Your ride today....

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Diablo Sandwich used to be some whole kernel corn, some slow cooked ground beef with taco seaoning on lettuce, with a dollop of sour cream and a bun. Sort of like the old style taco on a bun instead of a tortilla. I usually substitute refried beans for the corn. BTW, Dr. Pepper is an acquired taste, but much better than Moxie.


Perhaps This One.....
More of a dandelion and burdock man myself


Legendary Member
Completed my challenge ride for March, with a much needed ride this morning. It's been a week of bad news on a number of fronts and I was in need of the endorphins from a good ride.

A nice sunny morning, quite fresh with a strong breeze from the south. Headed out to Betton Abbots and then down to Atcham, before taking the road through the grounds of Attingham Park, which was very pleasant. There was a Peacock foraging in the garden of the Tower House, as you exit the grounds.

Continued through Upton Magna and then down to Withington. The bone shaker road through Isombridge was flooded in a number of places, from the recent incessant rain and a couple of the farm dogs were keen on joining me in the saddle! They seemed fairly friendly though.

Pressed on through Longdon on Tern, Rodington, Roden and Bings Heath, before turning directly into the wind, making the climb up Ebury and Haughmond Hills very hard going.

The stretch between Upton Magna and Uffington is normally quiet and fairly fast, but today was full of cars, for some reason and that meant a slower descent than normal.

Joined the old canal path to Sundorne and then out onto Sundorne Rd, where it took me about 5 minutes to get a gap in the traffic to proceed! Finished the ride down the cycle paths to Meole Brace and home.

The polar opposite of my ride on Thursday, great fun, no incidents, well behaved drivers and loads of friendly cyclists about.

33.0 miles, taking me to bang on 5500 since I started using Strava in August 2013.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Last night I went to circuit training and then yoga. There was lots of standing on one leg in various poses and wobbling and quivering a lot. The wobbling and quivering was optional. I partook, big time!

I lay in bed this morning streeeeeetching my legs for a bit, agony and ecstasy!
Mrs Dave went off to London and the boy went out with his lady, so that left me to my own devices. The roads were drying up, sun was promised... so I took my Cube. I've not been on it for ages.

I got out by 10.20 and rode off toward Caldecote. For some reason I looked down without thinking and looked to where my pump should be..... it wasn't there!

I turned round and went home. I'd left it on my Trek 1.5.

Off again and down to Knapwell, the roads were nice and quiet. On through Elsworth and up the hill that takes you down to Papworth and Hilton. I headed to Hilton. This bit of road is super smooth with a built in tail wind, but it only lasts a mile or so:angry:

I headed for Graveley and saw my first buzzard for a week or two. My eyes were peeled for March hares as I've seen them here before, but not today.
It was along here that the wind started, not too stern to start with. Up into Graveley and then on for a change to Offord Darcy, great name.

I turned left toward Great Paxton. Windy! I spent the next 5 minutes trying to remember the name of the machinery company here I used to use. Could I remember it, could I hell! Soon enough I passed Arthur Ibbets!

Up the hill and down into St Neots, traffic not too bad. I judged the 2 sets of lights perfectly.

Back out into the sticks, and at the Abbotsley golf club turn the wind turned into a tail wind, aaaah, lovely. I rolled to the village.

I was heading right. By the time I put my phone away I was wobbling up the steep little hill. Poor timing! Out past the houses and into the fields. One of the last times we were here we were blackberrying. I turned right to go to Gamlingay. Off to the west I could see the airship hangars in Cardington, Bedfordshire.

Then you get a cheeky down and up, 20% at its max.
Not far away was Waresley GC. It would be rude not too, Mrs Dave has turned me into a tea stop junkie!


So the 12 miles home back through the Gransdens was taken steady, the legs were feeling it, despite the cake!

Today's birds were buzzard, kestrel, redwing, fieldfare, chaffinch, great tit and a pheasant that nearly went through my spokes!

44 miles. Surprisingly this is my longest ride of the year.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Six of us met at Newland. Rich B was a surprise as he hadn't responded to the email call. No worries. Sara P was last to show up. Very unusual as she is always early. We'd all beaten at her own game this morning. Mrs 26 headed off at the front whilst Jose MLB took up a watching brief at the back. Sara P likes to ride near the front and today was no exception. Margaret P-R was showing well on the hilly bits at the start. We took a well worn run around the northern end of the hills. Rich was beginning to struggle on the ups. We encouraged him by chattering and taking our time so he didn't get left behind. In the lane to Coddington we came across a nervous lady who was transmitting nervous to her horse. Wow that was one scared horse. We waited patiently as she manoeuvred her mount past us. What a performance! Soon after we were admiring the crocus in the "secret" garden. Lovely.

