Acknowledging fellow cyclists?

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Charming but somewhat feckless
Dunno why they were so upperty, their riding style was awful.

Perhaps they were telepathic.


Grand Old Lady
I gave up with the comradery stuff. If was very distressing having other people i thought were my special fwends on 2 wheels not wave back and instead look at me like i was meat eating, Obese Adolf Hitler. Feck em!

So if you are around the Staffordshire area on the Trent and Mersey Canal and you see a big guy on a fat bike, i will actively seek to mow you down! :laugh:

Only joking, well, if you're not a hardcore roadie anyway... :whistle:


West Yorks
I'll usually acknowledge someone riding past, 99 times out of 100 I'll get a wave back, most surprising one was a very young lad on his bike with stabilisers fitted, Mum & Dad walking behind with a push chair, on the Spen Valley Greenway, shouted hello mister & was waving like mad, definitely a future roadie!


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
The one and only thing that troubles me about recurring questions like this is the recurring snobbery of the older members that see fit to always belittle the newcomer with a "Kerching" or similar wry, unhelpful retort.

Subjects will recur, either answer the new guy's question or don't, your choice. Don't post to show off at how long in the tooth you are by how jaded you get by an innocent question... there are very, very few new questions on a cycle forum. Almost none.
It is, believe it or not, an option to take a break from a forum if these questions bother you.

It's not welcoming to newer people, please stop it.

PS: I wave and let on to all cyclists. 😊


Legendary Member
London, UK
You are doing it wrong. The latest fashion is to get your water bottle and splash some water on the other cyclist. This shows comraderie because you are cooling the other cyclist down and s/he will appreciate it, usually by swearing which also shows friendship. You must return this friendship in kind by swearing back and don't forget to add "you tosser" at the end of your expletive (it's a bit like saying "kind regards and have a safe trip" in bike-language).

Ps: ensure you have a clean water bottle with clean water (for future generations who may view this post, it was the year 2020 during The Lockdown.


Legendary Member
I got caught out yesterday.

There I was, head down pedalling away ignoring everyone on a bike, and as I got nearer to home just on the outskirts of Aston Tyrrold a mum on a Dutch style bike was taking the primary behind her little girl on her pink bike. The little girl no more than six years old was clearly having a lovely time, smiling and laughing. I just happened to look up and there she was wobbling towards me with big smile underneath her Elsa from Frozen helmet and a thumbs up and a wave! I waved back enthusiastically also smiling, it was a heartwarming moment.

I feel I’ve let myself down. I have no moral fibre.


Legendary Member
NE England
Out on my recumbent trike I get waved at/spoken to/acknowledged by practically everyone. I even get let out at junctions by BMW drivers!

But then I'm on an advanced super-cool machine, which matches my persona!

Oh, yes! I do condescend to wave back at the poor/uneducated/un-cool masses.
'You have to wave to the poor blighters. Blighters liked to be waved at.'*

* Snoopy as WWI aviator flying over the trenches.


Legendary Member
Two planks, man and woman, wearing team sky kit, awful cycling style (both with knees pointing outwards) cycling toward me the other day. I looked toward them as they approached thinking they may buck the trend...alas they blanked me. Team Sky kit must have a certain effect on people. Dunno why they were so upperty, their riding style was awful.

I take it you started off perfect in every way. Bob Newell rode with one knee way out, could you do 460 miles in 24 hours.
What I have noticed is that because there are a lot of newer cyclists out and about now a lot don`t know whether to wave, nod, smile or not. Perhaps they or some of them feel a bit intimindated by cyclists on road bikes wearing lycra (as I do). You will always get the ones in full road kit or club kit who think that they are on Le Tour. I hope that I don`t offend anyone here. As I said earlier, just enjoy the ride. Perhaps the other person is having a hard time and does not feel sociable. Come to think of it I saw a lot of car drivers like that today as well.
Out on my recumbent trike I get waved at/spoken to/acknowledged by practically everyone. I even get let out at junctions by BMW drivers!

But then I'm on an advanced super-cool machine, which matches my persona!

Oh, yes! I do condescend to wave back at the poor/uneducated/un-cool masses.
'You have to wave to the poor blighters. Blighters liked to be waved at.'*

* Snoopy as WWI aviator flying over the trenches.

I have a similar experience on the Bakfiets: it gets a positive response from everyone we pass: kids, adults, male or female; in fact everyone smiles except SUV drivers.

When Beautiful Daughter is in the box she waves and smiles like she's leading a parade...
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