied by a stiff head wind. It had dried up by the time I'd left the cafe so I decided to follow my usual route out but in reverse, I meandered a bit, exploring lanes I don't usually ride, Chadwick Lane and Cuttle Pool Lane to name a couple, by the time I'd got home I'd stretched the homeward ride to 34 miles, most of them done slow and hard into a stiff head wind.
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Starting to get the feel of the new Pine Mountain, it really is a fun bike to ride. Sunny again so thought it would be rude not to nip out for a ride. Not a great distance but hey, I'm in no hurry.




Don't butt in




Legendary Member
After a full day of interviewing at work (successfully appointed to my team this time thankfully!) I needed a relaxing chill out ride.

A muggy but windy evening as I took my regular route around town, up the cycle paths to Heathgates, down to the River Severn, along the towpath to the Quarry, out through Porthill, Copthorne, Radbrook, Nobold and home.

Nothing whatsoever to report, which was just what I wanted really! Although a couple of considerate drivers who let me across roads, etc, deserve a mention, which is better than the usual annoying ones!

13.3 miles at 12.0 mph avg


Never used Über Member
A bonus mid week ride. :wahhey:

Much as I like riding the country lanes, it was far too near rush hour for that to be much fun by the time I was free to go out, so it was onto the hybrid for a mainly off road and much ridden circuit.

Local roads out to Cross Gates, then past the park and over the railway line and the climb up Austhorpe Lane, continuing up onto Barrowby Lane before picking up NCN R66. Through Thorpe Park (which always seems near deserted - does anyone actually work there?) and back onto the bridleway / R66 and the climb to the highest point of the ride at the bridge over the M1, where I stopped to admire the view and the massing clouds:

A quick drink and back in the saddle and over the bridge, with a cheery wave to the tin box drivers below and then the plunge into the woods and the fun descent into Garforth.
It's that time of the year again where the foliage grows like mad and much like the earlier section of bridleway into Thorp Park, the woods are getting a bit overgrown. So with sight lines blocked and a twisty turny route also used by a lot of walkers I took it steady, but still managed to have fun.
Out of the woods and back onto Barrowby Lane proper and motored on along the tarmac to Barwick Rd.
Quick turn under the railway bridge and again onto Nanny Goat Lane and the climb back up to the riding school. About a third of the way along the lane a small dog was wandering about with no-one about, so I slowed down to see what the score was. Cue lots of barking and tail wagging, before it ran off down the long drive of one of the houses - hopefully that's where it lived. Up past the riding school and onto the bridleway for the bumpy run down to the tunnel under the M1, through there and along between the hedges heading for the farm on Manston Lane.
The heat and humidity was getting really oppressive now and there were some big dark clouds about so I started to wonder if a soaking was in the offing and picked up the pace on the gravel section and as I got onto the tarmac section it was into the seemingly obligatory headwind on this part of the ride.
Past the pet hotel and the former tank factory, turning right up onto Pendas Fields and down to Barwick Road, followed by a loop around the Manstons to add some distance and then local roads up to home, with a final loop around the block to push me into double figures. :smile: The rain never did arrive, which was even better.

10.2 miles (16.4km) in 49m 9s at an average of 12.5mph, with just 452ft climbed. Good to get out during the week as I've been struggling with midweek motivation lately and being out on the bike certainly helps clear my head.
Then when I got home I fitted the new bottle cage I got the other week to the hybrid so I can carry two bottles now. Funny how you can always put off such a simple job (two bolts!) for so long...;)



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
What has become a fairly standard ride today, I was expecting rain but it never arrived and it was rather warm

Seems the Heron is back, but keeping its distance from me.


This eems to be quite common on this bridge, I've noticed it a couple of times. On the way back I went up to the road so didn't come all the way through but the water level seemed to have dropped


I did a bit of exploring, looking at a path I'd seen a ride coming down. I decided it was far too steep today to ride up. I also decided against my test hill climb because the weather was so warm. In the end I rode to Waitrose and bought a ham sandwich, got a free coffee and sat on some old lock gates. I don't really understand this business with cake, savoury is better.

As someone else has noted, cygnets are growing in size. I also saw some goslings that were as big as their parent. The latter crossed the towpath in front of me, determined not to give way.


On the way back I was doing quite well along a back road, a bit put out by all the traffic coming toward me as it wasn't that wide. As I got to the end I saw some blue lights and a police car slewed across the road. My alternatives were up the hill, which I wasn't fancying, or back the way I'd come. With neither attractive and people apparently walking down the road I thought I'd try to walk it. Rumour has it that with parking so difficult someone had decided to park inside their house. Somehow I doubt it. What you can't see is the front door on this side of the window. Anyhow, I was able to walk down the road and resume my ride.


12.7 miles max 18 avg 6.5 mph. Year to date, 284miles, Target 400 miles

And no, it wasn't 68, it was considerably warmer!

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@derrick, I havent been in the Moon Under Age for years now. Has it changed at all? Spent many a night when I was younger in there until we all started going up to the city for drinks.
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