On past Pegs Farm took us into Ledbury where Sara headed to the bike shop as her rear gear changes weren't the best. She joined us in the cafe with a new cable fitted and a quote for £300 as her cassette, chain and wheels were deemed to be worn. In fact, on inspection, they were. That's what happens when you ride your bike.

Mrs 26 and Rich headed for the railway station whilst we four took a bit of a change to go by Ludstock for Broom's Green where the wild daffs were showing well in the woods. We were now getting some assistance from the wind that had been a bit of a hindrance earlier. The two girls headed off along the main road as time was pressing for them. That left Jose and me to whizz through the wind assisted Castlemorton lanes for home.

Nice one today in the bright and sometimes sunny conditions. 46 smiles

13 rider

First weekend of the month and weathers ok so it's time for my Imperial century for the Imperial challenge . Out the door at 0700 decided on a slightly different route than my last 2 centuries but this one would have more climbing . Up through Newtown turned for Groby and back to Anstey for 3 extra miles then took commuting route to Quorn ,Cropston ,Rothley,Mountsorrel then through Quorn to Woodhouse and back to Cropston and the climbing starts steady drag around the back of Bradgate park and up steadily to Beacon crossroads and up Charley road and out to Shepshed and Belton ,Diesworth ,Kegworth and finally a rest from climbing . West Leake ,East Leake ,Wysall ,Willoughby on the Wolds ,Old Dalby and Nether Broughton finally dropping into the vale of Belvoir . Hickling ,Kinoulton, Colston Basset ,Cropwell Bishop ,Tithby and Turned to Barnstone where I caught 2 riders and had a cheeky tow which was most welcome with 65 miles on the clock . My windbreaker turned left and I went right to Grandy ,Barkstone ,Plunger and then the welcome sight of Dove Cottage cafe . The guy behind the counter asked me had I come far he was quite impressed when I said 77 miles . Refuelled with coffee and baked beans on toast I set off to get out the vale via Stathern hill a brute at the best of times but with 80 miles in the legs it was hard going but ground my way up but then turned into the headwind which I would have most of the way home . Down Saxileby hill and onto the Wreake valley Asfordby ,Hoby ,Thrussington ,Ratcliffe on the Wreake all into a headwind so the average is dropping below 16 mph . Cossington ,Rothley ,Cropston and Home .104.7 miles in the bag so target met . Lovely ride in what turned into lovely conditions but it became hard work coming back did 1000ft of climbing compared to my previous centuries but still managed 15.6 mph


The Glue that binds us together.
A great ride out with the club today, we have a TT next week so we thought we would do a trial run, did it twice, Really enjoyed the ride, My other half has always struggled on club rides, Last thursday i went to the doc's with her to try and sort out why she was struggling so much. it turns out she has sports enduced asthma so the doctor gave her a inhaler, the difference is amazing, no more wheezing up the hills, so many PRs on strava.It's like riding with a new woman, no more waiting at the top of the hills for her to catch up. I need to up my game.:laugh:


I've not posted in here for quite a while as my rides have been less frequent and confined to Zwift in my garage or a shorter ride around with the kids at half term!

Today, I had an hour spare and the weather was looking good so kitted up of I went.

Had a surprise when I was checking the tyres ahead of setting off when I took the valve cover off the front and it unscrewed the valve core! Rapid deflation and heartbeat. Screwed back in, tightened and inflated all good.

It wasn't until I was a mile or so into the ride that I realised my cadence wasn't showing and then remembered it was still on the MTB from our half term family ride down at Clumber Park!

Nothing exciting on the ride but I was glad I had layered up as the wind was a little sneaky and the remaining sun was adding no warmth.

Up onto the tops, past the windmills with a lovely moody sky to keep me company.

then up the sharp rise up the hill past the viewing platform and back on Broadstone Road.,
I did have a sticky moment when on this road, going about 20mph and there was a car parked on the lane with a car coming towards me. Despite my hi vis top and "see me" front light she didn't see me straight away and started to pull out past the parked car before stopping and me heading through safely (phew!)

The rest of the ride was uneventful and back home now pleased that I got out and looking forward to my next ride. (?next weekend?)

Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 16.48.06.png

12.8 miles 863ft of climb

I'm just on target with my mileage for the year so far as well!


Tech problems today :angry: - Garmin for some reason would not locate a satellite until I was in depths of the local country park so this is my :bicycle:started apparently!
garmin start.jpg

Discovered which wind turbine at Knabs Ridge caught fire a few weeks back, with those pesky golf balls in the background again.

