Are you a lone rider or group cyclist

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Mostly solo. I like being out in the lanes , varying my left end rights at turns and find it is more of a flowing ride than when in a group. Riding solo you are in the moment, in a group you are rarely riding in the moment


Legendary Member
Quedgeley, Glos
Another very slow lone wolf who likes to stop and take photos here. I have ridden with a friend from CC and great fun it was, too, and I have done a couple of Audaxes over the years, and they were great fun, too. There's a local group that sets off literally yards from where I live and someday I must connect up - but I tend to get up very early and be home by 9:00 or 10:00 at the weekend (dogs to walk, lawns to mow, family to visit etc.) so I'm not sure that a club would work for me. Thus, lone wolf it is.
Sometimes alone, often in a group for me. The largest group I've been in charge of, was 70 riders, a few weeks ago. The challenge on a Solo ride, is to complete the whole course, there are lots of challenges with group riding, all sorts of challenges will present themselves, but it's an adventure, so I enjoy it.


Legendary Member
London, UK
My preference is alone but I'm up for riding in a group occasionally as long as I know everyone really well, or more to the point, I know of their riding ability really well.


Über Member
Suffolk Coast
A lone rider for the most part. Used to go out regularly with a colleague which I enjoyed especially stopping off for a couple of beers at some nice country pubs but he's still a wage slave while I luckily retired.
The majority of my rides take place during the day and usual working hours. I do come across other cyclists and often have the chance to chat when I stop for a breather at strategically placed benches on some of my rides. I can cane it a bit if I want to but like to take it relatively easy most of the time and enjoy my surrounding by stopping now and then to take a picture or two. I think it does add to the sense of enjoyment when you are fortunate enough to be pootling along country lanes in the knowledge that others are at work knocking their pipes out. ^_^

This just about sums it up for me, particularly the last sentence. :laugh:


Cycling Skoda lover
I ride solo most days but since joining Cycle Chat many moons ago I also enjoy the company of the social rides as well. Take Colin's recent ride around Cheshire, seven riders of only two I knew from previous rides and we all got on like a house on fire,the banter and support makes the miles fly and with added cake,the ride is perfect


Never used Über Member
Mainly solo - no specific aversion to riding in groups but it's usually the way it fits round other commitments.
Plus as Maxi Jazz once nearly said cycling is my church. It's where I heal my hurt, it's in the world I become content in the hum between voice and drum. It's in change the poetic justice of cause and effect.
And it's cheaper than therapy. Well, I tell Mrs ND it's cheaper. I personally have my doubts. ;)

That said, if I'm out cycling and someone wants to ride alongside and have a chat that's fine, happy to do that. I've ridden a few sportives and social rides which I've enjoyed and I get out with mates occasionally but most of the time it's just me, man and machine taking on the world one revolution at a time.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Another solo rider here. Time to put the world to rights, or at least in my head.
Plus most of my riding is fitted around other commitments, so getting out at a regular time on a regular day can be difficult.


Perhaps This One.....
Largely solo due to circumstance. I have the occasional social ride with my Dad and his band of merry wheelers if I'm off work. So far I've managed a single ride with the local club which I thoroughly enjoyed, but work and home stuff have made it impossible to get to another one since.


Legendary Member
Another soloist here - don't know anyone else who rides and don't want to join a club or particpate in sportives/organised group rides due to headgear policies (no arguements please). Also my rides usually don't have a set route and are made up on the go - even if that means getting lost as per last week - so I don't want to be saddled with someone else's set itinery.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I ride solo most days but since joining Cycle Chat many moons ago I also enjoy the company of the social rides as well. Take Colin's recent ride around Cheshire, seven riders of only two I knew from previous rides and we all got on like a house on fire,the banter and support makes the miles fly and with added cake,the ride is perfect
I do most of my riding alone but it is nice to get together for forum rides like that one every now and then too.

I spend too much of the rest of my life alone so it is nice to meet up with like-minded cyclists a couple of times a month.
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