Zwift - All things Zwift and more

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Whoops, just bought a Tacx Smart trainer ! - Halfords 20% off, had one in stock add an extra 10% for BC and saved about £55

Another 50 minutes - 2 x the Richmond circuit
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Have you been up the mountain on Watopia yet? That's a good ride.

Also on a Sunday and Tuesday at 7pm they do a sub2 ride which is a good workout without being too much. They do a BTW ride at the same time on a Monday which is around 3.0w/kg


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Have you been up the mountain on Watopia yet? That's a good ride.

Also on a Sunday and Tuesday at 7pm they do a sub2 ride which is a good workout without being too much. They do a BTW ride at the same time on a Monday which is around 3.0w/kg

Not yet. It was on Watopia on the 3 mile test but has been on Richmond the last two days.

How do you join the group rides, I assume ride to where they are starting - where is that usually ?


Not yet. It was on Watopia on the 3 mile test but has been on Richmond the last two days.

How do you join the group rides, I assume ride to where they are starting - where is that usually ?

Yes, you just turn up at the start line (the photo below was at the start (the hoop) waiting for it to start) and look for the race leader. They have a large yellow arrow pointing down at them to help you see them. (Again see below)


The leader will have "SUB2 Leader" or similar after his name to help. They usually ask you to wear a certain kit (above is basic kit 3) and also out sub2 after your name (see mine highlighted above)

On and on their Facebook they advertise what races they have coming up and when.


Über Member
5 mins left of the ftp test (short one) and it crashed, don't know if it was Zwift or my WiFi, but it would restart and said there were no roads to ride.


5 mins left of the ftp test (short one) and it crashed, don't know if it was Zwift or my WiFi, but it would restart and said there were no roads to ride.

Ah that's not good. I've never had Zwift throw a wobble like that with me except when my computer simply refused to connect to my WiFi for some stupid reason and I couldn't connect!

Hope the FTP wasn't too painful and you're OK to go at it again sometime soon!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've had it drop off once, but that was my wifi extender - dropped the powerline cable connection (as I found out a few days later).

Did 70 minutes yesterday, almost a complete lap of Watopia including the telephone mast. That's a good climb up the mountain. Got 199w on the FTP for an hour (not in a test). Not sure how good/bad that is but I'm recovering from a broken spine and 5 months off the bike.


That FTP is good bearing in mind your accident and recovery.

I like the way Zwift tells you that you've improved your FTP when on a cycling route i.e. Not doing an FTP test and then asks you if you'd like to update it.

Getting to the top of the mountain is a good pull isn't it?! Worth it though!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
That FTP is good bearing in mind your accident and recovery.

I like the way Zwift tells you that you've improved your FTP when on a cycling route i.e. Not doing an FTP test and then asks you if you'd like to update it.

Getting to the top of the mountain is a good pull isn't it?! Worth it though!

To be honest, I've always hated turbos, used them when absolutely necessary - i.e. injured. You don't need them if commuting, but with things like Zwift it's very interesting, and actually feels like you are climbing. In my limited time trying it, it's very realistic to road conditions, works well with a basic trainer, but the smart ones just add to the reality.

I've been watching it for a while this evening, switching riders etc. There is some cheating going on. Delivering 400w power on 130bpm heart rate...

Some other folk ticking along at 120 bpm on a climb.... Lots of realistic readings like 160-180 on climbs, rpm at 70ish and watts at about 3 per kg.

I attacked the top of the climb as another rider flew past me pulling some massive watt/kg 10 mins earlier. I'd applied my usual climb lock and load, and pulled him in, so hit it hard, then found the extra climb to the mast, my god that was hard. I really did feel like I'd been on a workout when I got off, without the mental, 'oh got to do an interval staring at the garage door'.

This stuff is bloody amazing for recovery and time compressed training. I know one of the CC riders that's not been on for a while, trains on a turbo, and is a National Class TT rider - very quick !! @Rob3rt

My case manager wants to see it in action as I 'mentioned it' - it will help my case for me getting off my ass for rehab. - NHS has been useless.

I can't ride roads due to the spinal shock, and the massive risk of a fall. Whilst the bones should be healed and stronger, the soft tissue damage is massive. My back feels like glass. This sort of training is a god send.

I've been out in the real world on my bike, but it's a coastal path with 2.4" MTB tyres at 20 PSI !! Not 23mm at 110 PSI !!


Agree re the rogue figures. Only one loser there and they need to look in the mirror!!

I'm proud of what you are doing - I read your Fossy's down thread from when you first posted and you getting back on in my view is a great way to get you on that recovery road - it'll be a long one but better than being sedentary and not doing anything to helpthe healing. Keep it going but don't over do it !!


Broke my shoulder 3 weeks ago and it will be at least another 3 before I can ride again on the road. Decided to get a smart turbo and have a go at this Zwift malarkey. Just had my first ride and wow it is brilliant. Looking forward to exploring Zwift some more. Whilst I can't stand for the uphill bits or pull on the bars it is still great to Be "riding" and my broken arm is capable of gear changing. I can see this becoming a little addictive!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Riding out of the saddle on a turbo is hard actually. I climb in the saddle on the turbo. Been using Zwift a bit more this week. Slowly recovering.


There's going to be anew circuit on Zwift soon - London.

Not heard anymore relates etc but have seen a couple of screen grabs showing Tower bridge and the gherkin.

TBH I haven't been on Zwift much as I've been out riding with the lighter evenings and reasonable weather but it remains a great training/recovery aid and also when I'm stuck in when Mrs Buck is out and the kids are home!


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
While waiting for the London route have a look at doing the pretzel. It's nearly 50miles but if you sign up and complete you have a chance of winning a canyon aeroad so worth a go. Less than 1500 have completed so far therefore in with a decent chance. Deadline ends in a few days though.
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