Never noticed this at time, think I was too concentrated on the upwards gradient, but you can clearly tell what the prevailing wind direction is by the trees
sun inn.jpg

Annoyingly today the only bit of wind gathered itself together as a head wind on the approach to the next climb which meant I was only hit a peak of 19mph and consequently crawled up in my slowest time ever:sad:

Tech problem 2 :cursing: - Took phone out of back pocket to find "Strava has recovered from a serious error" - almost equivalent loss of the ride at the end to the Garmin at the start.
Tech problem 3 :evil: - Go Pro failed to record the last 10ish minutes (sure it was still on when I got off the bike)
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It's a bit more complicated than that...
About six weeks ago I went out on a bike for the first time in months, struggled round 5 miles and ended up with an infected operation wound. Today I went out again, and did a slow but satisfying and not too overwhelmingly difficult 14 miles in the winter sun. I think that bodes well for getting some fitness back.


18mph wind and rain forecast but that's better than tomorrows 50 mph winds so lets go. A definite ride of two half's today. Wind assisted effortless cycling along the NCN cycle route 4 over the Loughor Estuary through the wetlands and along the coastlines of Llanelli and Burry Port. At the turning point in Pembrey, it was a rapid changing down of gears and a hard grind into the wind. At this point the rain started driving direct into my face. Found it quite exhilarating in a strange way. Got home soaked and frozen but enjoyed the ride anyway. 32 miles in the bag for my March half metric century.



NCN Route 4 at Burry Port with the Gower Peninsula in the background across the estuary.

The Bystander

Über Member
I’ve been avoiding windy day rides and although it was still a bit windier than I’d have liked, it was bright and mild enough to entice me out today.

For the first 5 miles the sou’wester was mostly cross with a hint of tail. I had the wind at my back as I descended from Harrington to Rothwell. When I turned to climb back up towards Lamport I had a head wind but was sheltered in the lee of the hill so it was I bit of a shock when I reached the exposed road past the Harrington airfield site.

I wear specs and use clip on shades. They have been rattled and I’ve experienced the occasional unexpected flip up or down in the wind but today they parted company completely. When I stopped to retrieve them I could see a pair of riders I’d seen parked up earlier following me. They hauled me in and passed me by the end of the straight but when the road dropped down they maintained their speed. I didn’t want to play leapfrog and sat in behind them for a while but I couldn’t ignore the advantage of gravity and eventually passed them commenting that weight was my advantage there but that they’d catch me when we reached the rollers at the approach to Lamport.

They did; we exchanged niceties and went our separate ways shortly thereafter.

A respite from the wind for a while but mostly headwind until I reached Pitsford and turned towards home.

The ride according to Garmin.
I the route looks about right, the temperature seems reasonable, I’d have added some cloud to the sun icon but I’d accept mostly sunny, the wind direction was right, but 11mph? Pah! I reject that and offer my flying clip ons as evidence.


Putrid Donut
No ice and snow, but apart from that a little bit of everything. The imperial century a month challenge required attention, and here is today's effort, 121.14 miles, and more climbing than I'm used to:


Recently I've been avoiding the A40 westwards from Gloucester, as I did today. However, on the B4221 immediately west from Newent I felt quite threatened today, and the A40 is not at all bad at that point, so I may revise that thinking.

There were a couple of hours of bright sunshine and negligible wind early on, but I didn't take any photographs at that time. The first I have is this of the Skirrid and Llanvihangel Crucorney, from a spot no doubt frequently passed by cyclists on their way to the Gospel Pass. Not for me today.


The road around the back of the Sugar Loaf is a delight; it has all the atmosphere of a true mountain road but the climbing, in either direction, is modest. I have a couple of photos which sadly fail to do it justice. The light was frustatingly variable today and scenes could change from bright to dark in a wink of an eye.



Heading south from Abergavenny on the A4042 Cwmbran road there was a lengthy and extremely unpleasant section where the top surface had been removed - some time ago it seemed. Maybe someone is testing a new theory in non-slip surfaces. It was raining, uphill, into the wind which was quite strong by this time, and busy. I was very glad to escape from that, but I felt a bit knocked about for the rest of the day.

Where there are heavy showers and bright sunshine, you get these:


Had I been a tiny bit quicker, this shot of Craig Syfyrddin could have been remarkable. Still worth a look I hope:


After Monmouth, a somewhat laboured climb over the Forest of Dean to Lydney, and then back up to Gloucester with two pleasant but muddy diversions away from the A48. Then at the very end I ran into the rugby traffic leaving the area in force. Gloucester had lost narrowly having been well ahead. That meant lots of people in bad moods driving urban tractors impatiently. I'm glad to say I'm home, weary but undamaged.
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